2,402 research outputs found

    Comparative efficacy of sign surveys, spotlighting and audio playbacks in a landscape-scale carnivore survey

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    Many carnivores are difficult and labour-intensive to detect, often leading to prohibitively high effort and cost in large-scale surveys. However, such studies provide information that is important for effective management and conservation. Here, we evaluate the suitability of three survey methods for landscape-scale multi-species monitoring. We compare sign surveys, spotlighting, and audio playbacks in terms of detection efficiency, precision, effort, and cost. Sign surveys out-performed the other methods in all comparison criteria, although supplementary methods were needed for some species and sites. We found that using established analysis techniques, robust landscape-scale abundance estimates would require unrealistically high effort and cost. Occupancy estimation required considerably lower sample sizes and was therefore more economical. We conclude that sign-based occupancy estimates constitute a versatile and efficient option for future large-scale, multi-species carnivore surveys

    Systematic review of the use of financial incentives in treatments for obesity and overweight

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    Nine studies met the criteria for inclusion in this systematic review of randomized controlled trials of treatments for obesity and overweight involving the use of financial incentives, with reported follow-up of at least 1 year. All included trials were of behavioural obesity treatments. Justification of sample size and blinding procedure were not mentioned in any study. Attrition was well described in three studies and no study was analysed on an intention to treat basis. Participants were mostly women recruited through media advertisements. Mean age ranged from 35.7 to 52.8 years, and mean body mass index from 29.3 to 31.8 kg m−2. Results from meta-analysis showed no significant effect of use of financial incentives on weight loss or maintenance at 12 months and 18 months. Further sub-analysis by mode of delivery and amount of incentives although also non-statistically significant were suggestive of very weak trends in favour of use of amounts greater than 1.2% personal disposable income, rewards for behaviour change rather than for weight, rewards based on group performance rather than for individual performance and rewards delivered by non-psychologists rather than delivered by psychologists.The Health Services Research Unit is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Executive Health Department. The views expressed here are those of the authors. Alison Avenell is funded by a Career Scientist Award from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Executive Health Departmen

    An assessment of diet overlap of two mesocarnivores in the North-West Province, South Africa

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    We used scat analysis to study the diet of two sympatric medium-sized carnivores: brown hyaena and black-backed jackal, in the NorthWest Province of South Africa. Seven major dietary categories were identified from the scats, with mammal remains being most common for both species. Brown hyaena scats contained more large mammal remains, which together with the presence of invertebrates (in 50% of all brown hyaena scats), suggests that they mainly scavenged. Jackal scats contained a higher proportion of small mammal remains, suggesting that jackals actively hunted more often than brown hyaenas did. The diets differed significantly between the two species, even though diet overlap was fairly high (0.79). Further analysis, albeit based on small sample sizes, suggests that diet of these mesopredators differ between protected reserves with apex predators and unprotected areas without apex predators, thus confounding generalizations. Further studies are therefore required to investigate possible mesopredator release when apex predators are absent

    Control of crosslinking for tailoring collagen-based scaffolds stability and mechanics.

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    UNLABELLED: We provide evidence to show that the standard reactant concentrations used in tissue engineering to cross-link collagen-based scaffolds are up to 100 times higher than required for mechanical integrity in service, and stability against degradation in an aqueous environment. We demonstrate this with a detailed and systematic study by comparing scaffolds made from (a) collagen from two different suppliers, (b) gelatin (a partially denatured collagen) and (c) 50% collagen-50% gelatin mixtures. The materials were processed, using lyophilisation, to produce homogeneous, highly porous scaffolds with isotropic architectures and pore diameters ranging from 130 to 260 μm. Scaffolds were cross-linked using a carbodiimide treatment, to establish the effect of the variations in crosslinking conditions (down to very low concentrations) on the morphology, swelling, degradation and mechanical properties of the scaffolds. Carbodiimide concentration of 11.5mg/ml was defined as the standard (100%) and was progressively diluted down to 0.1%. It was found that 10-fold reduction in the carbodiimide content led to the significant increase (almost 4-fold) in the amount of free amine groups (primarily on collagen lysine residues) without compromising mechanics and stability in water of all resultant scaffolds. The importance of this finding is that, by reducing cross-linking, the corresponding cell-reactive carboxylate anions (collagen glutamate or aspartate residues) that are essential for integrin-mediated binding remain intact. Indeed, a 10-fold reduction in carbodiimide crosslinking resulted in near native-like cell attachment to collagen scaffolds. We have demonstrated that controlling the degree of cross-linking, and hence retaining native scaffold chemistry, offers a major step forward in the biological performance of collagen- and gelatin-based tissue engineering scaffolds. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: This work developed collagen and gelatine-based scaffolds with structural, material and biological properties suitable for use in myocardial tissue regeneration. The novelty and significance of this research consist in elucidating the effect of the composition, origin of collagen and crosslinking concentration on the scaffold physical and cell-binding characteristics. We demonstrate that the standard carbodiimide concentrations used to crosslink collagenous scaffolds are up to 100 times higher than required for mechanical integrity in service, and stability against dissolution. The importance of this finding is that, by reducing crosslinking, the corresponding cell-reactive carboxylate anions (essential for integrin-mediated binding) remain intact and the native scaffold chemistry is retained. This offers a major step forward in the biological performance of tissue engineered scaffolds.The authors would like to thank the British Heart Foundation (Grants NH/11/1/28922 and RG/09/003/27122) and the ERC Advanced Grant 320598 3D-E for providing financial support for this project. D. V. Bax is funded by the Peoples Programme of the EU 7th Framework Programme (RAE no: PIIF-GA-2013-624904) and also supported by an EPSRC IKC Proof of Concept Award.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2015.07.03

    Palaeoecological evaluation of water quality change in Loch Urr, Galloway, Scotland

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    Evaluation of cell binding to collagen and gelatin: a study of the effect of 2D and 3D architecture and surface chemistry

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    Studies of cell attachment to collagen-based materials often ignore details of the binding mechanisms—be they integrin-mediated or non-specific. In this work, we have used collagen and gelatin-based substrates with different dimensional characteristics (monolayers, thin films and porous scaffolds) in order to establish the influence of composition, crosslinking (using carbodiimide) treatment and 2D or 3D architecture on integrin-mediated cell adhesion. By varying receptor expression, using cells with collagen-binding integrins (HT1080 and C2C12 L3 cell lines, expressing α2β1, and Rugli expressing α1β1) and a parent cell line C2C12 with gelatin-binding receptors (αvβ3 and α5β1), the nature of integrin binding sites was studied in order to explain the bioactivity of different protein formulations. We have shown that alteration of the chemical identity, conformation and availability of free binding motifs (GxOGER and RGD), resulting from addition of gelatin to collagen and crosslinking, have a profound effect on the ability of cells to adhere to these formulations. Carbodiimide crosslinking ablates integrin-dependent cell activity on both two-dimensional and three-dimensional architectures while the three-dimensional scaffold structure also leads to a high level of non-specific interactions remaining on three-dimensional samples even after a rigorous washing regime. This phenomenon, promoted by crosslinking, and attributed to cell entrapment, should be considered in any assessment of the biological activity of three-dimensional substrates. Spreading data confirm the importance of integrin-mediated cell engagement for further cell activity on collagen-based compositions. In this work, we provide a simple, but effective, means of deconvoluting the effects of chemistry and dimensional characteristics of a substrate, on the cell activity of protein-derived materials, which should assist in tailoring their biological properties for specific tissue engineering applications.The authors would like to thank the British Heart Foundation (Grants NH/11/1/28922, RG/15/4/31268 and SP/15/7/31561), The Welcome Trust (Grant 094470/Z/10/Z), the ERC Advanced Grant 320598 3D-E and EPSRC Doctoral Training Account for providing financial support for this project. D. V. Bax is funded by the Peoples Programme of the EU 7th Framework Programme (RAE no: PIIF-GA-2013-624904) and was also supported by an EPSRC IKC Proof of Concept Award

    Hydrogen-related 3.8 eV UV luminescence in <b><i>α</i></b>-Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>

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    Temperature-dependent photoluminescence was used to investigate the impact of H on the optical properties of α-Ga2O3 films grown by halide vapor phase epitaxy. An additional UV luminescence line centered at 3.8 eV is observed at low temperatures, which strongly correlates with the concentration of H in the films. This luminescence line is assigned to donor–acceptor pair recombination involving an H-related shallow donor and H-decorated Ga vacancy (VGa-nH) as the acceptor, where n = 1, 2, 3. Previous reports have already suggested the impact of H on the electrical properties of Ga2O3, and the present study shows its clear impact on the optical properties of α-Ga2O3. </jats:p