4 research outputs found

    BD-ProExC as adjunct molecular marker for improved detection of CIN2(+) after HPV primary screening

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    Background and Methods: We investigated the efficacy of 8 cervical cancer screening strategies relative to cytology with emphasis on immunocytochemical detection of high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV)- induced cell transformation (BD-ProExC) as a tool of triage following primary cytology or hrHPV testing. 3,126 women were tested with BD-SurePath liquid-based cytology, hrHPV PCR genotyping and BD-ProExC immunostaining, and colposcopy verification to calculate sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) in detecting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2(+)). Results: Compared to cytology screening, double testing with cytology and hrHPV resulted in the same sensitivity with a significant increase in the PPV (relative PPV: 1.83). However, twice as many tests were needed. Cytology with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) triage and hrHPV testing showed comparative results to double testing requiring only a small increase in number of tests. Screening for hrHPV subtypes 16/18, and ASC-US triage with hrHPV16/18 resulted in significant reductions in sensitivity (ratio: 0.74 and 0.96, respectively). Primary hrHPV/BD-ProExC screening was significantly more sensitive (ratio: 1.63/1.33), but had a significantly lower PPV (ratio: 0.64/0.88). ASC-US triage by BD-ProExC increased the PPV (ratio: 1.90) but decreased the sensitivity (ratio: 0.96). Primary hrHPV screening followed by BD-ProExC triage, led to significant increases in sensitivity (ratio: 1.30) and PPV (ratio: 2.89), and resulted in 55% fewer referrals for colposcopy. Conclusions: From the investigated screening strategies, primary hrHPV DNA-based screening followed by BD-ProExC triage was determined to be the best screening strategy. Impact: Immunocytological triage could be used to perfect hrHPV primary screening

    BD-ProExC as adjunct molecular marker for improved detection of <tex>CIN2^{+}$</tex> after HPV primary screening

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    Background and Methods: We investigated the efficacy of 8 cervical cancer screening strategies relative to cytology with emphasis on immunocytochemical detection of high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV)- induced cell transformation (BD-ProExC) as a tool of triage following primary cytology or hrHPV testing. 3,126 women were tested with BD-SurePath liquid-based cytology, hrHPV PCR genotyping and BD-ProExC immunostaining, and colposcopy verification to calculate sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) in detecting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2(+)). Results: Compared to cytology screening, double testing with cytology and hrHPV resulted in the same sensitivity with a significant increase in the PPV (relative PPV: 1.83). However, twice as many tests were needed. Cytology with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) triage and hrHPV testing showed comparative results to double testing requiring only a small increase in number of tests. Screening for hrHPV subtypes 16/18, and ASC-US triage with hrHPV16/18 resulted in significant reductions in sensitivity (ratio: 0.74 and 0.96, respectively). Primary hrHPV/BD-ProExC screening was significantly more sensitive (ratio: 1.63/1.33), but had a significantly lower PPV (ratio: 0.64/0.88). ASC-US triage by BD-ProExC increased the PPV (ratio: 1.90) but decreased the sensitivity (ratio: 0.96). Primary hrHPV screening followed by BD-ProExC triage, led to significant increases in sensitivity (ratio: 1.30) and PPV (ratio: 2.89), and resulted in 55% fewer referrals for colposcopy. Conclusions: From the investigated screening strategies, primary hrHPV DNA-based screening followed by BD-ProExC triage was determined to be the best screening strategy. Impact: Immunocytological triage could be used to perfect hrHPV primary screening

    Prior knowledge of HPV status improves detection of CIN2+ by cytology screening

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate whether knowledge of human papillomavirus (HPV) deoxyribonucleic acid test results increases sensitivity of guided cytology screening for the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)-2 or higher-grade cervical lesions. Study Design: This was a prospective colposcopy-controlled study of 2905 BD SurePath samples to identify cases with CIN2+ within a 24 month follow-up period. Sensitivity and specificity to detect CIN2+ was evaluated, comparing guided cytology screening with and without prior knowledge of HPV status. Results: Prior knowledge of HPV status resulted in significantly higher detection rate of CIN2+ compared with screening blinded to HPV status (P = .005) with limited loss of specificity (P = .026). Gain in sensitivity is higher in older women (43.8%, P = .008) vs in younger women (10.2%, P = .317), whereas loss of specificity is more pronounced in younger women (P \u3c .001) vs older women (P = .729). Conclusion: Guided cytological screening performed with prior knowledge of HPV status results in an improved detection of CIN2 or higher-grade lesions

    A comprehensive review of the structures and properties of ionic polymeric materials

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