3,155 research outputs found

    Repensando a justiça social a partir de Nancy Fraser: a concepção de uma justiça de gênero frente a ofensiva neoliberal

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo levar os leitores a refletirem acerca dos impactos do neoliberalismo sobre os direitos e garantias individuais trazidos pela CF/de 1988, para as mulheres. Num contexto cada vez mais globalizado onde o Estado está bem mais voltado para a garantia das necessidades do mercado do que para a garantia dos direitos sociais de seus cidadãos, torna-se imperiosa tal reflexão, considerando o desmonte dos direitos de cidadania já conquistados por muitas mulheres, principalmente das classes trabalhadoras. Para tanto, usando de metodologia qualitativa e pesquisa exploratória, tem por objetivo analisar as possíveis contribuições da teoria de justiça social em Nancy Fraser para o advento de uma democracia paritária, capaz de rediscutir e enfrentar a desigualdade contra as mulheres na sociedade neoliberal

    Future directions for the management of pain in osteoarthritis.

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the predominant form of arthritis worldwide, resulting in a high degree of functional impairment and reduced quality of life owing to chronic pain. To date, there are no treatments that are known to modify disease progression of OA in the long term. Current treatments are largely based on the modulation of pain, including NSAIDs, opiates and, more recently, centrally acting pharmacotherapies to avert pain. This review will focus on the rationale for new avenues in pain modulation, including inhibition with anti-NGF antibodies and centrally acting analgesics. The authors also consider the potential for structure modification in cartilage/bone using growth factors and stem cell therapies. The possible mismatch between structural change and pain perception will also be discussed, introducing recent techniques that may assist in improved patient phenotyping of pain subsets in OA. Such developments could help further stratify subgroups and treatments for people with OA in future

    Stand dynamics modulate water cycling and mortality risk in droughted tropical forest

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Transpiration from the Amazon rainforest generates an essential water source at a global and local scale. However, changes in rainforest function with climate change can disrupt this process, causing significant reductions in precipitation across Amazonia, and potentially at a global scale. We report the only study of forest transpiration following a long-term (>10 year) experimental drought treatment in Amazonian forest. After 15 years of receiving half the normal rainfall, drought-related tree mortality caused total forest transpiration to decrease by 30%. However, the surviving droughted trees maintained or increased transpiration because of reduced competition for water and increased light availability, which is consistent with increased growth rates. Consequently, the amount of water supplied as rainfall reaching the soil and directly recycled as transpiration increased to 100%. This value was 25% greater than for adjacent nondroughted forest. If these drought conditions were accompanied by a modest increase in temperature (e.g., 1.5°C), water demand would exceed supply, making the forest more prone to increased tree mortality.This work is a product of UK NERC grant NE/J011002/1 to PM and MM, CNPQ grant 457914/2013-0/MCTI/CNPq/FNDCT/LBA/ESECAFLOR to ACLD, an ARC grant FT110100457 to PM and a UK NERC independent fellowship grant NE/N014022/1 to LR. It was previously supported by NERC NER/A/S/2002/00487, NERC GR3/11706, EU FP5-Carbonsink and EU FP7-Amazalert to PM. RP acknowledges support of MINECO (Spain), grant CGL2014-5583-JIN

    Brazilian gamma detection device for sentinel lymph node biopsy

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    OBJECTIVE: To test the effectiveness of an intra-operative gamma detection Brazilian device (IPEN) on sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) procedures. METHODS: Forty melanoma or breast cancer patients with indication for undergoing SLNB were studied. Lymphoscintigraphy was done 2 to 24 hours prior to surgery. Lymphatic mapping with vital dye and gamma detection were performed intraoperatively. For gamma detection Neoprobe ® 1500 was used followed by IPEN (equipment under test) in the first 20 patients and for the remaining half IPEN was used first to verify its ability to locate the sentinel node (SN). Measurements were taken from the radiopharmaceutical product injection site, from SN (in vivo and ex vivo) and from background. It was recorded if the SN was stained or not and if it was found easily by surgeon. RESULTS: There were 33 (82.5%) breast cancer and 7 (17.5%) melanoma patients. Ages varied from 21 to 68 year-old (median age of 46). Sex distribution was 35 (87.5%) women and 5 (12.5%) men. Sentinel node was found in all but one patient. There was no statistical difference between the reasons ex vivo/ background obtained with the measures of both equipments (p=0, 2583-ns). The SN was easily found by the surgeon with both devices. CONCLUSION: The SLNB was successfully performed using either equipment. It was possible to do SLNB with the Brazilian device developed by IPEN without prejudice for the patient.OBJETIVO: Testar a eficácia de equipamento de detecção gama intra-operatória (DGI) desenvolvido pelo IPEN (Brasil), em procedimentos de biópsia de linfonodo sentinela (BLS) no melanoma e no câncer de mama. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 40 pacientes portadores de melanoma ou câncer de mama com indicação para realização de BLS.Todos pacientes foram submetidos à linfocintilografia e a BLS ocorreu entre 2 a 24 horas após a mesma. Concomitantemente à DGI, realizou-se o mapeamento linfático com corante vital. Foram feitas leituras com o equipamento convencional Neoprobe® 1500 e com o equipamento em teste (IPEN) dos valores de captação do sítio de injeção do radiofármaco, do LS in vivo e ex vivo e da captação de fundo. Foi registrado se o LS estava corado e se o cirurgião teve facilidade para encontrá-lo. Nos primeiros 20 pacientes utilizou-se o equipamento convencional e depois o de teste; nos outros 20, utilizou-se primeiro o equipamento em teste, com objetivo de verificar se o mesmo identificava primariamente o LS. RESULTADOS: Dos quarenta pacientes, 33 eram portadores de tumor de mama e sete de melanoma cutâneo; variação da idade: 21 a 68 anos (mediana= 46 anos); 35 mulheres e 5 homens. Em apenas um paciente o LS não foi encontrado, nem pela DGI nem pelo corante vital. Não houve diferença estatística entre as razões ex vivo/fundo obtidas com os dois equipamentos (p=0, 2583-ns). CONCLUSÃO: É possível realizar o procedimento de BLS com o equipamento brasileiro desenvolvido pelo IPEN, com facilidade e sem prejuízo para o paciente.Hospital Israelita Albert EinsteinIPENUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Faculdade de Medicina Anhembi-MorumbiUNIFESPSciEL

    Characterization of the hospitalization of children and adolescents with cancer

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    This study characterizes hospitalizations of children and adolescents with cancer, from 1998 to 2008, to describe the clientele in follow-up in the Regional Health Area of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Morbidity was surveyed in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, using hospitalization data from the Unified Health System. The studied variables included: origin, residence, year when care was provided, deaths, age and gender of patients diagnosed with child and adolescent cancer according to the International Classification of Disease 10th edition, Chapter II. The results indicated 7,234 hospitalizations of individuals younger than 18 years old diagnosed with neoplasm, 95% of which were from Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, and the remainder from cities located in all five of the Brazilian regions. Identifying the characteristics of patients contributes to the identification of information to broaden the sensitization of health professionals concerning the need for secondary preventive actions, such as early diagnosis.Este estudio tuvo por objetivo caracterizar las internaciones hospitalarias de niños y adolescentes con neoplasias, de 1998 a 2008, para conocer la clientela en seguimiento en la Regional de Salud de Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brasil. Se realizó un levantamiento de la morbilidad en Ribeirao Preto, utilizando, como fuente de información, las internaciones hospitalarias por el Sistema Único de Salud. Las variables estudiadas fueron: procedencia, residencia, año de la atención, muertes, edad y sexo de los pacientes con diagnóstico de neoplasia infanto-juvenil, según el Capítulo II de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades 10ª edición. Se constataron 7.234 internaciones de menores de 18 años con diagnóstico de neoplasias, de estas, 95% ocurrieron en Ribeirao Preto y las otras en municipios de procedencia pertenecientes a las cinco regiones del país. Conocer las características de la clientela atendida contribuye para identificar informaciones que pueden ampliar el proceso de sensibilización de los profesionales de salud para la necesidad de realizar acciones de prevención secundaria, como el diagnóstico precoz.Este estudo objetivou caracterizar as internações hospitalares de crianças e adolescentes com neoplasias, ocorridas de 1998 a 2008, para conhecer a clientela em seguimento na Regional de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. Realizou-se levantamento da morbidade nesse município, utilizando-se, como fonte de informação, as internações hospitalares pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. As variáveis estudadas foram: procedência, residência, ano do atendimento, óbitos, idade e sexo dos pacientes com diagnóstico de neoplasia infantojuvenil, segundo o Capítulo II da Classificação Internacional de Doenças, 10ª edição. Evidenciaram-se 7.234 internações de menores de 18 anos com diagnóstico de neoplasias; dessas, 95% eram de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, e o restante procedentes de municípios das cinco regiões do país. Conhecer as características da clientela atendida contribui para a identificação de informações que podem ampliar o processo de sensibilização dos profissionais de saúde, para a necessidade de ações de prevenção secundária, como o diagnóstico precoce

    Amazonian trees have limited capacity to acclimate plant hydraulic properties in response to long‐term drought

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordThe fate of tropical forests under future climate change is dependent on the capacity of their trees to adjust to drier conditions. The capacity of trees to withstand drought is likely to be determined by traits associated with their hydraulic systems. However, data on whether tropical trees can adjust hydraulic traits when experiencing drought remain rare. We measured plant hydraulic traits (e.g. hydraulic conductivity and embolism resistance) and plant hydraulic system status (e.g. leaf water potential, native embolism and safety margin) on >150 trees from 12 genera (36 species) and spanning a stem size range from 14 to 68 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) at the world's only long‐running tropical forest drought experiment. Hydraulic traits showed no adjustment following 15 years of experimentally imposed moisture deficit. This failure to adjust resulted in these drought‐stressed trees experiencing significantly lower leaf water potentials, and higher, but variable, levels of native embolism in the branches. This result suggests that hydraulic damage caused by elevated levels of embolism is likely to be one of the key drivers of drought‐induced mortality following long‐term soil moisture deficit. We demonstrate that some hydraulic traits changed with tree size, however, the direction and magnitude of the change was controlled by taxonomic identity. Our results suggest that Amazonian trees, both small and large, have limited capacity to acclimate their hydraulic systems to future droughts, potentially making them more at risk of drought‐induced mortality.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Brazilian Higher Education Coordination Agency (CAPES)Royal SocietyEuropean Union FP7ARCFAPESP/Microsof

    Hadronically decaying color-adjoint scalars at the LHC

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    We study the phenomenology of the pair-production of scalar color-octet electroweak singlet states at the LHC. Such states appear in many extensions of the Standard Model. They can be pair-produced copiously at the LHC and will signal themselves as resonances in multijet final states. Beyond the QCD pair-production process we consider a vectorlike confinement scenario with an additional color-octet vector state. These vector particles can be produced in the s-channel and through their decay contribute to the scalar pair production. We point out the differences between the two hypotheses and device a strategy to distinguish them.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    The role of climate, marine influence and sedimentation rates in late-Holocene estuarine evolution (SW Portugal)

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    Estuaries are sensitive to changes in global to regional sea level, to climate-driven variation in rainfall and to fluvial discharge. In this study, we use source and environmentally sensitive proxies together with radiocarbon dating to examine a 7-m-thick sedimentary record from the Sado estuary accumulated throughout the last 3.6 kyr. The lithofacies, geochemistry and diatom assemblages in the sediments accumulated between 3570 and 3240 cal. BP indicate a mixture between terrestrial and marine sources. The relative contribution of each source varied through time as sedimentation progressed in a low intertidal to high subtidal and low-energy accreting tidal flat. The sedimentation proceeded under a general pattern of drier and higher aridity conditions, punctuated by century-long changes of the rainfall regime that mirror an increase in storminess that affected SW Portugal and Europe. The sediment sequence contains evidence of two periods characterized by downstream displacement of the estuarine/freshwater transitional boundary, dated to 3570-3400 cal. BP and 3300-3240 cal. BP. These are intercalated by one episode where marine influence shifted upstream. All sedimentation episodes developed under high terrestrial sediment delivery to this transitional region, leading to exceptionally high sedimentation rates, independently of the relative expression of terrestrial/marine influences in sediment facies. Our data show that these disturbances are mainly climate-driven and related to variations in rainfall and only secondarily with regional sea-level oscillations. From 3240 cal. BP onwards, an abrupt change in sediment facies is noted, in which the silting estuarine bottom reaches mean sea level and continued accreting until present under prevailing freshwater conditions, the tidal flat changing to an alluvial plain. The environmental modification is accompanied by a pronounced change in sedimentation rate that decreased by two orders of magnitude, reflecting the loss of accommodation space rather than the influence of climate or regional sea-level drivers.FCT by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [SFRH/BD/110270/2015, HAR2014-51830-P, HAR2011-29907-C03-00]FCTPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [PTDC/HISARQ/121592/2010]Instituto Dom Luiz-IDL [UID/GEO/50019/2013]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio