8 research outputs found

    Cisgenesis and intragenesis as new strategies for crop improvement

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    Cisgenesis and intragenesis are emerging plant breeding technologies which offer great promise for future acceptance of genetically engineered crops. The techniques employ traditional genetic engineering methods but are confined to transferring of genes and genetic elements between sexually compatible species that can breed naturally. One of the main requirements is the absence of selectable marker genes (such as antibiotic resistance genes) in the genome. Hence the sensitive issues with regard to transfer of foreign genes and antibiotic resistance are overcome. It is a targeted technique involving specific locus; therefore, linkage drag that prolongs the time for crop improvement in traditional breeding does not occur. It has great potential for crop improvement using superior alleles that exist in the untapped germplasm or wild species. Cisgenic and intragenic plants may not face the same stringent regulatory assessment for field release as transgenic plants which is a clear added advantage that would save time. In this chapter, the concepts of cis/intragenesis and the prerequisites for the development of cis/intragenesis plants are elaborated. Strategies for marker gene removal after selection of transformants are discussed based on the few recent reports from various plant species

    Cirurgia no câncer colorretal: abordagem cirúrgica de 74 pacientes do SUS portadores de câncer colorretal em programa de pós-graduação lato sensu em coloproctologia Surgery in colorectal cancer: surgical approach of 74 patients from the Brazilian National Health System with colorectal cancer in a postgraduate program (residency) in coloproctology

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    A análise retrospectiva de 74 prontuários de pacientes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), operados de câncer colorretal pelo Residente R2 supervisionado e auxiliado por preceptores, permitiu as seguintes conclusões: a média etária dos pacientes foi 57,2, sendo as sexta e sétima décadas responsáveis por 51,4% dos pacientes. O câncer retal foi preponderante nas mulheres (54,1%). As localizações mais comuns dos tumores foram no sigmoide (31,1%), reto alto (24,3%) e ceco (17,6%). As cirurgias mais realizadas foram a retossigmoidectomia com anastomose colorretal (36,6%), e hemicolectomia direita com anastomose íleo-transverso (21,7%). As características anatômicas dos tumores, baseadas na classificação TNM, mais comuns foram: T3 (62,1%), N0 (59,5%) e M0 (77,0%) (p<0,05). O número médio de gânglios encontrados nas peças cirúrgicas foi de 10,4. Foram feitas 63 anastomoses (85,1%), das quais 38 (60,3%) foram mecânicas e 25, manuais (39,7%). Houve 14 comorbidades (18,9%), destacando-se a caquexia (oito casos). O índice de complicações cirúrgicas foi de 12,2% (nove casos), sendo as cirurgias que mais causaram complicações as colectomias totais com anastomose íleo-retal (40,0%) e as retossigmoidectomias abdominais, com duplo grampeamento (20%), sendo as complicações mais comuns as fístulas anastomóticas (cinco casos). As complicações (nove) decorreram mais das comorbidades (sete) que do ato cirúrgico (duas). As cirurgias que demandaram menos tempo foram: as laparotomias com ileostomia (média de 75 minutos) e as com colostomia (média de 95 minutos), sendo os maiores tempos ocupados pela proctocolectomia total com ileostomia definitiva (240 minutos) e as hemicolectomias esquerdas com anastomose transverso-retal (240 minutos), sendo o tempo médio equivalente a 160 minutos. As menores peças cirúrgicas foram as decorrentes da cirurgia de Hartmann (29 cm) e de retossigmoidectomia abdominal (32 cm); e as mais extensas, as peças de colectomia total com anastomose íleo-retal (120 cm) e proctocolectomia total com ileostomia definitiva (150 cm), ficando a média em 34,5. Houve 12 óbitos (16,2%), dois dos quais diretamente relacionados à cirurgia (um caso de deiscência de anastomose e um de evisceração); três relacionados à complicações de ordem clínica (dois casos de TEP e um de broncopneumonia); e sete comorbidades<br>In the framework of postgraduate Coloproctology for 2009, two graduate students conducted the second year as principal surgeons, 129 major surgeries, always assisted effectively by one or two tutors. All surgeries were performed on public patients in Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, with absolute presence of members of the Grupo de Coloproctologia da Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte e Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais (GCP-CBHS-FCMMG). A retrospective analysis of 74 medical records of patients from the Brazilian National Health System, resected of colorectal cancer by Resident R2, supervised and assisted by mentors, could get into the following conclusions: the average age of patients was 57.2, and the sixth and seventh decades accounted for 51.4% of the patients. The rectal cancer was predominant in women (54.1%). The most common sites of tumors were in the sigmoid (31.1%), rectum (24.3%), and cecum (17.6%). The most commonly performed procedures were retossigmoidectomy with colorectal anastomosis (36.6%) and right hemicolectomy with ileo-transverse anastomosis (21.7%). The anatomical characteristics of the tumors based on TNM classification findings were: T3 (62.1%), N0 (59.5%), and M0 (77.0%) (p<0.05). The average number of lymph nodes found in surgical specimens was 10.4. Sixty-three anastomoses (85.1%) were carried out, being 38 (60.3%) mechanical and 25, manual (39.7%). There were 14 comorbidities (18.9%), the cachexia having more prominence (eight cases). The rate of surgical complications was 12.2% (nine cases), and the surgeries that have caused more complications were total colectomy with ileo-rectal anastomosis (40.0%), and double stapled abdominal retossigmoidectomy (20%). The most common complications were anastomotic fistula (five cases). Complications (nine) were more caused by comorbidities (seven) than by the surgical procedure (two). The surgeries that required less time were: laparotomy with ileostomy (average of 75 minutes) and with colostomy (average of 95 minutes), and the longest times were occupied by total proctocolectomy with definite ileostomy (240 minutes) and left hemicolectomy with transverse-rectal anastomosis (240 minutes), with an average length of 160 minutes. The smaller specimens were those resulting from Hartmann's procedure (29 cm) and retossigmoidectomy (32 cm); and the most extensive specimens were of total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis (120 cm) and total proctocolectomy with terminal ileostomy (150 cm), with the mean at 34.5. There were 12 deaths (16.2%), two of which directly related to surgery and the other related to clinical complications and comorbitie

    Surgical management of IBD—from an open to a laparoscopic approach

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    The Failed Anastomosis

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    Inherited desmosomal disorders

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