471 research outputs found


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    This paper analyses the modalities according to which a large European university collaborates with firms by exploring its relational portfolio. We address this issue by exploiting a database listing more than 1000 firms having collaborated with the University Louis Pasteur between 1990 and 2002. First, using multi-correspondence analysis, we derive a four-classes typology of collaborative behaviours, each of them presenting a strong internal coherence. We obtain four distinct collaboration patterms, for which the frequency of interactions and the exclusive vs. open character of the relationships are discriminating features. Second, using a multinomial logit estimation, we show how this diversity is connected to some individual attributes of the firms: size, legal status, industrial sector and geographic distance from the public partner.Science-industry collaborations; Typology; Industrial collaboration patterns.

    El humor en el "Teatro del 68"

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    1 archivo PDF (28 pĂĄginas). tyvlxxi

    La physiologie contre l’expĂ©rience : l’argument du « dĂ©faut de connaissance » de Malebranche

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    Comment pourrions-nous ĂȘtre la cause rĂ©elle des mouvements dits volontaires, alors que nous ignorons ce qu’il faut faire pour mouvoir nos membres ? Le prĂ©sent article se propose de revenir sur les prĂ©supposĂ©s et sur les enjeux de cet argument de Malebranche contre la thĂšse d’une efficacitĂ© causale de nos volontĂ©s. Nous mettons en avant la conception du mouvement corporel qui y est Ă  l’Ɠuvre, ainsi que la reprĂ©sentation du corps et de la relation Ăąme/corps sur laquelle il repose, en recourant notamment Ă  des outils conceptuels empruntĂ©s Ă  la philosophie contemporaine de l’action

    Trajectory-based differential expression analysis for single-cell sequencing data

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    Trajectory inference has radically enhanced single-cell RNA-seq research by enabling the study of dynamic changes in gene expression. Downstream of trajectory inference, it is vital to discover genes that are (i) associated with the lineages in the trajectory, or (ii) differentially expressed between lineages, to illuminate the underlying biological processes. Current data analysis procedures, however, either fail to exploit the continuous resolution provided by trajectory inference, or fail to pinpoint the exact types of differential expression. We introduce tradeSeq, a powerful generalized additive model framework based on the negative binomial distribution that allows flexible inference of both within-lineage and between-lineage differential expression. By incorporating observation-level weights, the model additionally allows to account for zero inflation. We evaluate the method on simulated datasets and on real datasets from droplet-based and full-length protocols, and show that it yields biological insights through a clear interpretation of the data. Downstream of trajectory inference for cell lineages based on scRNA-seq data, differential expression analysis yields insight into biological processes. Here, Van den Berge et al. develop tradeSeq, a framework for the inference of within and between-lineage differential expression, based on negative binomial generalized additive models

    The use of distributed hydrological models for the Gard 2002 flash flood event: Analysis of associated hydrological processes

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    Summary This paper presents a detailed analysis of the September 8-9, 2002 flash flood event in the Gard region (southern France) using two distributed hydrological models: CVN built within the LIQUID¼ hydrological platform and MARINE. The models differ in terms of spatial discretization, infiltration and water redistribution representation, and river flow transfer. MARINE can also account for subsurface lateral flow. Both models are set up using the same available information, namely a DEM and a pedology map. They are forced with high resolution radar rainfall data over a set of 18 sub-catchments ranging from 2.5 to 99 km2 and are run without calibration. To begin with, models simulations are assessed against post field estimates of the time of peak and the maximum peak discharge showing a fair agreement for both models. The results are then discussed in terms of flow dynamics, runoff coefficients and soil saturation dynamics. The contribution of the subsurface lateral flow is also quantified using the MARINE model. This analysis highlights that rainfall remains the first controlling factor of flash flood dynamics. High rainfall peak intensities are very influential of the maximum peak discharge for both models, but especially for the CVN model which has a simplified overland flow transfer. The river bed roughness also influences the peak intensity and time. Soil spatial representation is shown to have a significant role on runoff coefficients and on the spatial variability of saturation dynamics. Simulated soil saturation is found to be strongly related with soil depth and initial storage deficit maps, due to a full saturation of most of the area at the end of the event. When activated, the signature of subsurface lateral flow is also visible in the spatial patterns of soil saturation with higher values concentrating along the river network. However, the data currently available do not allow the assessment of both patterns. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for enhancing field observations in order to progress in process understanding and gather a larger set of data to improve the realism of distributed models

    EnquĂȘte "Les adolescents et la loi" : Premiers rĂ©sultats, Bouches-du-RhĂŽne: Rapport, projet UPYC, volet France

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    Ce projet « UPYC » est conduit dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche international en sciences sociales, l’ISRD3 ou 3Ăšme Ă©dition de l’enquĂȘte internationale de victimisation et de dĂ©linquance auto-dĂ©clarĂ©e (International Self Report Delinquency Survey) qui rassemble vingt pays. Le volet français de la recherche comparĂ©e « UPYC » porte sur les relations entre les jeunes et les institutions publiques, en particulier l’école et la police. Il vise, dans cinq pays, Ă  mieux apprĂ©hender les attitudes des jeunes, et notamment ceux appartenant aux minoritĂ©s, par rapport Ă  la loi comprise comme rĂšgles pĂ©nales mais aussi en lien avec les valeurs qui la sous-tendent. L’enquĂȘte UPYC-ISRD3 couvre le dĂ©partement des Bouches-du-RhĂŽne. La population cible se compose des jeunes de 5Ăšme, 4Ăšme et 3Ăšme scolarisĂ©s en collĂšges publics et privĂ©s sous contrat d’association, localisĂ©s dans le pĂ©rimĂštre d’étude. Un Ă©chantillon de classes reprĂ©sentatif des collĂ©giens selon les bassins et niveaux de formation a Ă©tĂ© tirĂ© au sort dans le dĂ©partement. Au total, un peu plus de 9.000 collĂ©giens ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©s au sein des Ă©tablissements scolaires entre avril et juin 2015

    Ecofriendly recycled aggregate concrete and bioreceptivity

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    Nowadays, it becomes essential to limit environmental impact of building materials and to consider the life cycle of materials used. Recycling of materials from demolition has the dual objective of preserving natural resources and limiting the number of storage sites. The study presented here aims to develop the use of recycled aggregate issued of concrete in total replacement of natural materials (sand and gravel). This work has to be done upstream the studies on bio-corrosion or bio-receptivity of these concrete composed of recycled aggregates. Following an experimental analysis of physical, mechanical and mineralogical properties of recycled aggregates,the influence of these characteristics on choosing formulation parameters of concrete and mortar was studied. It was shown that the use of superplasticizers is necessary to reach satisfactory properties of concrete. The next step of this work will be toanalyse the bio-receptivity of these concrete and compatibilitywith bio-admixture used to decrease bio-receptivity and bio-corrosion; and to develop bio-superplasticizers to replace chemical ones

    Daptomycin > 6 mg/kg/day as salvage therapy in patients with complex bone and joint infection: cohort study in a regional reference center

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    Background: Even if daptomycin does not have approval for the treatment of bone and joint infections (BJI), the Infectious Diseases Society of America guidelines propose this antibiotic as alternative therapy for prosthetic joint infection. The recommended dose is 6 mg/kg/d, whereas recent data support the use of higher doses in these patients.Methods: We performed a cohort study including consecutive patients that have received daptomycin >6 mg/kg/d for complex BJI between 2011 and 2013 in a French regional reference center. Factors associated with treatment failure were determined on univariate Cox analysis and Kaplan-Meier curves.Results: Forty-three patients (age, 61 ± 17 years) received a mean dose of 8 ± 0.9 mg/kg/d daptomycin, for a mean 81 ± 59 days (range, 6-303 days). Most had chronic (n = 37, 86 %) implant-associated (n = 37, 86 %) BJI caused by coagulasenegative staphylococci (n = 32, 74 %). A severe adverse event (SAE) occurred in 6 patients (14 %), including 2 cases of eosinophilic pneumonia, concomitant with daptomycin Cmin >24 mg/L. Outcome was favorable in 30 (77 %) of the 39 clinically assessable patients. Predictors for treatment failure were age, non-optimal surgery and daptomycin withdrawal for SAE.Conclusions: Prolonged high-dose daptomycin therapy was effective in patients with complex BJI. However, optimal surgery remains the cornerstone of medico-surgical strategy; and a higher incidence of eosinophilic pneumonia than expected was recorded
