7,247 research outputs found

    Three-structured smooth transition regression models based on CART algorithm

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    In the present work, a tree-based model that combines aspects of CART (Classification and Regression Trees) and STR (Smooth Transition Regression) is proposed. The main idea relies on specifying a parametric nonlinear model through a tree-growing procedure. The resulting model can be analysed either as a fuzzy regression or as a smooth transition regression with multiple regimes. Decisions about splits are entirely based on statistical tests of hypotheses and confidence intervals are constructed for the parameters within the terminal nodes as well as the final predictions. A Monte Carlo Experiment shows the estimators’ properties and the ability of the proposed algorithm to identify correctly several tree architectures. An application to the famous Boston Housing dataset shows that the proposed model provides better explanation with the same number of leaves as the one obtained with the CART algorithm.

    Cytoskeletal stabilization of inhibitory interactions in immunologic synapses of mature human dendritic cells with natural killer cells

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    Human mature dendritic cells (DCs) can efficiently stimulate natural killer (NK)-cell responses without being targeted by their cytotoxicity. To understand this important regulatory crosstalk, we characterized the development of the immunologic synapse between mature DCs and resting NK cells. Conjugates between these 2 innate leukocyte populations formed rapidly, persisted for prolonged time periods and matured with DC-derived f-actin polymerization at the synapse. Polarization of IL-12 and IL-12R to the synapse coincided with f-actin polymerization, while other activating and inhibitory molecules were enriched at the interface between DCs and NK cells earlier. Functional assays revealed that inhibition of f-actin polymerization in mature synapses led to an increase of IFN-γ secretion and cytotoxicity by NK cells. This elevated NK-cell reactivity resulted from decreased inhibitory signaling in the absence of MHC class I polarization at the interface, which was observed on inhibition of f-actin polymerization in DCs. Thus, inhibitory signaling is stabilized by f-actin at the synapse between mature DCs and resting NK cells

    Programming with Quantum Mechanics

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    Quantum computing is an emerging paradigm that opens a new era for exponential computational speedup. Still, quantum computers have yet to be ready for commercial use. However, it is essential to train and qualify today the workforce that will develop quantum acceleration solutions to get the quantum advantage in the future. This tutorial gives a broad view of quantum computing, abstracting most of the mathematical formalism and proposing a hands-on with the quantum programming language Ket. The target audience is undergraduate and graduate students starting in quantum computing -- no prerequisites for following this tutorial

    Metodologia para preservação do fungicida mancobeze em amostras de solo.

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a capacidade redutiva do cloridrato de L-cisteína, a temperatura e o tempo de estocagem na preservação do fungicida mancozebe em amostras de solo provenientes de uma lavoura de couve

    Dinâmica da liberação de nutrientes de compostos orgânicos e exigências nutricionais do abacaxizeiro BRS Imperial.

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    As adubações para diferentes culturas trabalhadas na Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura são recomendadas em função das fontes de corretivos de solo e dos fertilizantes convencionais. Com exceção da cultura da banana, inexistem recomendações consolidadas com critérios científicos para fertilização orgânica ou orgânica enriquecida com fontes não convencionais. Nesse sentido, a compreensão do comportamento dos materiais genéticos frente a esse sistema de produção torna-se importante

    Application of the S=1 underscreened Anderson lattice model to Kondo uranium and neptunium compounds

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    Magnetic properties of uranium and neptunium compounds showing the coexistence of Kondo screening effect and ferromagnetic order are investigated within the Anderson lattice Hamiltonian with a two-fold degenerate ff-level in each site, corresponding to 5f25f^2 electronic configuration with S=1S=1 spins. A derivation of the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation is presented and the resulting Hamiltonian has an effective ff-band term, in addition to the regular exchange Kondo interaction between the S=1S=1 ff-spins and the s=1/2s=1/2 spins of the conduction electrons. The obtained effective Kondo lattice model can describe both the Kondo regime and a weak delocalization of 5f5f-electron. Within this model we compute the Kondo and Curie temperatures as a function of model parameters, namely the Kondo exchange interaction constant JKJ_K, the magnetic intersite exchange interaction JHJ_H and the effective ff-bandwidth. We deduce, therefore, a phase diagram of the model which yields the coexistence of Kondo effect and ferromagnetic ordering and also accounts for the pressure dependence of the Curie temperature of uranium compounds such as UTe.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure