1,088 research outputs found


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan lembaga keuangan bukan bank di tengah-tengah masyarakat, berkembang pula perusahaan-perusahaan investasi yang tidak punya legalitas yang melakukan kegiatan seperti lembaga keuangan bukan bank yang menawarkan kepada masyarakat investasi dengan keuntungan tinggi antara 4% hingga 10% dari modal perbulan. Permasalahan yang dibahas adalah : Bagaimana legalitas dan kedudukan para pihak perjanjian investasi lembaga keuangan bukan bank?, dan Bagaimana perlindungan hukum dalam perjanjian investasi lembaga keuangan bukan bank?. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu penulisan hukum dengan melihat norma dan teori hukum yang relevan berdasarkan literatur yang ada, penelitian yuridis normatif membahas asas-asas atau doktrin-doktrin dalam ilmu hukum. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, pertama Perusahaan investasi yang tidak mempunyai izin dari pihak Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dalam menghimpun dana dari masyarakat sebagai lembaga keuangan bukan bank bertentangan dengan dengan syarat sahnya perjanjian Pasal 1320 KUHPerdat, kedua Perlindungan hukum yang diberikan terhadap investor atau konsumen dari perusahaan investasi ilegal belum terlaksana dengan baik karena proses penegakan hukum yang belum berpihak kepada investor atau konsumen. Agar adanya perlindungan hukum terhadap investor maka disarankan, pertama perusahaan dalam menghimpun dana dari masyarakat lalu menginvestasikan dana tersebut ke dalam berbagai produk investasi harus memiliki izin dari pihak Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) sebagai lembaga keuangan bukan bank, kedua agar para pihak yang melakukan perjanjian investasi harus melaksanakan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku seperti Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor : 1/POJK.07/2013 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan dan peraturan perundang-undangan lain yang terkait. Kata kunci: Lembaga Keuangan Non Bank, Perjanjian Investasi, Investor

    Exploring AI and Multiplayer in Java

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    I conducted research into three topics: artificial intelligence, package deployment, and multiplayer servers in Java. This research came together to form my project presentation on the implementation of these topics, which I felt accurately demonstrated the various things I have learned from my courses at Moorhead State University. Several resources were consulted throughout the project, including the work of W3Schools and StackOverflow as well as relevant assignments and textbooks from previous classes. I found this project relevant to computer science and information systems for several reasons, such as the AI component and use of SQL data tables; but it was also relevant because the project involved a deeper look into how app development and deployment works. I feel that these topics can hold high importance for potential computer scientists, and it seemed beneficial to learn more about them. Leveraging off knowledge from several courses at MSUM, I was able to accomplish most of my goals for this project and learn quite a bit about those goals that ultimately were not realized

    Micone v. Micone, 132 Nev. Adv. Op. 14 (March 3, 2016)

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    The Court considered an appeal from a district court order modifying a child custody decree. The Court affirmed in part and reversed in part the Eight Judicial District Court’s order. The Court affirmed the District Court’s order barring modification of certain child support arrearages. The Court reversed the District Court’s award of primary physical custody to the child’s nonparty grandparents

    The Last Hurrah : An examination of the social change in Britain between the 1930's and the 1960's as depicted in Agatha Christie's Miss Marple novels

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    This thesis discusses how the change in the British society and class system is reflected in three of Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple novels written in the period of four decades: The Murder at the Vicarage (1930), The Body in the Library (1942) and The Mirror Crack’d From Side to Side (1962). The theoretical approach applied to the thesis is New Historicism. The aim of New Historicism is to understand history through literature and literature through history. The thesis discusses how reliable a depiction texts such as Christie’s Miss Marple novels convey of the era they were written in. The results show that Christie’s Miss Marple novels are a reliable depiction of the era they were written in since they do not contradict any major historical phenomena of the time and present the social change that occurred during that period in accordance with the mainstream historical narratives. Nevertheless, Christie’s novels are not a neutral overview of the period but a commentary from the upper class perspective

    Volcano Deformation And Subdaily Gps Products

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2012Volcanic unrest is often accompanied by hours to months of deformation of the ground that is measurable with high-precision GPS. Although GPS receivers are capable of near continuous operation, positions are generally estimated for daily intervals, which I use to infer characteristics of a volcano's plumbing system. However, GPS based volcano geodesy will not be useful in early warning scenarios unless positions are estimated at high rates and in real time. Visualization and analysis of dynamic and static deformation during the 2011 Tohokuoki earthquake in Japan motivates the application of high-rate GPS from a GPS seismology perspective. I give examples of dynamic seismic signals and their evolution to the final static offset in 30 s and 1 s intervals, which demonstrates the enhancement of subtle rupture dynamics through increased temporal resolution. This stresses the importance of processing data at recording intervals to minimize signal loss. Deformation during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, suggested net deflation by 0.05 km³ in three distinct phases. Mid-crustal aseismic precursory inflation began in May 2008 and was detected by a single continuous GPS station about 28 km NE of Redoubt. Deflation during the explosive and effusive phases was sourced from a vertical ellipsoidal reservoir at about 7-11.5 km. From this I infer a model for the temporal evolution of a complex plumbing system of at least 2 sources during the eruption. Using subdaily GPS positioning solutions I demonstrate that plumes can be detected and localized by utilizing information on phase residuals. The GPS network at Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, records network wide subsidence at rapid rates between 8 and 12 mm/yr from 2005-2010. I hypothesize this to be caused by continuous deflation of a ~30 km deep sill under Kluchevskoy Volcano. Interestingly, 1-2 explosive events per year cause little to no deformation at any site other than the summit site closest to the vent. I derive evidence for a very shallow source, likely within the edifice. This work shows that network design and individual plumbing system characteristics affect the ability to detect motion on subdaily and even weekly time scales, which stresses the importance of network scale considerations

    Effectiveness of Visual Prompts on Correct Disposal of Trash and Recyclable Materials

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    Recycling is an important and socially significant behavior for which behavior analytic interventions could be greatly beneficial. In the present study, the effectiveness of various visual prompts on increasing correct disposal of trash and recycling items was evaluated with four graduate students. Three visual prompts of varying complexity were compared in an alternating treatments design. The results indicated that visual prompts are an effective way to increase correct disposal of recycling and trash items. However, the results did not show differentiation between the visual prompts for three of the four participants

    Ontic Assurance: The Soteriological Significance of Christological Impeccability

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    Khoury v. Seastrand, 132 Nev. Adv. Op. 52 (July 28, 2016)

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    The Court considered three consolidated appeals from a district court judgment, pursuant to a jury verdict, and post-judgment orders awarding costs and denying a new trial in a personal injury action. While the Court addressed numerous issues, the following three questions comprised the bulk of the consolidated appeals: (1) whether an attorney may ask prospective jurors questions concerning a specific verdict amount to determine potential bias or prejudice; (2) whether repeatedly asking questions about that specific amount results in jury indoctrination warranting a mistrial; and (3) when a district court abuses its discretion in dismissing jurors for cause under Jitnan v. Oliver. The Court determined that a party may use specific verdict amounts when conducting voir dire so long as the questioning is kept within reasonable limits. The questioning used in the current case did not amount to jury indoctrination warranting a mistrial. The district court, however, did abuse its discretion by dismissing for cause five jurors because their statements, when taken as a whole—the standard set forth in Jitnan—indicated that they could be impartial and follow the law and jury instructions. The district court also abused its discretion by excluding evidence of the medical lien’s existence to prove bias in Seastrand’s medical providers. However, the Court determined that both errors were harmless. Finally, the Court determined that the district court abused its discretion by awarding respondent Seastrand expert witness fess in excess of 1,500perexpertbecauseitdidnotstateabasisforitsaward.TheCourtreversedandremandedthisportionoftheconsolidatedappeals,instructingthedistrictcourttoredeterminetheamountofexpertfessor,ifawardingfeesinexcessof1,500 per expert because it did not state a basis for its award. The Court reversed and remanded this portion of the consolidated appeals, instructing the district court to redetermine the amount of expert fess or, if awarding fees in excess of 1,500 per witness, to explain the reasoning behind its decision

    Breaking Down Silos: The Selection of Corporate Headquarters\u27 Locations by Businesses

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