11,366 research outputs found

    Pairwise thermal entanglement in Ising-XYZ diamond chain structure in an external magnetic field

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    Quantum entanglement is one of the most fascinating types of correlation that can be shared only among quantum systems. The Heisenberg chain is one of the simplest quantum chains which exhibits a reach entanglement feature, due to the Heisenberg interaction is quantum coupling in the spin system. The two particles were coupled trough XYZ coupling or simply called as two-qubit XYZ spin, which are the responsible for the emergence of thermal entanglement. These two-qubit operators are bonded to two nodal Ising spins, and this process is repeated infinitely resulting in a diamond chain structure. We will discuss two-qubit thermal entanglement effect on Ising-XYZ diamond chain structure. The concurrence could be obtained straightforwardly in terms of two-qubit density operator elements, using this result, we study the thermal entanglement, as well as the threshold temperature where entangled state vanishes. The present model displays a quite unusual concurrence behavior, such as, the boundary of two entangled regions becomes a disentangled region, this is intrinsically related to the XY-anisotropy in the Heisenberg coupling. Despite a similar property had been found for only two-qubit, here we show in the case of a diamond chain structure, which reasonably represents real materials.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Thermal Entanglement of a Spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg Model on a Symmetrical Diamond Chain

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    The entanglement quantum properties of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on a symmetrical diamond chain were analyzed. Due to the separable nature of the Ising-type exchange interactions between neighboring Heisenberg dimers, calculation of the entanglement can be performed exactly for each individual dimer. Pairwise thermal entanglement was studied in terms of the isotropic Ising-Heisenberg model, and analytical expressions for the concurrence (as a measure of bipartite entanglement) were obtained. The effects of external magnetic field HH and next-nearest neighbor interaction JmJ_m between nodal Ising sites were considered. The ground-state structure and entanglement properties of the system were studied in a wide range of the coupling constant values. Various regimes with different values of the ground-state entanglement were revealed, depending on the relation between competing interaction strengths. Finally, some novel effects, such as the two-peak behavior of concurrence versus temperature and coexistence of phases with different values of magnetic entanglement were observed

    Characterizing a single photon detector

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    I will present my work about constructing and characterizing a single photon detector. Using the 1550nm laser and second harmonic light generation, I am able to count single photons on a Multi‐Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) silicon APD. My results show that upwards of 22% quantum efficiency is achievable with the MPPC. Future work will include coincidence detection of correlated photon‐pair

    Design and workspace characterisation of malleable robots

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    For the majority of tasks performed by traditionalserial robot arms, such as bin picking or pick and place, onlytwo or three degrees of freedom (DOF) are required for motion;however, by augmenting the number of degrees of freedom,further dexterity of robot arms for multiple tasks can beachieved. Instead of increasing the number of joints of a robotto improve flexibility and adaptation, which increases controlcomplexity, weight, and cost of the overall system, malleablerobots utilise a variable stiffness link between joints allowing therelative positioning of the revolute pairs at each end of the linkto vary, thus enabling a low DOF serial robot to adapt acrosstasks by varying its workspace. In this paper, we present thedesign and prototyping of a 2-DOF malleable robot, calculatethe general equation of its workspace using a parameterisationbased on distance geometry—suitable for robot arms of variabletopology, and characterise the workspace categories that theend effector of the robot can trace via reconfiguration. Throughthe design and construction of the malleable robot we exploredesign considerations, and demonstrate the viability of theoverall concept. By using motion tracking on the physical robot,we show examples of the infinite number of workspaces thatthe introduced 2-DOF malleable robot can achieve
