49 research outputs found

    Radiative corrections to MhM_h from three generations of Majorana neutrinos and sneutrinos

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    In this work we study the radiative corrections to the mass of the lightest Higgs boson of the MSSM from three generations of Majorana neutrinos and sneutrinos. The spectrum of the MSSM is augmented by three right handed neutrinos and their supersymmetric partners. A seesaw mechanism of type I is used to generate the physical neutrino masses and oscillations that we require to be in agreement with present neutrino data. We present a full one-loop computation of these Higgs mass corrections, and analyze in full detail their numerical size in terms of both the MSSM and the new (s)neutrino parameters. A critical discussion on the different possible renormalization schemes and their implications is included.Comment: 42 pages, 39 figures, 1 appendix, version published in AHE

    Towards the design of contrast enhanced agents systematic Ga3 doping on magnetite nanoparticles

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    The main objective of the preparation of the Fe3 amp; 8722;xGaxO4 0.14 amp; 8804; x amp; 8804; 1.35 system was to further the knowledge of the magnetic response of Ga3 doped magnetite for application as MRI contrast agents. With this purpose, monodisperse nanoparticles between 7 and 10 nm with different amounts of gallium were prepared from an optimized protocol based on thermal decomposition of metallo organic precursors. Thorough characterization of the sample was conducted in order to understand the influence of gallium doping on the structural, morphological and magnetic properties of the Fe3 amp; 8722;xGaxO4 system. X ray diffraction and X ray absorption near edge structure measurements have proved the progressive incorporation of Ga in the spinel structure, with different occupations in both tetrahedral and octahedral sites. Magnetization measurements as a function of field temperature have shown a clear dependence of magnetic saturation on the gallium content, reaching an Ms value of 110 Am2 kg amp; 8722;1 at 5 K for x 0.14 significantly higher than bulk magnetite and considerably decreasing for amounts above x 0.57 of gallium. For this reason, nanoparticles with moderate Ga quantities were water transferred by coating them with the amphiphilic polymer PMAO to further analyse their biomedical potential. Cytotoxicity assays have demonstrated that Fe3 amp; 8722;xGaxO4 PMAO formulations with x amp; 8804; 0.57, which are the ones with better magnetic response, are not toxic for cells. Finally, the effect of gallium doping on relaxivities has been analysed by measuring longitudinal T1 amp; 8722;1 and transverse T1 amp; 8722;1 proton relaxation rates at 1.4 T revealing that nanoparticles with x 0.14 Ga3 content present remarkable T2 contrast and the nanoparticles with x 0.26 have great potential to act as dual T1 T2 contrast agent

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding COVID-19 Among Healthcare Workers in Venezuela:An Online Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Background: The deterioration of Venezuela's health system in recent years undoubtedly contributes to an increased impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding healthcare workers' (HCWs) knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAPs) toward COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic could inform their medical training and improve their preparedness. Methods: A online national cross-sectional survey was conducted between May 26th and May 30th, 2020, to assess KAPs among HCWs in Venezuela. Results: A total of 1,441 HCWs from all 24 regions of the country responded to the survey. The mean age of the HCWs was 44 (SD [standard deviation] 14) years; most were women (66.4%). Most HCWs were specialized doctors (48%), followed by nurses (13%) and resident doctors (12.3%). The majority of HCWs had good knowledge (76.3%), obtained information mainly from scientific literature (85.4%); had negative attitudes (53.6%), felt uncomfortable with their work during the current pandemic (59.8%); and reported appropriate practices (76.9%). However, participation in COVID-19 related training was absent in more than half of the HCWs. Positive attitudes were significantly more frequent in frontline workers than in non-frontline workers (p = 0.001). Bioanalysts, students, and doctors were more likely to have good knowledge; participating in training was a predictor for positive attitudes and older age was an appropriate practice predictor. Conclusions: HCWs, knowledge in Venezuela could be improved by strengthening education and training programs. Strategies should focus on reducing fear and improving attitudes toward the care of COVID-19 patients, as well as the promotion of preventive practices

    Correction to: Cluster identification, selection, and description in Cluster randomized crossover trials: the PREP-IT trials

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    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article

    Biological invasion of European tomato crops by Tuta absoluta: ecology, geographic expansion and prospects for biological control

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    Patient and stakeholder engagement learnings: PREP-IT as a case study

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    El bajo potencial alimenticio de los forrajes tropicales, especialmente en época de sequía, determina la necesidad de ofrecer a los animales una suplementación de elementos energéticos proteicos y minerales con el propósito de lograr una mayor productividad. En este trabajo se elaboraron bloques multinutricionales a base de Eichhornia crassipes (bora) y de semillas de Gossipium sp (algodón) y fueron ofrecidos a vacas mestizas Cebú x Criollo en lactación para evaluar el efecto sobre la producción láctea. La composición porcentual del bloque fue de 23 % de bora, 15 % de semillas de algodón, 35 % de melaza, 12 % de cal, 7 % de sal perfocal y 8 % de urea; asimismo, presentó un contenido de 26,74 % PB;11,48 % FB; 1,75 % EE; 0,24 % P; 24,42 % C; 35,61 % ELN y 5,52% Ca. Dos grupos, uno de control (T0) y otro experimental (Tt) de 30 vacas cada uno se utilizaron para esta experiencia; el grupo T0 solo recibió bagazo de caña de azúcar y pseudotallo de musáceas frescas, cascarilla de arroz, melaza y sal, mientras que el otro (Tj) recibió los bloques multinutricionales. Los resultados indican que el consumo de 0,530 a 0,897 kg/an/día del bloque, mejoró la producción láctea al determinarse diferencias significativas en relación a la producción de leche entre los grupos (ts,