1,219 research outputs found

    Caso clínico pneumológico

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    Post-extubation acute pulmonary edema (PEAPE) is an uncommon complication of tracheal extubation, occurring in 0.1% of patients undergoing general anesthesia. It has rarely been described in pediatric age, but its incidence is thought to be underestimated, as many cases of post-operative respiratory distress may be misdiagnosed or unrecognized. A formerly healthy 15-year-old male diagnosed with acute appendicitis was submitted to a laparoscopic appendectomy under general anesthesia. Immediately after extubation, he developed signs and symptoms of respiratory distress, and chest radiograph was compatible with acute pulmonary edema. Due to suspicion of PEAPE, supplementary oxygen and intravenous furosemide were administered, with favorable outcome. PEAPE is a major anesthesia-related emergency, which may worsen the prognosis of low-risk surgical procedures. A high degree of suspicion should be maintained in children and adolescents presenting with signs of respiratory distress and hypoxia after general anesthesia, as prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial for a favorable outcome.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CRESCIMENTO INICIAL DE MUDAS DE Clitoria fairchildiana Howard E Peltophorum dubium (Sprenge) Taub EM DIFERENTES CONDIÇÕES DE SOMBREAMENTO

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    Este experimento teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do sombreamento no crescimento de mudas de Peltophorum dubium (Canafístula) e Clitoria fairchildiana (Sombreiro), espécies utilizadas no reflorestamento de encostas do município do Rio de Janeiro. As sementes foram colhidas em diversas matrizes e semeadas em sacos plásticos. As porcentagens de sombreamento testadas foram: 0% (sol pleno), 30%, 50% e 75%. A instalação do experimento iniciou-se um mês após a semeadura. O parâmetro altura foi analisado aos 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 dias após a semeadura. O peso da matéria seca da raiz foi analisado aos 150 dias. Os resultados demostraram que as espécies estudadas apresentam diferentes respostas para os parâmetros analisados. Para o plantio imediato recomenda-se a produção de mudas de Sombreiro sob o sombreamento de 30% e de Canafístula, sob sol pleno, 30% ou 75% de sombra. Na produção de mudas para estocagem, seria indicado para o Sombreiro, a produção a sol pleno e para Canafístula, as mudas poderiam ser mantidas sob 50% de sombreamento. Ambas as espécies podem ser plantadas sob pleno sol, 30%, 50% e 75% de sombreamento, sendo indicadas para a implantação de reflorestamentos ou para enriquecimento de área degradadas

    Development of hydrosoluble gels with Crataegus monogyna extracts for topical application: evaluation of antioxidant activity of the final formulations

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    Crataegus monogyna, commonly known as hawthorn, is notorious for having different ethnopharmacological applications. The antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts from its flowers and fruits in several stages of development was formerly reported by us. Therefore it is believable that the extracts of its botanical parts might have great potential to be incorporated in innovative pharmaceutical formulations. Accordingly, several paraben free, carbopol 940 based semisolid formulations were prepared with different hawthorn parts extracts. The antioxidant properties of ethanolic and aqueous hawthorn extracts, as well as their corresponding hydrosoluble gels, were screened. Ethanolic extracts proved to be more effective, while flowers and unripe fruits were the most bioactive hawthorn parts. The prepared hydrosoluble gels, that presented an adequate consistency, a pleasant colour and a non greasy texture, kept almost entirely the antioxidant activity exhibited by the extracts from which they were prepared. In addition, the hydrosoluble gels were tested and promptly absorbed by the skin and did not show significant pH alterations during the 90 days of observation. Despite the need of further tests (viscosity, extrudability, spreadability or transepidermal water loss), the prepared formulations demonstrate interesting attributes to be explored as potential dermopharmaceutical products

    Flores e frutos imaturos de Crataegus monogyna revelam elevado potencial antioxidante.

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    A espécie Crataegus monogyna, conhecida vulgarmente como espinheiro, escaramunheiro ou pilriteiro, está entre as plantas do Nordeste de Portugal mais recomendadas pela medicina tradicional. As suas bagas são comumente consumidas por serem consideradas nutritivas e saudáveis, podendo também ser utilizadas como suplemento alimentar, sobretudo para crianças, devido ao seu elevado conteúdo vitamínico [1]. O espinheiro é reconhecido como tendo propriedades bioativas de interesse elevado, em particular na prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares e gastrointestinais. De forma a compreender melhor o potencial terapêutico do espinheiro, a atividade antioxidante de diferentes partes da planta (botões e brácteas florais, flores e frutos) foi avaliada através de diferentes métodos químicos e bioquímicos. Os extratos etanólicos demonstraram maior potencial antioxidante que os extratos aquosos, mas os resultados foram muito satisfatórios em ambos os casos, revelando o potencial do espinheiro para ser incluído em formulações terapêuticas ou produtos dietéticos de referência

    Ecophysiological potential of the Dão terroir for the production of Touriga Nacional red grapes

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    Proceedings - IX International Terroir Congress, 2012Aiming to evaluate the potential of the portuguese Dão winegrowing region for the production of Touriga Nacional (TN) red grapes, climatic, ecophysiological and viticultural data from two different climatic years (2004, wet year and 2005, dry year) are presented and discussed. The data was collected in the control non-irrigated plants of an irrigation experiment installed at the Dão Research Station, Nelas, Portugal. The vineyard is established in a typical granitic soil and trained on a vertical shoot positioning. According to the Géoviticulture Multicriteria Climatic Classification System, the Dão region is classified as temperate/temperate warm for the heliothermal index, with cool nights (night cold index) and moderately dry (dryness index). In 2004 the predawn leaf water potential presented always values higher than -0.2 MPa from flowering to harvest but in 2005 moderate to severe water stress was observed during the ripening period (-0.4 MPa at veraison to -0.6 MPa at harvest). Leaf stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate displayed a decreasing pattern from flowering to harvest in both years but attained much lower values in the 2005 ripening period as compared to that of 2004. The yield was similar in both years but 2005 showed lower sugar content, similar titratable acidity and a higher anthocyanin berry skin content. Our data shows that the Dão terroir presents a high inter-annual climate variability which has important repercussions on TN responses being the most unfavorable climatic years those were the high temperatures are coincident with water stress during the first half of the ripening period. In those years irrigation should be applied in order to obtain better quality grapes

    Tempranillo physiological and agronomical responses to heat and drought stress – perspectives on its vulnerability under climate change scenarios

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    With the aim to characterize the ability of Tempranillo grapevines, one of the most widely used varieties in Spain and Portugal, to withstand drought and heat stress, ecophysiological and agronomical data from irrigation experiments conducted in the hot and dry region of Alentejo, south of Portugal, are presented. The impact of different irrigation treatments on physiological parameters (leaf water potential, photosynthesis, and stomatal conductance) and water use efficiency are showed. Leaf senescence observed in non-irrigated and deficit irrigated plants and its consequences on cluster exposure and berry temperature are compared with those of fully irrigated plants. The consequences on berry ripening and juice composition are discussed in order to evaluate the vulnerability of Tempranillo to the expected global climatic changeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influência da desfolha na casta ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’

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    Num ensaio instalado em 2003 numa vinha da Quinta de Pancas em Alenquer, estudou-se a influência de três intensidades de desfolha (D0- não desfolhada, D1- desfolha do lado nascente e D2- desfolha dos dois lados da sebe) e duas épocas de realização (BE- bago de ervilha e PI- pintor) na ecofisiologia da videira, componentes da produção e qualidade do mosto na casta Cabernet Sauvignon. A desfolha alterou significativamente a estrutura do coberto, provocando a redução do número de camadas de folhas, um aumento da porosidade e da exposição dos cachos e, consequentemente, uma alteração significativa do seu microclima luminoso e térmico. As diferentes épocas de desfolha não provocaram diferenças significativas nos resultados. Apesar da desfolha não ter provocado alterações significativas na produção, ao nível das características do mosto à vindima, a modalidade desfolhada dos dois lados originou um aumento significativo nos fenóis totais e na intensidade da cor, comparativamente às restantes modalidadesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of soil management and deficit irrigation strategies on physiological and agronomical responses of Aragonez field-grown grapevines

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    The use of irrigation in Mediterranean viticulture is now a common practice in intensive grapevine production to improve quality of production. The negative effects of water deficits on grape berry development are well known but the underlying mechanisms remain not fully understood. To avoid the unfavourable impacts of mechanization on the soil structure and biology some farmers are using cover crops on their vineyards. Within this frame we have compared the traditional soil tillage with a high level of mechanization with other system where we maintained a permanent soil cover between the rows. In both soil systems we tested three different irrigation treatments, deficit irrigation (DI - 40% of evapotranspiration (ETc)); regulated deficit irrigation (RDI); partial root drying (PRD) while in the soil cover treatment we also studied the full irrigation (FI) and the non irrigation (NI) treatments. Compared to soil tillage the resident vegetation reduced soil water content during late Spring, before irrigation started, inducing a significant reduction on vine vegetative growth berry weight and yield. Among irrigation strategies only RDI treatment showed a significant reduction in the lateral leaf area development, berry weight and yield when compared to PRD and DI treatments which presented similar values. No significant differences were observed in berry composition either for the two floor management practices or for the three irrigation strategiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of vineyard floor management practices on water use: A case study at a terroir of the "Dão" winegrowing region in Portugal

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    Aiming to evaluate the effect of vineyard floor management practices on water use and vine performance, a field experiment was carried out at the Dão Wine Research Station, located at Nelas, Center Portugal. The experiment was set up in 2010 in a mature vineyard planted with the red grape variety ‘Touriga Nacional’, using a 2x2 factorial design with the following treatments: inter-row soil management (permanent resident vegetation vs. soil tillage) and undervine floor management (mulch vs. herbicide). In this paper it will be presented data from 2013 growing season (four seasons after experiment setup). The volumetric soil moisture, assessed with a capacitance probe to a 1.5 m depth, showed a decreasing pattern throughout the growing season in all treatments with the resident vegetation presenting lower values as compared to the tillage treatment, while no significant differences were observed between the two undervine floor management practices. From budburst to flowering the resident vegetation treatment showed a higher soil water depletion (up to 1.5 m depth) than the tillage treatment but the relative situation was reversed during the flowering-veraison period, while no significant differences were observed during the ripening period. Vine stem water potential values showed a decreasing pattern along the season attaining very low values during September but with no significant differences between treatments. In general the soil management practices did not significantly affect vine vigor, yield and berry composition however, since these results are only from one season, further data analysis in ongoing in order to allow stronger conclusions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of irrigation on the vigour, yield and berry composition of the red variety Touriga Nacional at the Dão winegrowing region, Portugal

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    Proceedings - 17 th International Symposium GIESCO, Asti, Italy, 2011In a field trial installed at the Centro de Estudos Vitivinícolas do Dão, Nelas, Portugal, the effect of three irrigation treatments on the agronomic behaviour of cv Touriga Nacional (Vitis vinifera L.) were studied during three growing seasons (2006-2008). Three irrigation treatments (DI30 - irrigation with 30% of ETc; DI50 - irrigation with 50% ETc, FI - full irrigation – 100% Etc) were compared to a control non-irrigated treatment (NI). Compared to NI, the deficit irrigation treatments (DI30 & DI50) showed no significant differences on the yield and its components. The full irrigation treatment induced a significantly higher yield due to a higher bunch weight, as compared with the others treatments. Compared to the control, the deficit irrigation treatments presented similar berry composition during all the three seasons. The FI treatment presented, in all seasons, a significantly higher total acidity and a significantly lower Brix and total anthocyanins concentration as compared to the other treatments. The pruning weight and shoot weight increased with the amount of irrigation water applied, but significant differences were found only between the FI and the NI treatments, the last presenting the lowest values. Despite the fact that in the non-irrigated vineyards of the Dão winegrowing region it is very common to observe vine water stress symptoms, mainly during the ripening period, during the three studied seasons (2006-2008), the deficit irrigation treatments showed no advantages relatively to the control non-irrigated. Despite the higher yield produced in the full irrigation, this treatment had the disadvantages of the excessive vine vigour and lower must quality produced