413 research outputs found

    Estudio transversal sobre conductas sexuales asociadas a la transmisión del VIH entre hombres homosexuales de Cataluña

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    ResumenEn 1993, se realizó un estudio transversal sobre los comportamientos sexuales de una muestra de hombres homosexuales reclutados en saunas, sex-shops y una organización comunitaria de base gay de Cataluña. Un total de 551 hombres de 34 años de edad media y alto nivel educativo devolvieron por correo un cuestionario anónimo. En los últimos seis meses, la mediana de parejas sexuales masculinas fue de seis y la de parejas con penetración de tres. En el último mes, el 94% habían realizado sexo oro-genital (22% con eyaculación) y el 76% sexo ano-genital (38% sin preservativo y 21% con eyaculación). El 51 % declaraba consumir alcohol durante las relaciones sexuales; el 34%, nitritos inhalados; el 20%, haschis y el 10%, cocaína. El 61% se había realizado la prueba de detección de anticuerpos anti-VIH, notificando una prevalencia de infección del 21 %. El 86% declaró conocer alguna persona infectada por el VIH o con SIDA. El alto porcentaje de hombres que practican el sexo ano-genital sin preservativo y la alta seroprevalencia auto-declarada de infección por VIH ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de aumentar los esfuerzos de prevención y la investigación en este colectivo. La monitorización de conductas relacionadas con la transmisión del VIH proporciona indicadores de utilidad, para el seguimiento de la evolución de la epidemia y para el diseño y evaluación de las intervenciones preventivas.SummaryIn 1993, a cross sectional study was carried out on the sexual behaviour of a sample of homosexual men recruited in saunas, sex shops and a gay community-beased organisation of Catalonia. A total of 551 men with an average age of 34 years and a high educational level sent in an anonymous questionnaire. In the previous 6 months the mean number of male sexual partners was 6 and for penetrative partners 3. In the previous month, 94% had had oral sex (22% with ejaculation) and 76% anal intercourse (38% without a condom and 21% with ejaculation). During sex, 51% used alcohol, 34% nitrite inhalants, 20% hashish and 10% cocaine. 61% had had the HIV test, with a self-reported HIV prevalence of 21%. 86% stated that they knew of one or more people infected by HIV or with AIDS. The high percentage of men who had unprotected anal intercourse and the high self-reported HIV prevalence highlights the need to increase efforts in AIDS prevention and research in this group. Monitoring HIV associated sexual behaviours provides valuable indicators of the evolution of the epidemic, useful for designing and evaluating preventive interventions

    Association of the tumour necrosis factor alpha -308 but not the interleukin 10 -627 promoter polymorphism with genetic susceptibility to primary sclerosing cholangitis

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease of unknown aetiology. Abnormalities in immune regulation and genetic associations suggest that PSC is an immune mediated disease. Several polymorphisms within the tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and interleukin 10 (IL-10) promoter genes have been described which influence expression of these cytokines. This study examines the possible association between polymorphisms at the −308 and −627 positions in the TNF-α and IL-10 promoter genes, respectively, and susceptibility to PSC. METHODS TNF-α −308 genotypes were studied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 160 PSC patients from Norway and the UK compared with 145 ethnically matched controls. IL-10 −627 genotypes were studied by PCR in 90 PSC patients compared with 84 ethnically matched controls. RESULTS A total of 16% of Norwegian PSC patients and 12% of British PSC patients were homozygous for the TNF2 allele compared with 3% and 6% of respective controls. The TNF2 allele was present in 60% of PSC patients versus 30% of controls (ORcombined data=3.2 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.8–4.5); pcorr=10−5). The association between the TNF2 allele and susceptibility to PSC was independent of the presence of concurrent inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the PSC patients; 61% of PSC patients without IBD had TNF2 compared with 30% of controls (ORcombined data=3.2 (95% CI 1.2–9.0); pcorr=0.006 ). There was no difference in the −627 IL-10 polymorphism distributions between patients and controls in either population. The increase in TNF2 allele in PSC patients only occurs in the presence of DRB1*0301 (DR3) and B8. In the combined population data, DRB1*0301 showed a stronger association with susceptibility to PSC than both the TNF2 and B8 alleles (ORcombined data=3.8, pcorr=10−6 v ORcombined data=3.2, pcorr=10−5 vORcombined data =3.41, pcorr=10−4, respectively). CONCLUSIONS This study identified a significant association between possession of the TNF2 allele, a G→A substitution at position −308 in the TNF-α promoter, and susceptibility to PSC. This association was secondary to the association of PSC with the A1-B8-DRB1*0301-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0201 haplotype. No association was found between the IL-10 −627 promoter polymorphism and PSC

    Cost-effectiveness of adjuvant therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma during the waiting list for liver transplantation.

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    Background: Survival after liver transplantation for early hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is worsened by the increasing dropout rate while waiting for a donor. Aims: To assess the cost effectiveness of adjuvant therapy while waiting for liver transplantation in HCC patients. Method: Using a Markov model, a hypothetical cohort of cirrhotic patients with early HCC was considered for: (1) adjuvant treatment—resection was limited to Child-Pugh's A patients with single tumours, and percutaneous treatment was considered for Child-Pugh's A and B patients with single tumours unsuitable for resection or with up to three nodules < 3 cm; and (2) standard management. Length of waiting time ranged from six to 24 months. Results: Surgical resection increased the transplantation rate (>10%) and provided gains in life expectancy of 4.8–6.1 months with an acceptable cost (40000/yearoflifegained)forwaitinglists1yearwhereasitwasnotcosteffective(40 000/ year of life gained) for waiting lists ≥1 year whereas it was not cost effective (74 000/life of year gained) for shorter waiting times or high dropout rate scenarios. Percutaneous treatment increased life expectancy by 5.2–6.7 months with a marginal cost of approximately $20 000/year of life gained in all cases, remaining cost effective for all waiting times. Conclusions: Adjuvant therapies for HCC while waiting for liver transplantation provide moderate gains in life expectancy and are cost effective for waiting lists of one year or more. For shorter waiting times, only percutaneous treatment confers a relevant survival advantage

    Control de compuertas de derivación en la red de alcantarillado de Barcelona

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    [ES] Clavegueram de Barcelona, S.A. (CLABSA) ha implantado un control global optimizado de las compuertas que regulan la derivación de aguas del alcantarillado hacia la cuenca de Riera Blanca o hacia la cuenca de Diagonal-Barceloneta. Este control está realizado con la ayuda de un modelo de calibración continua, que permite aplicarlo de forma óptima. El modelo se basa en subdividir la red de alcantarillado en conjuntos conexos de colectores y sustituirlos por depósitos virtuales interconectados. Los parámetros del modelo no son estáticos sino que se recalculan en función de la información recibida por el sistema de telesupervisión en tiempo real.Ballester Rodés, L.; Martí Marquès, J.; Salamero Sansalvadó, M. (1998). Control de compuertas de derivación en la red de alcantarillado de Barcelona. Ingeniería del Agua. 5(4):37-46. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.1998.2770SWORD374654Ballester, Ll., (1996) Un Sistema de Telecontrol del Alcantarillado. Municipales. Equipamiento y Servicios.Clavegueram de Barcelona S.A. (CLABSA), (1995) Manual de Operación de la Explotación Centralizada (MQEC).J.M.A Danby, (1988) Fundaments of Celestial Mechanics. Second Edition.Danish Hidraulics Institute, (1996) User Manual and Reference Manual. DHI Software.Gutiérrez, L.A., (1992) Gestión avanzada del alcantarillado Simposium Internacional de Desalación y Reuso del Agua, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.Hartong, H., Lobbrecht, A., (1992) Third European Junior Scientist Course, Formerum, Terschelling, the Netherlands, 20-25 September 1991.Malgrat, P., (1991) Sistema de control en tiempo real del alcantarillado de Barcelona, El proyecto Sictrab, Municipalia-91.Malgrat, P., (1992) El Plan Especial de Alcantarillado de Barcelona (PECB) III Curso de Avenidas: Inundaciones y Redes de Drenaje Urbano, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1992.Malgrat, P., (l992) Desarrollo del PECB: Hacia el drenaje urbano del futuro III Curso de Avenidas: Inundaciones y Redes de Drenaje Urbano, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1992.Malgrat, P., (1992) Gestió avançada del clavegueram. El cas de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona.Martí, J., Ballester, LL., Malgrat, P., (1993) Implementation of Real Time Control in Barcelona's Urban Drainage System, Sixth International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage, Ontario-Canadá, 1993.Martí, J., (1994) Control Optimizado Operativo (COPOP), Clavegueram de Barcelona S.A. (CLABSA).Martin P. Wanielista, (1978) Stormwater Management, quantity and quality. Ann Arbor Science. Publishers Inc.Metcalf and Eddy (George Tchobonoglous), (1985) Ingeniería sanitaria redes de alcantarillado y bombeo. Editorial Labor.The Mathworks Inc. Massachusetts, (1994) Matlab. High-Performance Numeric Computation and Visualitation Software, Control System Toolbox Users Guide.The Mathworks Inc. Massachusetts, (1994) Simulink. Dynamic System Simulation Software. Users Guide.William H. Press, Saul A.Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, Brian P.Flannery, (1995) Numerical Recipies in C, The art of Scientific Computing.Cambridge University Press.J. L. Quer, J. Martí, P. Malgrat, (1992) On the implementation of real time control (RTC) and a GIS in Barcelona's urban drainage system, Novatech'92, Lyon (Francia).P. Malgrat, J. Martí, (1993) Aplicación de tecnologías avanzadas de gestión en una red de alcantarillado, XIV Jornadas Técnicas de la Asociación Española, de Abastecimientos de Agua y Saneamiento (AEAS), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.J. Martí, (1994) Diseño de sistemas informáticos de gestión de redes de saneamiento, XIV Jornadas Técnicas de la Asociación Española de Abastecimientos de Agua y Saneamiento (AEAS), Jerez de la Frontera.J. Martí, (1996) Explotación Integral de los Sistemas de Alcantarillado, ROP, Revista de Obras Públicas.J. Martí, (1996) Explotación centralizada de redes de saneamiento ROP, Revista de Obras Públicas

    Transmitted drug resistance, selection of resistance mutations and moderate antiretroviral efficacy in HIV-2: Analysis of the HIV-2 Belgium and Luxembourg database

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    BACKGROUND: Guidelines established for the treatment of HIV-1 infection and genotype interpretation do not apply for HIV-2. Data about antiretroviral (ARV) drug efficacy and resistance mutations is scarce. METHODS: Clinical data about HIV-2 infected patients in Belgium and Luxembourg were collected and the effect of ARV therapy on plasma viral load and CD4 counts were analysed. Viral RNA encoding for protease (PR) and reverse transcriptase (RT) from ARV-naive and treated patients were sequenced. RESULTS: Sixty-five HIV-2 infected patients were included in this cohort. Twenty patients were treated with 25 different ARV combinations in a total of 34 regimens and six months after the start of ARV therapy, only one third achieved viral load suppression. All of these successful regimens bar one contained protease inhibitors (PIs). Mean CD4 gains in the group of viral load suppressors and the group of patients treated with PI-containing regimens were respectively significantly higher than in the group of non-suppressors and the group of PI-sparing regimens. The most frequent mutations selected under therapy (compared to HIV-2 ROD) were V71I, L90M and I89V within PR. Within RT, they were M184V, Q151M, V111I and K65R. All of these mutations, except K65R and M184V, were also found in variable proportions in ARV-naive patients. CONCLUSION: Despite a high rate of ARV treatment failure, better virological and immunological results were achieved with PI-containing regimens. The analysis of polymorphic positions and HIV-2 specific mutations selected during therapy showed for the first time that transmission of drug resistant viruses has occurred in Belgium and Luxembourg. The high heterogeneity in ARV combinations reflects a lack of guidelines for the treatment of HIV-2 infection

    Utilitat de la determinació del DNA del virus de l'hepatitis B en serum per hibridació molecular

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    Mediante una técnica de hibridación molecular, utilizando como sonda DNA-VHB purificado de un plasmido recombinante, se ha examinado la presencia de DNA-VHB en el suero de 82 portadores crónicos de HBsAg(RIA) sin evidenciashade infección Delta y en 80 sujetos HBsAg negativos (40 donantes de Sangre y 40 con hepatitis crónica o cirrosis no alcohólica). Se detectó DNA-VHB en cantidades variables en los 62 portadores crónicos(57 HBeAg positivo y 5 antiHBe positivo) con transaminasas elevadas, lesiones de hepatitis crónica y presencia de HBcAg en el tejido hepático (inmunoperoxidasa). En los 8 portadores con transaminasas elevadas, antiHBe positivo, lesiones de hepatitis crónica y HBcAg ausente del higado, se detectó DNA-VHB sérico en forma intermitente. El examen fue negativo en los 11 portadores crónicos con antiHBe positivo y transaminasas normales, así como en los sujetos HBsAg negativo. La presencia de DNA-VHB en el suero se asocia a la existencia de actividad inflamatoria y refleja la actividad replicativa del VHB con mayor fidelidad que la valoración del sistema antigénico HBe. Su examen constituye un elemento sumamente útil tanto para el estudio de la historia natural de la infección crónica por el VHB como para la valoración de agentes terapéuticos

    Epidemiologia de l'hepatitis B a Catalunya

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    L'hepatitis és una malaltia coneguda de fa molt temps. Sembla (que la primera referència al seu caràcter contagiós prové del segle vuitè després de Crist, quan en una carta a sant Bonifaci, arquebisbe de Magúncia, el papa Zacaries li recomana que els malalts d'icterícia estiguin separats per tat d'evitar el contagi dels altres. La literatura mèdica antiga conté nombrosos exemples d'epidèmies d'icterícia, que retrospectivament podem interpretar com hepatitis, bé que ens pot quedar el dubte que es tractés d'altres malalties epidèmiques que també fan curs amb icterícia, com és ara la febre groga i la leptospirosi

    Esclerosi de varices esofàgiques

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    L'hemorràgia digestiva per varices esofàgiques constitueix una de les complicacions més greus dels pacients amb hipertensió portal, l'etiologia més freqüent dels quals és la cirrosi hepàtica. S'avalua que la mortalitat dels pacients que sagnen per varices esofàgiques és de l'ordre del 20% i que el 50% dels pacients amb antecedents d'hemorràgia per varices sagnaran novament en el curs de l'any següent al darrer episodi..