76 research outputs found

    Aquatic macroinvertebrate responses to native and non-native predators

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    Non-native species can profoundly affect native ecosystems through trophic interactions with native species. Native prey may respond differently to non-native versus native predators since they lack prior experience. Here we investigate antipredator responses of two common freshwater macroinvertebrates, Gammarus pulex and Potamopyrgus jenkinsi, to olfactory cues from three predators; sympatric native fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus), sympatric native crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes), and novel invasive crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). G. pulex responded differently to fish and crayfish; showing enhanced locomotion in response to fish, but a preference for the dark over the light in response to the crayfish. P. jenkinsi showed increased vertical migration in response to all three predator cues relative to controls. These different responses to fish and crayfish are hypothesised to reflect the predators’ differing predation types; benthic for crayfish and pelagic for fish. However, we found no difference in response to native versus invasive crayfish, indicating that prey naiveté is unlikely to drive the impacts of invasive crayfish. The Predator Recognition Continuum Hypothesis proposes that benefits of generalisable predator recognition outweigh costs when predators are diverse. Generalised responses of prey as observed here will be adaptive in the presence of an invader, and may reduce novel predators’ potential impacts

    Enhanced phosphorus locking by novel lanthanum/aluminum–hydroxide composite: implications for eutrophication control

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    Lanthanum (La) bearing materials have been widely used to remove phosphorus (P) in water treatment. However, it remains a challenge to enhance phosphate (PO4) adsorption capacity and La usage efficiency. In this study, La was co-precipitated with aluminum (Al) to obtain a La/Al-hydroxide composite (LAH) for P adsorption. The maximum PO4 adsorption capacities of LAH (5.3% La) were 76.3 and 45.3 mg P g-1 at pH 4.0 and 8.5, which were 8.5 and 5.3 times higher than those of commercially available La-modified bentonite (Phoslock®, 5.6% La), respectively. P K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure analysis showed that PO4 was preferentially bonded with Al under weakly acid conditions (pH 4.0), while tended to associate with La under alkaline conditions (pH 8.5). La LIII-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis indicated that PO4 was bonded on La sites by forming inner sphere bidentate-binuclear complexes and oxygen defects exhibited on LAH surfaces, which could be active adsorption sites for PO4. The electrostatic interaction, ligand exchange and oxygen defects on LAH surfaces jointly facilitated PO4 adsorption but with varied contribution under different pH conditions. The combined contribution of two-component of La and Al may be an important direction for the next generation of commercial products for eutrophication mitigation

    The effect of ocean acidification on organic and inorganic speciation of trace metals

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    Rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide are causing acidification of the oceans. 20 This results in changes to the concentrations of key chemical species such as hydroxide, 21 carbonate and bicarbonate ions. These changes will affect the distribution of different forms 22 of trace metals. Using IPCC data for pCO2 and pH under four future emissions scenarios (to 23 the year 2100) we use a chemical speciation model to predict changes in the distribution of 24 organic and inorganic forms of trace metals. Under a scenario where emissions peak after 25 the year 2100, predicted free ion Al, Fe, Cu and Pb concentrations increase by factors of up 26 to approximately 21, 2.4, 1.5 and 2.0 respectively. Concentrations of organically complexed 27 metal typically have a lower sensitivity to ocean acidification induced changes. 28 Concentrations of organically-complexed Mn, Cu, Zn and Cd fall by up to 10%, while those 29 of organically-complexed Fe, Co and Ni rise by up to 14%. Although modest, these changes 30 may have significance for the biological availability of metals given the close adaptation of 31 marine microorganisms to their environment

    Diversity patterns of benthic bacterial communities along the salinity continuum of the Humber estuary (UK)

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    Sediments from intertidal mudflats are fluctuating environments that support very diverse microbialcommunities. The highly variable physicochemical conditions complicate the understanding of the environmental controls on diversity patterns in estuarine systems. This study investigated bacterial diversity and community composition in surface (0-1 cm) and subsurface (5-10 cm) sediments along the salinity gradient of the Humber estuary (UK) using amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, and it correlates variations with environmental variables. The sediment depths sampled were selected based on the local remobilisation frequency patterns. In general, bacterial communities showed similar composition at the different sites and depths, with Proteobacteria being the most abundant phylum. Richness of operationally defined taxonomic units (OTUs) was uniform along the Microbial Diversity of the Humber Estuary salinity gradient. However, Hill numbers, as bacterial diversity measures, showed that the common and dominant OTUs exhibited a decreasing trend from the inner towards the outer estuary sites. Additionally, surface and subsurface bacterial communities were separated by NMDS analysis only in the mid and outer estuary samples, where redox transitions with depth in the sediment profile were more abrupt. Salinity, porewater ammonium concentrations and reduced iron concentrations were the subset of environmental factors that best correlated with community dissimilarities. The analysis of the regional diversity indicated that the dataset may include two potentially distinct communities. These are a near surface community that is the product of regular mixing and transport which is subjected to a wide range of salinity conditions, and thus contains decreasing numbers of common and dominant OTUs seawards, and a bacterial community indigenous to the more reducing subsurface sediments of the mid and outer mudflats of the Humber estuary

    Understanding the mobilisation of metal pollution associated with historical mining in a carboniferous upland catchment

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    Point and diffuse pollution from metal mining has led to severe environmental damage worldwide. Mine drainage is a significant problem for riverine ecosystems, it is commonly acidic (AMD), but neutral mine drainage (NMD) can also occur. A representative environment for studying metal pollution from NMD is provided by Carboniferous catchments characterised by a circumneutral pH and high concentrations of carbonates, supporting the formation of secondary metal-minerals as potential sinks of metals. The present study focuses on understanding the mobility of metal pollution associated with historical mining in a Carboniferous upland catchment. In the uplands of the UK, river water, sediments and spoil wastes were collected over a period of fourteen months, samples were chemically analysed to identify the main metal sources and their relationships with geological and hydrological factors. Correlation tests and principal component analysis suggest that the underlying limestone bedrock controls pH and weathering reactions. Significant metal concentrations from mining activities were measured for zinc (4.3mg/l), and lead (0.3 mg/l), attributed to processes such as oxidation of mined ores (e.g. sphalerite, galena) or dissolution of precipitated secondary metal-minerals (e.g. cerussite, smithsonite). Zinc and lead mobility indicated strong dependence on biogeochemistry and hydrological conditions (e.g. pH and flow) at specific locations in the catchment. Annual loads of zinc and lead (2.9 and 0.2 tonnes/year) demonstrate a significant source of both metals to downstream river reaches. Metal pollution results in a large area of catchment having a depleted chemical status with likely effects on the aquatic ecology. This study provides an improved understanding of geological and hydrological processes controlling water chemistry, which is critical to assessing metal sources and mobilization, especially in neutral mine drainage areas

    Leaching behaviour of co-disposed steel making wastes: effects of aeration on leachate chemistry and vanadium mobilisation

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    Steelmaking wastes stored in landfill, such as slag and spent refractory liners, are often enriched in toxic trace metals (including V). These may become mobile in highly alkaline leachate generated during weathering. Fresh steelmaking waste was characterised using XRD, XRF, and SEM-EDX. Batch leaching tests were performed under aerated, air-excluded and acidified conditions to determine the impact of atmospheric CO2 and acid addition on leachate chemistry. Phases commonly associated with slag including dicalcium silicate, dicalcium aluminoferrite, a wüstite-like solid solution and free lime were identified, as well as a second group of phases including periclase, corundum and graphite which are representative of refractory liners. During air-excluded leaching, dissolution of free lime and dicalcium silicate results in a high pH, high Ca leachate in which the V concentration is low due to the constraint imposed by Ca3(VO4)2 solubility limits. Under aerated conditions, carbonation lowers the leachate pH and provides a sink for aqueous Ca, allowing higher concentrations of V to accumulate. Below pH 10, leachate is dominated by periclase dissolution and secondary phases including monohydrocalcite and dolomite are precipitated. Storage of waste under saturated conditions that exclude atmospheric CO2 would therefore provide the optimal environment to minimise V leaching during weathering

    Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification using a novel up-flow bio-electrochemical reactor

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    Nitrogen removal is a problem in the field of water treatment, especially in the presence of sulfate. Conventional nitrification and denitrification are usually carried out in two separate reactors. In addition, the effect of sulfate on hydrogenotrophic denitrification is not clear. In this study, simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) for nitrogen removal from water was conducted using a single novel up-flow bio-electrochemical reactor (UBER). The influence of dissolved oxygen (DO) on nitrogen removal was investigated. When influent DO was 7.0 – 8.0 mg L-1, a heterotrophic nitrification zone (with DO 3.2 – 5.5 mg L-1) and a hydrogenotrophic denitrification zone (with DO 1.6 – 4.2 mg L-1) were obtained within the reactor, and the removal rates of NH4+-N and TN reached more than 90%. The distribution of DO inside developing biofilms was measured using microelectrodes. When DO in the hydrogenotrophic denitrification zone was 2.9 mg L-1, DO inside the biofilm was just 0.5 mg L-1. The effect of sulfate on hydrogenotrophic denitrification was studied by regulating the S/N ratio of influent water. Simultaneous removal of nitrate and sulfate can be achieved at low S/N, and the removal rates of nitrate and sulfate were ~80%. With increasing S/N ratio, sulfide produced by sulfate reduction inhibited both denitrification and further sulfate reduction