173 research outputs found

    Bioconjugation of Green Fluorescent Protein via an Unexpectedly Stable Cyclic Sulfonium Intermediate

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    Bioconjugation of superfolder GFP involving the formation of an unusually stable, and unprecedented, cyclic sulfonium species is described. This sulfonium can undergo smooth reaction with a range of nucleophiles to give sulfur-, selenium- and azide-modified GFP derivatives in high conversions

    A novel approach to the site-selective dual labelling of a protein via chemoselective cysteine modification

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    Local protein microenvironment is used to control the outcome of reaction between cysteine residues and 2,5-dibromohexanediamide. The differential reactivity is exploited to introduce two orthogonal reactive handles onto the surface of a double cysteine mutant of superfolder green fluorescent protein in a regioselective manner. Subsequent elaboration with commonly used thiol and alkyne containing reagents affects site-selective protein dual labelling

    Clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in South Africa

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    Low- and middle-income countries are implementing COVID-19 vaccination strategies in light of varying vaccine efficacies and costs, supply shortages, and resource constraints. Here, we use a microsimulation model to evaluate clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccination program in South Africa. We varied vaccination coverage, pace, acceptance, effectiveness, and cost as well as epidemic dynamics. Providing vaccines to at least 40% of the population and prioritizing vaccine rollout prevented >9 million infections and >73,000 deaths and reduced costs due to fewer hospitalizations. Model results were most sensitive to assumptions about epidemic growth and prevalence of prior immunity to SARS-CoV-2, though the vaccination program still provided high value and decreased both deaths and health care costs across a wide range of assumptions. Vaccination program implementation factors, including prompt procurement, distribution, and rollout, are likely more influential than characteristics of the vaccine itself in maximizing public health benefits and economic efficiency

    Metal-free, hydroacylation of C[double bond, length as m-dash]C and N[double bond, length as m-dash]N bonds via aerobic C-H activation of aldehydes, and reaction of the products thereof.

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    In this report, a thorough evaluation of the use of aerobically initiated, metal-free hydroacylation of various C[double bond, length as m-dash]C and N[double bond, length as m-dash]N acceptor molecules with a wide range of aldehydes is presented. The aerobic-activation conditions that have been developed are in sharp contrast to previous conditions for hydroacylation, which tend to use transition metals, peroxides that require thermal or photochemical degradation, or N-heterocyclic carbenes. The mildness of the conditions enables a number of reactions involving sensitive reaction partners and, perhaps most significantly, allows for α-functionalised chiral aldehydes to undergo radical-based hydroacylation with complete retention of optical purity. We also demonstrate how the resulting hydroacylation products can be transformed into other useful intermediates, such as γ-keto-sulfonamides, sultams, sultones, cyclic N-sulfonyl imines and amides

    Acyl hydrazides as acyl donors for the synthesis of diaryl and aryl alkyl ketones.

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    In this communication we describe a novel strategy for the formation of valuable diaryl and aryl alkyl ketones from acyl hydrazides. A wide variety of ketones are prepared and the mild reaction conditions allow for the use of a range of functionalities, especially in the synthesis of diaryl ketones

    Inhibition of HIV-1 Replication by Isoxazolidine and Isoxazole Sulfonamides

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    Targeting host factors is a complementary strategy for the development of new antiviral drugs. We screened a library of isoxazolidine and isoxazole sulfonamides and found four compounds that inhibited HIV-1 infection in human CD4+ lymphocytic T cells with no toxicity at IC90 concentrations. Structure-activity relationship showed that benzyl sulfonamides and a halo-substituted aromatic ring on the heterocycle scaffold were critical for antiretroviral activity. The size and position of the incorporated halogen had a marked effect on the antiretroviral activity. The sulfonamide derivatives had no significant effect on HIV-1 entry, reverse transcription and integration but impaired a step necessary for activation of viral gene expression. This step was Tat-independent, strongly suggesting that the target is a cell factor. A virus partially resistant to the least potent compounds could be selected but could not be propagated in the long term, consistent with the possibility that HIV-1 may be less likely to develop resistance against drugs targeting some host factors. Here, we provide evidence that novel synthetic methods can be applied to develop small molecules with antiretroviral activity that target host factors important for HIV-1 replication

    Reversible protein affinity-labelling using bromomaleimide-based reagents

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    Reversible protein biotinylation is readily affected via conjugation with a bromomaleimide-based reagent followed by reductive cleavage. The intermediate biotinylated protein constructs are stable at physiological temperature and pH 8.0. Quantitative reversibility is elegantly delivered under mild conditions of using a stoichiometric amount of a bis-thiol, thus providing an approach that will be of general interest in chemical biology and proteomics

    Cost-effectiveness of public health strategies for COVID-19 epidemic control in South Africa

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    Background Healthcare resource constraints in low and middle-income countries necessitate selection of cost-effective public health interventions to address COVID-19. Methods We developed a dynamic COVID-19 microsimulation model to evaluate clinical and economic outcomes and cost-effectiveness of epidemic control strategies in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Interventions assessed were Healthcare Testing (HT), where diagnostic testing is performed only for those presenting to healthcare centres; Contact Tracing (CT) in households of cases; Isolation Centres (IC), for cases not requiring hospitalisation; community health worker-led Mass Symptom Screening and diagnostic testing for symptomatic individuals (MS); and Quarantine Centres (QC), for contacts who test negative. Given uncertainties about epidemic dynamics in South Africa, we evaluated two main epidemic scenarios over 360 days, with effective reproduction numbers (R e ) of 1.5 and 1.2. We compared HT, HT+CT, HT+CT+IC, HT+CT+IC+MS, HT+CT+IC+QC, and HT+CT+IC+MS+QC, considering strategies with incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) <US1,290/year−of−lifesaved(YLS)tobecost−effective.FindingsWithRe1.5,HTresultedinthemostCOVID−19deathsandlowestcostsover360days.ComparedwithHT,HT+CT+IC+MSreducedmortalityby761,290/year-of-life saved (YLS) to be cost-effective. Findings With R e 1.5, HT resulted in the most COVID-19 deaths and lowest costs over 360 days. Compared with HT, HT+CT+IC+MS reduced mortality by 76%, increased costs by 16%, and was cost-effective (ICER 350/YLS). HT+CT+IC+MS+QC provided the greatest reduction in mortality, but increased costs by 95% compared with HT+CT+IC+MS and was not cost-effective (ICER 8,000/YLS).WithRe1.2,HT+CT+IC+MSwastheleastcostlystrategy,andHT+CT+IC+MS+QCwasnotcost−effective(ICER8,000/YLS). With R e 1.2, HT+CT+IC+MS was the least costly strategy, and HT+CT+IC+MS+QC was not cost-effective (ICER 294,320/YLS). Interpretation In South Africa, a strategy of household contact tracing, isolation, and mass symptom screening would substantially reduce COVID-19 mortality and be cost-effective. Adding quarantine centres for COVID-19 contacts is not cost-effective

    Cost-effectiveness of public health strategies for COVID-19 epidemic control in South Africa: a microsimulation modelling study

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    Background: Health-care resource constraints in low-income and middle-income countries necessitate the identification of cost-effective public health interventions to address COVID-19. We aimed to develop a dynamic COVID-19 microsimulation model to assess clinical and economic outcomes and cost-effectiveness of epidemic control strategies in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Methods: We compared different combinations of five public health interventions: health-care testing alone, where diagnostic testing is done only for individuals presenting to health-care centres; contact tracing in households of cases; isolation centres, for cases not requiring hospital admission; mass symptom screening and molecular testing for symptomatic individuals by community health-care workers; and quarantine centres, for household contacts who test negative. We calibrated infection transmission rates to match effective reproduction number (Re) estimates reported in South Africa. We assessed two main epidemic scenarios for a period of 360 days, with an Re of 1·5 and 1·2. Strategies with incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of less than US3250peryearoflifesavedwereconsideredcost−effective.Wealsodidsensitivityanalysesbyvaryingkeyparameters(Revalues,moleculartestingsensitivity,andefficaciesandcostsofinterventions)todeterminetheeffectonclinicalandcostprojections.Findings:WhenRewas1⋅5,health−caretestingaloneresultedinthehighestnumberofCOVID−19deathsduringthe360−dayperiod.Comparedwithhealth−caretestingalone,acombinationofhealth−caretesting,contacttracing,useofisolationcentres,masssymptomscreening,anduseofquarantinecentresreducedmortalityby943250 per year of life saved were considered cost-effective. We also did sensitivity analyses by varying key parameters (Re values, molecular testing sensitivity, and efficacies and costs of interventions) to determine the effect on clinical and cost projections. Findings: When Re was 1·5, health-care testing alone resulted in the highest number of COVID-19 deaths during the 360-day period. Compared with health-care testing alone, a combination of health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, mass symptom screening, and use of quarantine centres reduced mortality by 94%, increased health-care costs by 33%, and was cost-effective (ICER 340 per year of life saved). In settings where quarantine centres were not feasible, a combination of health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, and mass symptom screening was cost-effective compared with health-care testing alone (ICER $590 per year of life saved). When Re was 1·2, health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, and use of quarantine centres was the least costly strategy, and no other strategies were cost-effective. In sensitivity analyses, a combination of health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, mass symptom screening, and use of quarantine centres was generally cost-effective, with the exception of scenarios in which Re was 2·6 and when efficacies of isolation centres and quarantine centres for transmission reduction were reduced. Interpretation: In South Africa, strategies involving household contact tracing, isolation, mass symptom screening, and quarantining household contacts who test negative would substantially reduce COVID-19 mortality and would be cost-effective. The optimal combination of interventions depends on epidemic growth characteristics and practical implementation considerations

    Socioeconomic Predictors of Cognition in Ugandan Children: Implications for Community Interventions

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    Background: Several interventions to improve cognition in at risk children have been suggested. Identification of key variables predicting cognition is necessary to guide these interventions. This study was conducted to identify these variables in Ugandan children and guide such interventions. Methods: A cohort of 89 healthy children (45 females) aged 5 to 12 years old were followed over 24 months and had cognitive tests measuring visual spatial processing, memory, attention and spatial learning administered at baseline, 6 months and 24 months. Nutritional status, child’s educational level, maternal education, socioeconomic status and quality of the home environment were also measured at baseline. A multivariate, longitudinal model was then used to identify predictors of cognition over the 24 months. Results: A higher child’s education level was associated with better memory (p = 0.03), attention (p = 0.005) and spatial learning scores over the 24 months (p = 0.05); higher nutrition scores predicted better visual spatial processing (p = 0.002) and spatial learning scores (p = 0.008); and a higher home environment score predicted a better memory score (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Cognition in Ugandan children is predicted by child’s education, nutritional status and the home environment
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