20 research outputs found

    Impact on survival of modelling increased surgical resection rates in patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and cardiovascular comorbidities: a VICORI study

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    BackgroundThe impact of cardiovascular disease (CVD) comorbidity on resection rates and survival for patients with early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is unclear. We explored if CVD comorbidity explained surgical resection rate variation and the impact on survival if resection rates increased.MethodsCancer registry data consisted of English patients diagnosed with NSCLC from 2012 to 2016. Linked hospital records identified CVD comorbidities. We investigated resection rate variation by geographical region using funnel plots; resection and death rates using time-to-event analysis. We modelled an increased propensity for resection in regions with the lowest resection rates and estimated survival change.ResultsAmong 57,373 patients with Stage 1−3A NSCLC, resection rates varied considerably between regions. Patients with CVD comorbidity had lower resection rates and higher mortality rates. CVD comorbidity explained only 1.9% of the variation in resection rates. For every 100 CVD comorbid patients, increasing resection in regions with the lowest rates from 24 to 44% would result in 16 more patients resected and alive after 1 year and two fewer deaths overall.ConclusionsVariation in regional resection rate is not explained by CVD comorbidities. Increasing resection in patients with CVD comorbidity to the levels of the highest resecting region would increase 1-year survival.</p

    Complicações relacionadas à lobectomia em doadores de transplante pulmonar intervivos Complications related to lobectomy in living lobar lung transplant donors

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar as complicações pós-operatórias imediatas de doadores vivos de lobos pulmonares para transplante. MÉTODOS: Entre setembro de 1999 e maio de 2005 foram realizadas lobectomias em 32 doadores saudáveis para transplante pulmonar em 16 receptores. Os prontuários médicos destes doadores foram analisados retrospectivamente para verificar a incidência de complicações pós-operatórias e as alterações da função pulmonar após a lobectomia. RESULTADOS: Vinte e dois doadores (68,75%) não apresentaram complicações. Entre os 10 casos que apresentaram alguma complicação o derrame pleural foi a mais freqüente, ocorrendo em 5 deles (15,6% da amostra). Três doadores (9,3%) necessitaram de transfusão de hemácias e, em 2 casos, foi necessária nova intervenção cirúrgica devido a hemotórax. Um doador apresentou pneumotórax após a retirada do dreno de tórax e houve um caso de infecção respiratória. Ocorreram duas intercorrências intra-operatórias (6,25%): em um doador foi realizada broncoplastia do lobo médio; em outro, foi necessária a ressecção da língula. Não houve mortalidade cirúrgica nesta série. As provas de função pulmonar do pós-operatório demonstraram uma redução média de 20% no volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (p < 000,1), em comparação com os valores verificados antes da cirurgia. CONCLUSÕES: A lobectomia em doadores pulmonares vivos para transplante apresenta elevado risco de complicações pós-operatórias e resulta em perda definitiva da função pulmonar Uma cuidadosa avaliação pré-operatória faz-se necessária para reduzir a incidência de complicações nos doadores vivos de lobos pulmonares para transplante.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate post-operative complications in living lobar lung transplant donors. METHODS: Between September of 1999 and May of 2005, lobectomies were performed in 32 healthy lung transplant donors for 16 recipients. The medical charts of these donors were retrospectively analyzed in order to determine the incidence of postoperative complications and alterations in pulmonary function after lobectomy. RESULTS: Twenty-two donors (68.75%) presented no complications. Among the 10 donors presenting complications, the most frequently observed complication was pleural effusion, which occurred in 5 donors (15.6% of the sample). Red blood cell transfusion was necessary in 3 donors (9.3%), and 2 donors underwent a second surgical procedure due to hemothorax. One donor presented pneumothorax after chest tube removal, and one developed respiratory infection. There were two intra-operative complications (6.25%): one donor required bronchoplasty of the middle lobe; and another required lingular resection. No intra-operative mortality was observed. Post-operative pulmonary function tests demonstrated an average reduction of 20% in forced expiratory volume in one second (p < 000.1) compared to pre-operative values. CONCLUSIONS: Lobectomy in living lung transplant donors presents high risk of post-operative complications and irreversible impairment of pulmonary function. Careful pre-operative evaluation is necessary in order to reduce the incidence of complications in living lobar lung transplant donors