104 research outputs found

    Market Prospecting and Assessment of the Economic Potential of Glycerol from Biodiesel

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    Glycerol from biodiesel is a potential raw material for synthesis of several products with high added value. The world demand and the market value of these products are important information for defining the best investment for the implantation of a biorefinery. The information is available on websites of social associations, production companies and market consulting companies and can be mined, free of charge. The International Trade Center (ITC), with information on world trade and websites linked to the foreign trade agencies of every country, such as Comex Stat, in Brazil, are relevant search sources. In this context, this work presents procedures and search techniques for prospecting such information. Such a procedure is illustrated through a case study for which a search of market parameters for glycerol and its derivatives was carried out for use in the process design and economic evaluation of an industrial plant. It was found that crude glycerol had a market price close to US170/ton,in2019.Amongitsderivatives,acrylicacid,acrylonitrileand1,3propanediolhavegreatpotentialforthedevelopmentofnewprocesses,withinthescopeofabiorefinery.Industrially,acrylicacid(US 170/ton, in 2019. Among its derivatives, acrylic acid, acrylonitrile and 1,3-propanediol have great potential for the development of new processes, within the scope of a biorefinery. Industrially, acrylic acid (US 1100/ton) and acrylonitrile (US1500/ton)areproducedfrompropene(US 1500/ton) are produced from propene (US 880/ ton) and 1,3-propanediol (US 2000/ton)comesfromglucose(US 2000/ton) comes from glucose (US 460/t) or ethylene oxide (US$ 1200/t), which encourages the development of new sustainable processes

    Chronic kidney disease intervention in primary health care: integrative review

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    To analyze the knowledge and safety of primary health care professionals in the management of chronic kidney disease in its early stages. Integrative literature review carried out in four steps. The search took place in the following databases: MEDLINE via PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and BVS. The descriptors used were “Primary Health Care” AND “Kidney Diseases” AND “Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice” and the quality of the analysis was checked by means of the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention Studies”. Fifteen articles were found, with a predominance of qualitative and descriptive method; the results showed insufficient knowledge of health professionals and interest in the best approach in the initial stage of the disease. Thus, it is inferred that the knowledge and security of primary health care professionals depend on individual factors and institutional initiative for the adoption of clinical guidelines and training. Therefore, prepared professionals and organized care, using protocols, would bring benefits both to patients as to the evolution and outcome of the disease and  savings to health services

    A influência do evento El Niño - Oscilação Sul e Atlântico equatorial na precipitação sobre as regiões norte e nordeste da América do Sul

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    The impacts of anomalous events in the Pacific Ocean associated with the El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on rainfall over northern and northeastern regions of South America were evaluated for the period from 1900 to 2007 using composite analyses. The El Niño (La Niña) events in the Pacific, that together with a cold (warm) Atlantic Equatorial Mode (AEM) form an interbasin gradient between the Pacific and Atlantic were analyzed considering separately those for which the gradient forms during the ENSO onset phase from those for which the gradient forms during the ENSO demise phase. The results show that the rainfall pattern over the northern and northeastern region of South America is reinforced under an interbasin gradient during the initial phase of the ENSO event. In this case, a possible explanation is that the AEM with opposite sign of the ENSO event in its onset stage creates favorable conditions for the development of an interhemispheric gradient in the Tropical Atlantic acting in the same direction of the interbasin gradient, and collaborating to reinforce the El Niño (La Niña) effect on the precipitation. On the other hand, for ENSO events for which the interbasin gradient forms in the demise stage, the impact on the precipitation is more significative in the northern and central-western regions of the basin. A possible explanation for these differences is linked to the alterations in the east-west atmospheric circulation associated with the east-west gradient of the SST anomalies. The result of this study might be useful mainly for climate monitoring purposes

    Estudo do fenômeno da ilha de calor na cidade de Manaus/AM: Um estudo a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto, modelagem e estações meteorológicas

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    The heat island phenomenon (HI) in the city of Manaus was studied using the urban climate modeling with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and meteorological weather station data. The surface temperature (ST) data from the environmental satellite MODIS Aqua, product MYD11A2 with a horizontal resolution of 1 km by 1 km for the period 2002 to 2012 were used to evaluate the urbanization process in Manaus city. A case study was conducted with the simulated ST and air temperature (AT) for the months of August and September 2009, which were compared respectively with the satellite data and meteorological weather station data. The spatial distribution of ST in the city was identified, and the ST differences between the urban and the forest areas and between the urban and river areas were quantified. The ST difference across the longitude bands 60,03° W to 59,97° W and across the latitude bands 3,09° S a -3,03° S were analyzed with WRF data and MODIS data. The intensity of the HI estimated with the AT from the model and the meteorological stations were on average respectively of 1,87 °C and 1,80 °C, consistent with previous results. Therefore, the simulated AT can be used to estimate the intensity ofHI in Manaus. © 2016, Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia. All Rights reserved

    Percepção dos alunos de ensino fundamental sobre guarda responsável de animais após um programa de educação no sul do Brasil

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    O impacto de programas de guarda responsável que objetivam promover a saúde pública precisa ser plenamente estabelecido no Brasil. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a percepção sobre guarda responsável de animais de estudantes do ensino fundamental e professores após um programa com quatro anos de duração na cidade de Pinhais. Questionários foram distribuídos para alunos da quarta série e professores de todas as escolas públicas de ensino fundamental da cidade. No total, 1022/1332 estudantes (76,7%) participaram do programa. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos que participaram e não participaram, em relação aos conceitos de guarda responsável (p = 0,88), zoonoses (p = 0,09) e bem-estar animal (p = 0,94). Entretanto, a frequência de acertos dos conceitos de guarda responsável e zoonoses foi significativamente maior (p < 0,01) entre os estudantes do grupo que participou 1 ou 2 vezes (779/830; 93,8% e 506/813; 62,2%, respectivamente) com relação ao grupo que participou > 2 vezes (144/165; 87,3% e 64/151; 42,4%, respectivamente). E também foi significativamente maior (p < 0,01) entre o grupo ≤ 10 anos (991/1058; 93.7%) com relação ao grupo > 10 anos (158/180; 87,8%) no primeiro conceito. Apesar da maioria dos professores aprovarem a continuidade do programa (128/137; 93,4%), eles reportaram baixas taxas de participação no treinamento (41/137; 29,9%) e utilização dos materiais didáticos disponíveis (78/137; 26,9%). O estudo mostrou que a percepção sobre guarda responsável de animais em programas de educação continuada pode ser mais facilmente absorvida por crianças de até 10 anos de idade e com até duas participações.The impact of responsible ownership programs with the goal of promoting public health remains to be fully established in Brazil. This study aimed to evaluate the responsible pet ownership perception of public elementary school students and teachers after a four-year outreach educational program in the city of Pinhais, Southern Brazil. Questionnaires were distributed for self-answer by fourth-grade students and teachers of all city public elementary schools. A total of 1,022/1,332 students (76.7%) referred participated in the program. No significant differences were observed between participating and non-participating groups regarding the concepts of responsible ownership (p = 0.88), zoonoses (p = 0.09) and animal welfare (p = 0.94). However, the frequency of correct answers on responsible ownership and zoonoses concepts was significantly higher (p < 0.01) among student groups who participated 1 or 2 times (779/830; 93.8% and 506/813; 62.2%, respectively) in relation to the groups that participated > 2 times (144/165; 87.3% and 64/151; 42.4%, respectively). It was also significantly higher (p < 0.01) between ≤ 10 years group (991/1058, 93.7%) compared to group >10 years (158/180; 87.8%) in the first concept. Although most teachers approved the continuing program (128/137; 93.4%), they reported low rates on training participation (41/137; 29.9%) and use of available teaching materials (78/137; 26.9%). The study has shown that perception of responsible pet ownership in outreach education programs may be more easily absorbed by children under ten years of age and up to two participations

    Mindfulness, promoção da saúde e semiótica: bases para modelos comunicacionais em saúde online

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    Objetivo: analizar un curso en línea sobre promoción de la salud basado en la atención plena (mindfulness) a través de la teoría de la semiótica discursiva en uno de sus desarrollos más recientes, el aspecto visual o plástico. El objetivo es identificar cómo el texto verbal-visual del curso produce significados y cómo puede ayudar en el diseño de otros cursos. Método: se llevó a cabo un análisis semiótico de dos prácticas y una impresión de pantalla del curso llamado Programa de autocuidado basado en la atención plena, en educación a distancia, desarrollado por el Centro Brasileño de Mindfulness y Promoción de la Salud (“Mente Abierta”), del Departamento de Medicina Preventivade de la Universidad Federal de São Paulo. Resultados: se evaluaronlos elementos estéticos que contribuyeron a la construcción de un entorno de práctica eufórica (vinculado a la salud) y se establecieron relaciones entre el plan de contenido y el plan de expresión de práctica, responsables de la construcción de relaciones semi-simbólicas. Conclusión: se confirmó la valoración de una estética de simplicidad de colores y formas, que convergió en una afirmación de los valores de calma y bienestar compatibles con las prácticas de mindfulness. Objetictive: to analyze an online course on health promotion based on mindfulness (mindfulness) through the theory of discursive semiotics in one of its most recent developments, the visual or plastic aspect. The objective is to identify how the verbal-visual text of the course producesmeanings and how it can help in the design of other courses. Method: a semiotic analysis of two practices and a screen print of the course called Mindfulness-Based Self-Care Program, in distance learning, developed by the Brazilian Center for Mindfulness and Health Promotion (“Open Mind”), of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Federal University of São Paulo. Results: the aesthetic elements that contributed to the construction of an euphoric practice environment (linked to health) were evaluated and relationships were established between the content planand the practice expression plan, responsible for the construction of a semi-symbolic system. Conclusion: it was confirmed the appreciation of an aesthetics of simplicity of colors and shapes that was converged to an affirmation of the values of calm and well-being compatible with the practices of mindfulness. From this analysis, we seek to reflect on the bases for the development of communicational models related to health promotion in a digital environment.Objetivo: identificar como o texto verbo-visual do curso produz sentidos e como isso pode auxiliar na  construção do design de outros cursos. Método: foi feita a análise semiótica de duas práticas e de um print de tela do curso denominadoPrograma de Autocuidado Baseado em Mindfulness, na modalidade Educação à Distância, desenvolvido pelo CentroBrasileiro de Mindfulness e Promoção da Saúde (“Mente Aberta”), do Departamento de Medicina Preventiva da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Foram avaliados os elementos estéticos que contribuiriam para a construção de um ambiente de prática eufórico (ligado à saúde) e estabelecidas relações entre o plano de conteúdo e o plano de expressão das práticas, responsáveis pela construção de um sistema semissimbólico. Resultados: confirmou-se a valorização de uma estética da simplicidade de cores eformas que converge para uma afirmação dos valores calma e bem-estar compatíveis com as práticas de mindfulness. Conclusão: a partir dessa análise, busca-se refletir sobre asbases para o desenvolvimento de modelos comunicacionais relacionados à promoção da saúde em ambiente digital.

    Use of ethyl-trinexapac in upland rice cultivars

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    The lodging of some rice cultivars, at harvest time, can cause significant losses in grain yield. The use of plant regulators is one of the alternatives to reduce lodging, however, information on that subject are still scarce. This study aimed to evaluate the use of ethyl-trinexapac doses (0 g ha-1, 50 g ha-1, 100 g ha-1, 150 g ha-1, and 200 g ha-1), at the floral differentiation stage, in rice cultivars with different types of plants (Caiapó - traditional; BRS Primavera and BRS Soberana - intermediate; and IAC 202 - modern), in order to evaluate grain development and yield. The experiment was carried out in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, during the 2007/2008 growing season. It was observed that the application of 50 g ha-1, 100 g ha-1, and 150 g ha-1 of ethyl-trinexapac, during the floral differentiation stage of the Caiapó, BRS Soberana, and BRS Primavera cultivars, respectively, decreased plants height and eliminated lodging; it was not necessary to use growth regulator for the IAC 202 cultivar, due to its lack of lodging; the application of 50 g ha-1 and 150 g ha-1 of ethyl-trinexapac, during the floral differentiation stage, improved grain yield for the Caiapó and BRS Primavera cultivars, respectively, and the 100 g ha-1 dose interfered little in the BRS Soberana cultivar

    Avaliação da habilidade do modelo WRF em representar a precipitação na amazônia usando diferentes escalas

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    Precipitation over the northern Amazon during the austral summer and autumn seasons of the 1988-1999 was simulated using the Regional Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, with downscaling approach with nested domains of 45 and 15 km. The boundary and initial conditions were obtained from the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The model skill was tested using different rea-nalyzed precipitation datasets that represent different space scales. The bias of the model shows seasonal and spatial dependences, with positive bias in southwestern Brazilian Amazon during summer and in northwestern South America during autumn. The downscaling was needed to reproduce the surface influences on the regional and local systems that affect the rainfall distribution in the region. The WRF model, in general, reproduces the main observed precipitation patterns, without the dry bias, typical of general circulation models (GCM). The results indicate that the dynamic downscaling technique improves the WRF model performance for the seasonal climate forecast in the Amazon region. © 2019, Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia. All rights reserved

    Leaf and stem anatomy of Picrolemma sprucei Hook (Simaroubaceae)

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    Anatomical studies of the leaves and stems of Picrolemma sprucei revealed that the epidermes of the leaves are glabrous, with undulating cell walls and anomocytic stomata. The mesophyll is dorsiventral with a layer of cells in palisade and a spongy parenchyma. The vascular bundles are bicollateral and have a dark tannin containing idioblast. The stem possesses a developed cortical parenchyma with schlerenchymatous thick walled cells. These are either isolated or gathered in small groups. Internally the vascular region exhibits xylematic vessels some isolated and some in groups submerged in fibrous tissue. The stem possesses a paratracheal, vasicentric parenchyma with central pith. Histochemical tests (sudan III and ferric chloride) made on the central section of the midrib and on the petiole showed the presence, respectively, of tannin or oleoresin in some cells.Os estudos anatômicos das folhas e caules de Picrolemma sprucei revelaram que as epidermes das folhas são glabras, apresentam células de paredes onduladas e estômatos anomocíticos. O mesofilo é dorsiventral com uma camada de células em paliçada e um parênquima lacunoso. Os feixes vasculares são bicolaterais e apresentam idioblastos escuros de conteúdo tânico. No caule evidencia-se um parênquima cortical desenvolvido, com células de natureza esclerenquimática, isoladas ou reunidas em pequenos grupos, de paredes espessas. Internamente observa-se a região vascular com vasos xilemáticos isolados ou em grupos imersos em tecido fibroso, sendo o parênquima do tipo paratraqueal, vasicêntrico. Na região central encontra-se uma medula desenvolvida. Testes histoquímicos (sudam III e cloreto férrico) realizados na nervura mediana do terço médio do limbo foliar e no pecíolo revelaram respectivamente, a presença de um conteúdo tânico e óleo-resinoso em algumas de suas células