6,512 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Logika Fuzzy untuk Prediksi Kejadian Hujan (Studi Kasus : Sub DAS Siak Hulu)

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    Most important information regarding of weather especially the rain is very useful for human routines. At this writing used fuzzy logic which aims to made a approaching prediction of raining on Sub DAS Siak Hulu. The Data that used is the rainfall data and climatological data from 2010 through 2012 with a prediction that will be done for the year 2011. The rainfall data is been taken from Pasar Kampar station which sourced from Balai Wilayah Sungai III and then for climatology data took from Pasar Kampar station and from website www.wunderground.com. For the input of rain prediction model used 6 variables that is air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, barometric pressure, total layers of clouds, and the sun shines with long output variable is rainfall. For the measurement of the accuracy of prediction Mean Square Error formulation used. Based on the results of the verification of the prediction of rainfall had a median value of ratanya was 66% and for the results of the verification of average rain events is 65%

    An algorithmic approach to the existence of ideal objects in commutative algebra

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    The existence of ideal objects, such as maximal ideals in nonzero rings, plays a crucial role in commutative algebra. These are typically justified using Zorn's lemma, and thus pose a challenge from a computational point of view. Giving a constructive meaning to ideal objects is a problem which dates back to Hilbert's program, and today is still a central theme in the area of dynamical algebra, which focuses on the elimination of ideal objects via syntactic methods. In this paper, we take an alternative approach based on Kreisel's no counterexample interpretation and sequential algorithms. We first give a computational interpretation to an abstract maximality principle in the countable setting via an intuitive, state based algorithm. We then carry out a concrete case study, in which we give an algorithmic account of the result that in any commutative ring, the intersection of all prime ideals is contained in its nilradical

    The CONEstrip algorithm

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    Uncertainty models such as sets of desirable gambles and (conditional) lower previsions can be represented as convex cones. Checking the consistency of and drawing inferences from such models requires solving feasibility and optimization problems. We consider finitely generated such models. For closed cones, we can use linear programming; for conditional lower prevision-based cones, there is an efficient algorithm using an iteration of linear programs. We present an efficient algorithm for general cones that also uses an iteration of linear programs

    Kajian Konfigurasi Escape Building untuk Evakuasi terhadap Bencana Tsunami di Kota Banda Aceh

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    Banda Aceh is one of the cities in Sumatra that is affected by the earthquake and tsunami Andaman on 26 December 2004. Banda Aceh has a sloping and relatively flat topography, with an average height of 0.8 meters above sea level, making this city became one of the cities with The worst effects of tsunami 2004, and still have the risk of earthquakes and tsunamis in the future. It is necessary for the system in the form of vertical evacuation like escape building, so that residents can take refuge from the tsunami. However, the number and location of the escape building existing only found in the Meuraxa village, so it can not reach all areas of tsunami inundation. This research use network analyst tool to the configuration of the escape building existing to analize the service area of each escape building. From this analysis it can be known that there are still many people who are not able to reach the nearest escape building or toward a secure area before the tsunami waves arrive. The scenarios analysist simulate varying evacuation time conditions, and there are two overload escape building. The simulation result shows that the percentage of residents who are not able to reach an escape building is very small, ranging between 23.73% -10.35%, so it is considered not effective, while the analysis of the escape building existing capacity shows two escape building had excess capacity, ranging between 55.48% - 55,78%

    The Effect of Varied Concentration of Garlic (Allium Sativum) on the Consumer Acceptance to the Spirulinanoddle

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    This research was aimmed to determine the effect of garlic addition at different concentration on the consumer acceptance to the wet Spirulina noddle. The method used was experimental using a completely randomized design that consisting of 4 level concentration of garlic added in the noddle, namely: M0 (0%), M1(3%), M2(6%) and M3 (9%). The results showed that the highest consumer acceptance to the noddle was addition of garlic 6% (M2) in the noddle produced that was the most preferred by 93,75%. The wet Spirulina noddle produced showed the appearance good with dark green color, tasted a little bit of garlic, chewy textureand the garlicflavor was quite strong. Its proximate composition was the of content moisture 61,37%, protein 6,82%, fat 2,71%, ash 1,11% and carbohydrate 27,88% content. It was also detected the total of microbe 4,3 103cell/ g
