5 research outputs found

    Relation between fibre distribution and post-cracking behaviour in steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete panels

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    In this research, the influence of the fibre distribution and orientation on the post-cracking behaviour of steel fibre 14 reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) panels was studied. To perform this evaluation, SFRSCC panels 15 were cast from their centre point. For each SFRSCC panel, cylindrical specimens were extracted and notched either 16 parallel or perpendicular to the concrete flow direction, in order to evaluate the influence of fibre dispersion and 17 orientation on the tensile performance. The post-cracking behaviour was assessed by both splitting tensile tests and 18 uniaxial tensile tests. To assess the fibre density and orientation through the panels, an image analysis technique was 19 employed across cut planes on each tested specimen. It is found that the splitting tensile test overestimates the post20 cracking parameters. Specimens with notched plane parallel to the concrete flow direction show considerable higher 21 post-cracking strength than specimens with notched plane perpendicular to the flow direction.The studies reported in this paper are part of the research project LEGOUSE (QREN, project no 5387). This project is co-supported by FEDER through COMPETE programme ("Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade"). The materials were supplied by Radmix and Maccaferri (fibres), SECIL (cement), SIKA and BASF (superplasticizers), Omya Comital (limestone filler), and Pegop (Fly ash)