3,663 research outputs found

    The molecular cloning and characterisation of cDNA coding for the alpha subunit of the acetylcholine receptor

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    The published version of this article is available at Oxford Journals in Nucleic Acids Research at http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/10/19/5809.full.pdf+htmlA rare cDNA coding for most of the α subunit of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor has been cloned into bacteria. The use of a mismatched oligonucleotide primer of reverse transcriptase facilitated the design of an efficient, specific probe for recombinant bacteria. DNA sequence analysis has enabled the elucidation of a large part of the polypeptide primary sequence which is discussed in relation to its acetylcholine binding activity and the location of receptor within the plasma membrane. When used as a radioactive probe, the cloned cDNA binds specifically to a single Torpedo mRNA species of about 2350 nucleotides in length but fails to show significant cross-hybridisation with a subunit mRNA extracted from cat muscle

    On Unique Ergodicity in Nonlinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

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    © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media New YorkWe illustrate how the notion of asymptotic coupling provides a flexible and intuitive framework for proving the uniqueness of invariant measures for a variety of stochastic partial differential equations whose deterministic counterpart possesses a finite number of determining modes. Examples exhibiting parabolic and hyperbolic structure are studied in detail. In the later situation we also present a simple framework for establishing the existence of invariant measures when the usual approach relying on the Krylov–Bogolyubov procedure and compactness fails

    An enhanced learning analytics plugin for Moodle: Student engagement and personalised intervention

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    © ASCILITE 2015 - Australasian Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary Education, Conference Proceedings.All right reserved. Moodle, an open source Learning Management System (LMS), collects a large amount of data on student interactions within it, including content, assessments, and communication. Some of these data can be used as proxy indicators of student engagement, as well as predictors for performance. However, these data are difficult to interrogate and even more difficult to action from within Moodle. We therefore describe a design-based research narrative to develop an enhanced version of an open source Moodle Engagement Analytics Plugin (MEAP). Working with the needs of unit convenors and student support staff, we sought to improve the available information, the way it is represented, and create affordances for action based on this. The enhanced MEAP (MEAP+) allows analyses of gradebook data, assessment submissions, login metrics, and forum interactions, as well as direct action through personalised emails to students based on these analyses

    A learning analytics pilot in Moodle and its impact on developing organisational capacity in a university

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    © ASCILITE 2017 - Conference Proceedings - 34th International Conference of Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education.All right reserved. Moodle is used as a learning management system around the world. However, integrated learning analytics solutions for Moodle that provide actionable information and allow teachers to efficiently use it to connect with their students are lacking. The enhanced Moodle Engagement Analytics Plugin (MEAP), presented at ASCILITE2015, enabled teachers to identify and contact students at-risk of not completing their units. Here, we discuss a pilot using MEAP in 36 units at Macquarie University, a metropolitan Australian university. We use existing models for developing organisational capacity in learning analytics and to embed learning analytics into the practice of teaching and learning to discuss a range of issues arising from the pilot. We outline the interaction and interdependency of five stages during the pilot: technology infrastructure, analytics tools and applications; policies, processes, practices and workflows; values and skills; culture and behaviour; and leadership. We conclude that one of the most significant stages is to develop a culture and behaviour around learning analytics

    State-of-the-Art Duolingo Features and Applications

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    Duolingo is a rapidly growing on-line platform for language learning. In this paper learning theories that are embodied in its design are analyzed and certain shortcomings are identified. In the past two years, Duolingo has expanded its platform with the addition of new applications and features. State-of-the-art updates are reviewed in order to uncover whether they address limitations of Duolingo’s original design or provide enhancements to the learning platform

    Knowledge Acquisition for Learner Modelling in Second Language Learning

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    The results of past studies in Error Analysis in applied linguistics and the experiences of developers of intelligent tutoring systems in learner modelling have influenced our definition of a new structure, called an "applicable rule", that can be used to help diagnose and to represent a learner's performance in second language learning systems. Based on this structure a prototype interface has been designed to acquire the knowledge that it must contain. The results of experiments with this interface, to validate and to fill it, have been instrumental in refining its structure, pointing out the difficulties of transforming it into an automated acquisition device, and in indicating its potential as a teaching device

    The dynamic role of the ilio-sacral joint in jumping frogs

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    A striking feature among jumping frogs is a sharp pelvic bend about the ilio-sacral (IS) joint, unique to anurans. Although this sagittal plane hinge has been interpreted as crucial for the evolution of jumping, its mechanical contribution has not been quantified. Using a model based on Kassina maculata and animated with kinematics from prior experiments, we solved the ground contact dynamics in MuJoCo enabling inverse dynamics without force plate measurements. We altered the magnitude, speed and direction of IS extension (leaving remaining kinematics unaltered) to determine its role in jumping. Ground reaction forces (GRFs) matched recorded data. Prior work postulated that IS rotation facilitates jumping by aligning the torso with the GRF. However, our simulations revealed that static torso orientation has little effect on GRF due to the close proximity of the IS joint with the COM, failing to support the ‘torso alignment’ hypothesis. Rather than a postural role, IS rotation has a dynamic function whereby angular acceleration (i) influences GRF direction to modulate jump direction and (ii) increases joint loading, particularly at the ankle and knee, perhaps increasing tendon elastic energy storage early in jumps. Findings suggest that the pelvic hinge mechanism is not obligatory for jumping, but rather crucial for the fine tuning of jump trajectory, particularly in complex habitats

    SPFC: a tool to improve water management and hay production in the Crau region

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    Correspondance: [email protected] ; UMR SYSTEM Ă©quipe CONSYSTThis article deals with the development and application of SPFC, a model used to improve water and grassland production (HC) in this region of France. This model is composed of two sub-models: an irrigation model and a crop model. As the fields are border irrigated, these two sub-models are coupled. The crop model simulates dry matter, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and soil water reserve (SWR) variations. LAI and SWR are both used for border model updating: SWR for the deficit of saturation required by the infiltration equation and LAI for the roughness coefficient n. After calibration and validation, SPFC is then used to identify realistic management strategies for the irrigation and production system at the plot level. By scheduling irrigation when SWR is 50% depleted, would result in a low Dry Matter DM production loss (around 10%), reduced labour (8 irrigation events instead of 11) and in significant water saving compared with farmers' practices, on the basis of an average climatic scenario. Furthermore, this improvement of irrigation efficiency is not incompatible with groundwater recharge used for the potable water supply of the region

    Subclinical tuberculosis disease - a review and analysis of prevalence surveys to inform definitions, burden, associations and screening methodology

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    While it is known that a substantial proportion of individuals with tuberculosis disease (TB) present subclinically, usually defined as bacteriologically-confirmed but negative on symptom screening, considerable knowledge gaps remain. Our aim was to review data from TB prevalence population surveys and generate a consistent definition and framework for subclinical TB, thus enabling an estimate of the proportion of TB that is subclinical, explore associations with overall burden and programme indicators, and performance of screening strategies. We extracted data from all publicly available prevalence surveys conducted since 1990. Between 36.1-79.7% (median 50.4%) of prevalent bacteriologically-confirmed TB was subclinical. No association was found between prevalence of subclinical and all bacteriologically confirmed TB, patient diagnostic rate or country-level HIV prevalence (p-values, 0.32, 0.4, 0.34, respectively). Chest X-ray detected 89% (range 73-98%) of bacteriologically-confirmed TB disease, highlighting the potential of optimizing current TB case-finding policies

    The relevance of outsourcing and leagile strategies in performance optimization of an integrated process planning and scheduling

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    Over the past few years growing global competition has forced the manufacturing industries to upgrade their old production strategies with the modern day approaches. As a result, recent interest has been developed towards finding an appropriate policy that could enable them to compete with others, and facilitate them to emerge as a market winner. Keeping in mind the abovementioned facts, in this paper the authors have proposed an integrated process planning and scheduling model inheriting the salient features of outsourcing, and leagile principles to compete in the existing market scenario. The paper also proposes a model based on leagile principles, where the integrated planning management has been practiced. In the present work a scheduling problem has been considered and overall minimization of makespan has been aimed. The paper shows the relevance of both the strategies in performance enhancement of the industries, in terms of their reduced makespan. The authors have also proposed a new hybrid Enhanced Swift Converging Simulated Annealing (ESCSA) algorithm, to solve the complex real-time scheduling problems. The proposed algorithm inherits the prominent features of the Genetic Algorithm (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA), and the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The ESCSA algorithm reduces the makespan significantly in less computational time and number of iterations. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm has been shown by comparing the results with GA, SA, Tabu, and hybrid Tabu-SA optimization methods
