2 research outputs found

    Systems Integration Analysis and Alternatives Identification for Facilities Planning Branch, BPA: Task 1: Background Analysis and Data Gathering

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    Portland State University has been engaged by the Facilities Planning Branch, Division of Engineering, Bonneville Power Administration, to collect background information, analyze current activities, and provide recommendations for greater Branch efficiencies, and the most timely service to its customers, based on current and projected resources and financial responsibilities. This information is to extend and compliment the efforts of an in-house systems integration team which initially addressed these issues. This study is intended to assist Branch management in its effort to identify Branch strengths and increase productivity. The Facilities Planning Branch is one of three Branches in the Division of Facilities Engineering. The Branch is responsible for environmental analysis, surveys, mapping, legal descriptions, photogrammetry, and image processing (IPS) to support the location and planning of BPA transmission lines, electrical and non-electrical structures and maintenance facilities. Currently there are six computerized systems in the Branch which aid in this work. They are: Survey, Photogrammetry (PHO), Image Processing System (IPS), Geographic Information System (GIS), Computer Aided Drafting (CAD), and Desk Top Publishing (DTP). This systems integration study is to provide supporting documentation for greater integration of these systems and their associated data. Data and information flows between these systems as well as the information products they provide will be examined. Al tern a ti ves and opportunities for increased integration of data and information products as identified in this study will be useful in the Productivity Review Process, and aid Branch management with its determination of a Performance Work Statement (PWS) and a most efficient organization (MEO). This report is addressed to Task One of the Systems Integration Study, Background Analysis and Data Gathering. It is principally concerned with delineating the basic structure of the Branch\u27s computerized systems and with documenting the flow of data between them. A description of the principal functions of Branch Sections and their computerized information processing systems is followed by a categorization of Branch information products and data sources. This leads to an examination of routine and some ad hoc data flows and information transfers between systems. Some approaches to the general problem of systems and data integration are discussed in the following section and finally, an overview of cost efficiency issues with respect to Branch systems is undertaken

    Mapping Time

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