40 research outputs found

    Determination of monolayer-protected gold nanoparticle ligand–shell morphology using NMR

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    It is accepted that the ligand shell morphology of nanoparticles coated with a monolayer of molecules can be partly responsible for important properties such as cell membrane penetration and wetting. When binary mixtures of molecules coat a nanoparticle, they can arrange randomly or separate into domains, for example, forming Janus, patchy or striped particles. To date, there is no straightforward method for the determination of such structures. Here we show that a combination of one-dimensional and two-dimensional NMR can be used to determine the ligand shell structure of a series of particles covered with aliphatic and aromatic ligands of varying composition. This approach is a powerful way to determine the ligand shell structure of patchy particles; it has the limitation of needing a whole series of compositions and ligands' combinations with NMR peaks well separated and whose shifts due to the surrounding environment can be large enough

    Immunoglobulins as Biomarkers for Gastrointestinal Nematodes Resistance in Small Ruminants: A systematic review

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    The rise of anthelmintic resistance worldwide has led to the development of alternative control strategies for gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) infections, which are one of the main constraints on the health of grazing small ruminants. Presently, breeding schemes rely mainly on fecal egg count (FEC) measurements on infected animals which are time-consuming and requires expertise in parasitology. Identifying and understanding the role of immunoglobulins in the mechanisms of resistance could provide a more efficient and sustainable method of identifying nematode-resistant animals for selection. In this study we review the findings on immunoglobulin response to GIN in the literature published to date (june 2019) and discuss the potential to use immunoglobulins as biomarkers. The literature review revealed 41 studies which measured at least one immunoglobulin: 35 focused on lamb immune response (18 used non-naive lambs) and 7 on yearlings. In this review we propose a conceptual model summarizing the role of immunoglobulins in resistance to GIN. We highlight the need for more carefully designed and documented studies to allow comparisons across different populations on the immunoglobulin response to GIN infection