1,850 research outputs found

    Influence of property school wealth on fifth grade student achievement in reading and mathematics

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether, or to what extent, property wealth of the upper and lower 5% districts, per pupil expenditure, limited English proficient students, economically disadvantaged students, membership, and teacher experience contribute to student achievement in 5th grade reading and mathematics. To do this, the fifth grade reading and math achievement scores, based on the TAKS Assessments, to represent student achievement were evaluated against district wealth, per pupil expenditure, economic disadvantage, limited English language proficiency, membership, and years of teaching experience of teachers for the years 2009, 2010, and 2011. A combination of descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression were used to test the hypotheses. Results supported that fifth grade reading achievement was significantly and negatively affected by economic disadvantage, limited English proficiency, and teacher years of experience. For fifth grade math achievement, variables of economic disadvantage supported lower achievement, whereas limited English proficiency and years of teaching experience affected a positive or higher achievement in 2011 specifically. In addition, the upper and lower 5% wealth in the district supported significant differences in district wealth, per pupil expenditures, member wealth, and economic disadvantage. Understanding whether these challenges associated with economic disadvantage and inequitable funding significantly affect student achievement is critical to supporting effective strategies for improvement. The results support the notion that targeting the lower 5% wealth districts, which in this study demonstrated significant differences in district wealth, per pupil expenditures, member wealth, and economic disadvantage, for additional funding may prove effective in improving teaching and learning for opportunities for these struggling students. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved

    Tejano Music as an Expression of Cultural Nationalism

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    Rafael Corazón, Por qué pensar si no es obligatorio Rialp, Madrid, 2014. [RESEÑA]

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    “Undocumented” Ways of Navigating Complex Sociopolitical Realities in Higher Education: A Critical Race Counterstory

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    In the United States, undocumented students must navigate complex sociopolitical realities to access and succeed in higher education. These complex sociopolitical realities are shaped by federal policies on education and immigration, state-specific legislation on education and public policy, as well as general attitudes regarding race, immigration, and nationalism in the U.S. In this manuscript, I weave in counter-storytelling to document some of the ways one undocumented student accessed and navigated U.S. higher education. I begin by reviewing the national and state policy contexts that affect undocumented students in the U.S. I focus a state policy analysis in Utah, as one example of how national and state policies interact and sometimes contradict one another to impact the ways in which undocumented students navigate higher education. Second, I analyze the existing literature on the barriers undocumented students face in higher education, as well as the emerging literature on undocumented student support services in higher education. Third, I present current higher education programs in U.S. colleges and universities that consider sociopolitical contexts and respond to the particular needs of undocumented students. Finally, I draw implications for improved practice in undocumented student services in higher education

    Total cross sections for positrons scattered elastically from helium based on new measurements of total ionization cross sections

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    An improved technique is presented for employing the 2.3m spectrometer to measure total ionization cross sections, Q sub ion, for positrons incident on He. The new ionization cross section agree with the values reported earlier. Estimates are also presented of total elastic scattering cross section, Q sub el, obtained by subtracting from total scattering cross sections, Q sub tot, reported in the literature, the Q sub ion and Q sub Ps (total positronium formation cross sections) and total excitation cross sections, Q sub ex, published by another researcher. The Q sub ion and Q sub el measured with the 3m high resolution time-of-flight spectrometer for 54.9eV positrons are in accord with the results from the 2.3m spectrometer. The ionization cross sections are in fair agreement with theory tending for the most part to be higher, especially at 76.3 and 88.5eV. The elastic cross section agree quite well with theory to the vicinity of 50eV, but at 60eV and above the experimental elastic cross sections climb to and remain at about 0.30 pi a sub o sq while the theoretical values steadily decrease

    A Preliminary Review of the Operation and Effect of the NAFTA Rules of Origin

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    This PDF contains a central article and response articles, these are then followed by a short discussion piece

    Las cartas y memoriales de Alonso de Medina: ¿Es posible hablar de un «sentimiento criollo» en el siglo XVI?

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    The article suggests that an early «creole identity» can be observed in some of the early colonizers of the Viceroyalty of Peru. Following the argument elaborated by José Antonio Mazzotti regarding the presence of a proto-creole identity that preceded the creoles in the Andean region, and seeing indigenismo , (understanding indigenismo as a «current of opinion favorable to the Indians» as Henri Favre defines the movement) as one of the characteristics of this proto-creole identity , this article tries to find in the letters and memorials written by Alonso de Medina hints of this identity, which can be perceived in the constant preoccupation for the well-being of the indigenous population depicted in his letters and memorials.Este artículo sugiere que es posible hablar de la presencia de una especie de «sentimiento criollo» en algunos de los primeros colonizadores del Virreinato del Perú. Siguiendo lo sugerido por José Antonio Mazzotti con respecto a la existencia de un proto-criollismo que antecede a la presencia masiva de los criollos en la región, y considerando que el indigenismo (entendiendo al indigenismo como una «corriente de opinión favorable a los indios» de acuerdo con la definición de Henri Favre), es una de las características que formarían parte de este proto-criollismo, este artículo se propone encontrar en las cartas y memoriales escritos por Alonso de Medina indicios de este proto-criollismo representado en la constante preocupación que muestra el autor de dichas cartas y memoriales por el bienestar de los indígenas