5 research outputs found

    Early and late effects of the immunosuppressants rapamycin and mycophenolate mofetil on UV carcinogenesis

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    Increased skin cancer risk in organ transplant recipients has been experimentally emulated with enhanced UV carcinogenesis from administering conventional immunosuppressants. However, newer generation immunosuppressive drugs, rapamycin (Rapa) and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), have been shown to impair angiogenesis and outgrowth of tumor implants. To ascertain the overall effect on UV carcinogenesis, Rapa and MMF were admixed into the food pellets of hairless SKH1 mice receiving daily sub-sunburn UV dosages. With immunosuppressive blood levels neither of the drugs affected onset of tumors (= 4 mm, medians of 190 vs 125 days) and reduced their multiplicity (1.6 vs 4.5 tumors per mouse at 200 days). Interestingly, tumors (>2 mm) from the Rapa-fed group showed a reduction in UV-signature p53 mutations (39% vs 90%) in favor of mutations from putative base oxidation. This shift in mutation spectrum was not essentially linked to the reduction in large tumors because it was absent in large tumors similarly reduced in number when feeding Rapa in combination with MMF, possibly owing to an antioxidant effect of MMF. Significantly fewer tumor cells were Vegf-positive in the Rapa-fed groups, but a correspondingly reduced expression of Hif1 alpha target genes (Vegf, Ldha, Glut1, Pdk1) that would indicate altered glucose metabolism with increased oxidative stress was not found. Remarkably, we observed no effect of the immunosuppressants on UV-induced tumor onset, and with impaired tumor outgrowth Rapa could therefore strongly reduce skin carcinoma morbidity and mortality rates in organ transplant recipients.Nephrolog

    Rapamycin impairs UV induction of mutant-p53 overexpressing cell clusters without affecting tumor onset

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    Because of its antitumor effect, the immunosuppressant rapamycin holds great promise for organ transplant recipients in that it may lower their cancer risk. In a mouse model, we showed previously that rapamycin inhibits the outgrowth of primary skin carcinomas induced by UV radiation. However, the tumors that did grow out showed an altered p53 mutation spectrum. Here, we investigated whether this shift in p53 mutations already occurred in the smallest tumors, which were not affected in onset. We found that rapamycin did not alter the mutational spectrum in small tumors and in preceding microscopic clusters of cells expressing mutant-p53. However, rapamycin did reduce the number of these cell clusters. As this reduction did not affect tumor onset, we subsequently investigated whether rapamycin merely suppressed expression of mutated p53. This was not the case, as we could demonstrate that switching from a diet with rapamycin to one without, or vice versa, did not affect the number of existing mutant-p53 expressing cell clusters. Hence, rapamycin actually reduced the formation of mutant-p53 cell clusters. In wild-type and p53-mutant mice, we could not measure a significant enhancement of UV-induced apoptosis, but we did observe clear enhancement in human skin equivalents. This was associated with a clear suppression of HIF1α accumulation. Thus, we conclude that rapamycin reduces the formation of mutant-p53-expressing cell clusters without affecting tumor onset, suggesting that tumors grow out of a minor subset of cell clusters, the formation of which is not affected by rapamycin.Dermatology and Venereolog

    Dietary immunosuppressants do not enhance UV-induced skin carcinogenesis, and reveal discordance between p53-mutant early clones and carcinomas

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    Immunosuppressive drugs are thought to cause the dramatically increased risk of carcinomas in sun-exposed skin of organ transplant recipients. These drugs differ in local effects on skin. We investigated whether this local impact is predictive of skin cancer risk and may thus provide guidance on minimizing the risk. Immunosuppressants (azathioprine, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and rapamycin) were assessed on altering the UV induction of apoptosis in human skin models, and of p53 mutant cell clones (putative tumor precursors) and ensuing skin carcinomas (with mutant p53) in the skin of hairless mice. Rapamycin was found to increase apoptosis (3 fold) whereas cyclosporine decreased apoptosis (3 fold). Correspondingly, a 1.5-5 fold reduction (p=0.07) or a 2-3 fold increase (p<0.001) was found in cell clusters overexpressing mutant p53 in chronically UV-exposed skin of mice that had been fed rapamycin or cyclosporine, respectively. Deep sequencing showed, however, that the allelic frequency (~5%) of the hotspot mutations in p53 (codons 270 and 275) remained unaffected. The majority of cells with mutated p53 appeared not to overexpress the mutated protein. Unexpectedly, none of the immunosuppressants admixed in high dosages to the diet accelerated tumor development, and cyclosporine even delayed tumor onset by ~15% (p<0.01). Thus, in contrast to earlier findings, the frequency of p53-mutant cells was not predictive of the incidence of skin carcinoma. Moreover, the lack of any accelerative effect on tumor development suggests that immunosuppressive medication is not the sole cause of the dramatic increase in skin cancer risk in organ transplant recipients.Dermatology-oncolog

    Nematóides associados a plantas daninhas na Região de Jaboticabal, SP Nematodes associated with weeds in the Region of Jaboticabal

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    Realizou-se, na região de Jaboticabal, SP, levantamento dos gêneros e espécies de nematóides fitoparasitos encontrados associados a plantas daninhas de ocorrência muito comum nas principais culturas locais . Para tal, utilizaram-se como materiais, amostras do solo da rizosfera e raízes das plantas daninhas. Foram identificadas 11 espécies de nematóides de interesse agrícola , pertencentes a sete diferentes gêneros, em 19 espécies daninhas.<br>This paper deals with the associations between plant parasitic nematodes and weeds at the region of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil . Nineteen weed species were included in the survey. Soil c ollected at the rhizosphere zone and roots of weeds constituted the samples for nematological study. Eleven nematode spe cies were identified on the weeds, belonging to seven different genera, namely Helicotylenchus, Macroposthonia, Meloidogyne, Paratrichodorus, Pratylenchus, Rotylenchulus, and Xiphinema