50 research outputs found

    Comparação do equilíbrio postural entre adolescentes do sexo feminino e masculino

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    A adolescência compreende a fase entre os 10 e 19 anos de idade, a qual se caracteriza por uma aceleração no crescimento e desenvolvimento dos indivíduos. No entanto, essas mudanças não ocorrem no mesmo ritmo para ambos os sexos, o que pode trazer diferenças no equilíbrio postural. Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar o equilíbrio postural entre adolescentes dos sexos masculino e feminino. O grupo de estudo foi composto por 11 adolescentes do sexo feminino e 19 do sexo masculino. A análise da altura do centro de gravidade foi obtida com o uso de uma prancha de reação, e o equilíbrio postural por meio de uma plataforma de força Advanced Mechanical Technologies, Inc. modelo OR6-6. As variáveis avaliadas foram calculadas a partir do Centro de Pressão (COP): amplitude de deslocamento ântero-posterior do COP (COPap), amplitude de deslocamento médio-lateral do COP (COPml) e velocidade média de deslocamento do COP (COPvel). Os adolescentes do sexo feminino apresentaram amplitude de deslocamento do COPap (p=0,011) e COPml (p=0,003) significativamente menor na condição de olhos abertos que o sexo masculino, e na condição de olhos fechados nas três variáveis avaliadas, COPap (p=0,001), COPml (p=0,001) e COPvel p=0,004, sugerindo menor oscilação postural para as adolescentes deste estudo. Acredita-se que os resultados encontrados podem ser advindos das diferenças nas características antropométricas entre os sexos. Conclui-se que os adolescentes do sexo feminino apresentaram melhor equilíbrio postural quando comparados aos do sexo masculino

    Effectiveness of habitat management in the recovery of low-density populations of wild rabbit.

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    Understanding the relationship between spatial patterns of landscape attributes and population presence and abundance is essential for understanding population processes as well as supporting management and conservation strategies. This study evaluates the influence of three factors: environment, habitat management, and season on the presence and abundance of the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), an important prey species for Mediterranean endangered predator species. To address this issue, we estimated wild rabbit presence and abundance by latrine counting in transects located in 45 plots within a 250×250 m grid from June 2007 until June 2009 in a 1,200 ha hunting area in southern Portugal.We then analyzed how wild rabbit presence and abundance correlatewith the aforementioned factors. Our results showed that the main variable influencing wild rabbit presence and abundance was the distance to the artificial warrens. North and northeast slope directions were negatively related to wild rabbit presence. Conversely, rabbit presence was positively correlated with short distances to ecotone, artificial warrens, and spring. Regarding rabbit abundance, in addition to artificial warrens, soft soils, bushes, and season also had a positive effect. We found that environmental variables, management practices, and season each affect wild rabbit presence and abundance differently at a home range scale in low-density population. Thus, our major recommendations are reducing the distance to artificial warrens and ecotone, ideally to less than 100 m, and promoting habitat quality improvement on slopes with plenty of sun exposure

    PAX9 polymorphism and susceptibility to sporadic non-syndromic severe anodontia: a case-control study in southwest China

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    Our research aimed to look into the clinical traits and genetic mutations in sporadic non-syndromic anodontia and to gain insight into the role of mutations of PAX9, MSX1, AXIN2 and EDA in anodontia phenotypes, especially for the PAX9. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The female proband and her family members from the ethnic Han families underwent complete oral examinations and received a retrospective review. Venous blood samples were obtained to screen variants in the PAX9, MSX1, AXIN2, and EDA genes. A case-control study was performed on 50 subjects with sporadic tooth agenesis (cases) and 100 healthy controls, which genotyped a PAX9 gene polymorphism (rs4904210). RESULTS: Intra-oral and panoramic radiographs revealed that the female proband had anodontia denoted by the complete absence of teeth in both the primary and secondary dentitions, while all her family members maintained normal dentitions. Detected in the female proband were variants of the PAX9 and AXIN2 including A240P (rs4904210) of the PAX9, c.148C>T (rs2240308), c.1365A>G (rs9915936) and c.1386C>T (rs1133683) of the AXIN2. The same variants were present in her unaffected younger brother. The PAX9 variations were in a different state in her parents. Mutations in the MSX1 and EDA genes were not identified. No significant diferences were found in the allele and genotype frequencies of the PAX9 polymorphism between the controls and the subjects with sporadic tooth agenesis. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the association of A240P with sporadic tooth agenesis still remains obscure, especially for different populations. The genotype/phenotype correlation in congenital anodontia should be verified