47 research outputs found

    Backpack-mounted satellite transmitters do not affect reproductive performance in a migratory bustard

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    Backpack-mounted satellite transmitters (PTTs) are used extensively in the study of avian habitat use and of the movements and demography of medium- to large-bodied species, but can affect individuals’ performance and fitness. Transparent assessment of potential transmitter effects is important for both ethical accountability and confidence in, or adjustment to, life history parameter estimates. We assessed the influence of transmitters on seven reproductive parameters in Asian houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii, comparing 114 nests of 38 females carrying PTTs to 184 nests of untagged birds (non-PTT) over seven breeding seasons (2012‒2018) in Uzbekistan. There was no evidence of any influence of PTTs on: lay date (non-PTT x̅ = 91.7 Julian day ± 12.3 SD; PTT x̅ = 95.1 Julian day ± 15.7 SD); clutch size (non-PTT x̅ = 3.30 ± 0.68 SD; PTT x̅ = 3.25 ± 0.65 SD); mean egg weight at laying (non-PTT x̅ = 66.1g ± 5.4 SD; PTT x̅ = 66.4g ± 5.4 SD); nest success (non-PTT x̅ = 57.08% ± 4.3 SE; PTT x̅ = 58.24% ± 4.5 SE for nests started 2 April); egg hatchability (non-PTT x̅ = 88.3% ± 2.2 SE; PTT x̅ = 88.3% ± 2.6 SE); or chick survival to fledging from broods that had at least one surviving chick (non-PTT x̅ = 63.4% ± 4.2 SE; PTT x̅= 64.4% ± 4.7 SE). High nesting propensity (97.3% year-1 ± 1.9% SE) of tagged birds indicated minimal PTT effect on breeding probability. These findings show harness-mounted transmitters can give unbiased measures of demographic parameters of this species, and are relevant to other large-bodied, cursorial, ground-nesting birds of open habitats, particularly other bustards

    The controversy of patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty: Ibisne in medio tutissimus?

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    Early arthroplasty designs were associated with a high level of anterior knee pain as they failed to cater for the patello-femoral joint. Patellar resurfacing was heralded as the saviour safeguarding patient satisfaction and success but opinion on its necessity has since deeply divided the scientific community and has become synonymous to topics of religion or politics. Opponents of resurfacing contend that the native patella provides better patellar tracking, improved clinical function, and avoids implant-related complications, whilst proponents argue that patients have less pain, are overall more satisfied, and avert the need for secondary resurfacing. The question remains whether complications associated with patellar resurfacing including those arising from future component revision outweigh the somewhat increased incidence of anterior knee pain recorded in unresurfaced patients. The current scientific literature, which is often affected by methodological limitations and observer bias, remains confusing as it provides evidence in support of both sides of the argument, whilst blinded satisfaction studies comparing resurfaced and non-resurfaced knees generally reveal equivalent results. Even national arthroplasty register data show wide variations in the proportion of patellar resurfacing between countries that cannot be explained by cultural differences alone. Advocates who always resurface or never resurface indiscriminately expose the patella to a random choice. Selective resurfacing offers a compromise by providing a decision algorithm based on a propensity for improved clinical success, whilst avoiding potential complications associated with unnecessary resurfacing. Evidence regarding the validity of selection criteria, however, is missing, and the decision when to resurface is often based on intuitive reasoning. Our lack of understanding why, irrespective of pre-operative symptoms and patellar resurfacing, some patients may suffer pain following TKA and others may not have so far stifled our efforts to make the strategy of selective resurfacing succeed. We should hence devote our efforts in defining predictive criteria and indicators that will enable us to reliably identify those individuals who might benefit from a resurfacing procedure. Level of evidence V

    Carnivore Translocations and Conservation: Insights from Population Models and Field Data for Fishers (Martes pennanti)

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    Translocations are frequently used to restore extirpated carnivore populations. Understanding the factors that influence translocation success is important because carnivore translocations can be time consuming, expensive, and controversial. Using population viability software, we modeled reintroductions of the fisher, a candidate for endangered or threatened status in the Pacific states of the US. Our model predicts that the most important factor influencing successful re-establishment of a fisher population is the number of adult females reintroduced (provided some males are also released). Data from 38 translocations of fishers in North America, including 30 reintroductions, 5 augmentations and 3 introductions, show that the number of females released was, indeed, a good predictor of success but that the number of males released, geographic region and proximity of the source population to the release site were also important predictors. The contradiction between model and data regarding males may relate to the assumption in the model that all males are equally good breeders. We hypothesize that many males may need to be released to insure a sufficient number of good breeders are included, probably large males. Seventy-seven percent of reintroductions with known outcomes (success or failure) succeeded; all 5 augmentations succeeded; but none of the 3 introductions succeeded. Reintroductions were instrumental in reestablishing fisher populations within their historical range and expanding the range from its most-contracted state (43% of the historical range) to its current state (68% of the historical range). To increase the likelihood of translocation success, we recommend that managers: 1) release as many fishers as possible, 2) release more females than males (55–60% females) when possible, 3) release as many adults as possible, especially large males, 4) release fishers from a nearby source population, 5) conduct a formal feasibility assessment, and 6) develop a comprehensive implementation plan that includes an active monitoring program

    Alcohol at bedtime induces minor changes in sleep stages and blood gases in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Purpose/background: The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of a moderate dose of alcohol on sleep architecture and respiration in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Alcohol depresses both hypercapnic and hypoxic ventilatory drives in awake, normal individuals and reduces the amount of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and oxygen saturation (SpO2) in sleeping COPD subjects. Methods: Prospectively designed, open-label interventional study in a pulmonary rehabilitation hospital. Twenty-six (nine males) stable inpatients, median forced expiratory volume first second (FEV1) 40.5 % of predicted, median age 65 years, investigated by polysomnography including transcutaneous measurement of carbon dioxide pressure increase (ΔPtcCO2) in randomized order of either control sleep or intervention with 0.5 g of ethanol/kilogram bodyweight, taken orally immediately before lights off. Results: Alcohol induced a mean increase (95 % confidence interval, [CI]) in the mean ΔPtcCO2 of 0.10 kPa (0.002–0.206, P = 0.047) and a mean decrease (CI) in the REM-sleep percentage of total sleep time (REM % of TST) of 3.1 % (0.2–6.0), (P = 0.020). Six subjects with apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) ≥15 had fewer apneas/hypopneas during alcohol versus control sleep (mean reduction of AHI 11 (1–20), P = 0.046). Alcohol-sleep changes in SpO2, but not in ΔPtcCO2, correlated with daytime arterial pressures of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and oxygen (PaO2). Conclusion: Occasional use of a moderate, bedtime dose of alcohol has only minor respiratory depressant effects on the majority of COPD subjects, and in a minority even slightly improves respiration during sleep. However, caution is appropriate as this study is small and higher doses of alcohol may result in major respiratory depressive and additional negative health effects

    The discrepancy between patient expectations and actual outcome reduces at the first 6 months following total knee replacement surgery

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    Purpose: Patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty often have unfulfilled expectations from the surgery that can lead to dissatisfaction. This study aimed to examine the discrepancy between patients’ expectations and actual functional abilities prior to undergoing knee replacement surgery, and at 6 and 12 months following the surgery. Methods: A survey was undertaken of patients before, and 6 and 12 months post-surgery. The survey included the Knee Surgery Perception Questionnaire (KSPQ) to assess patients’ current perception of their level of function and pain, their desired outcomes, and the discrepancy between the two. Pain, function and quality of life were also assessed. Repeated measure ANOVAs were used to assess differences between pre- and post-surgery. Results: A total of 176 patients were surveyed. Significant differences in the KSPQ discrepancy scores (subscale and total scores) were demonstrated between the three assessment point times (p < 0.01). Paired t tests identified significant differences between the pre-surgery and 6-month KSPQ discrepancy scores, (p < 0.01) indicative of substantial improvement in physical function and slight reduction in expectations. Overall significant improvement (p < 0.01) was reported over time across all measures: physical function, pain and stiffness and quality of life. Conclusion: The discrepancy between patients’ current abilities and their expectation changes following surgery, especially in the first 6 months post-surgery. Patients’ goals might change as their function and pain improve post-surgery. Combining education programmes and discussion with the treating orthopaedic surgeons pre-operatively is important for the development of realistic, achievable expectations. Level of evidence: III

    Coral reef degradation is not correlated with local human population density

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    The global decline of reef-building corals is understood to be due to a combination of local and global stressors. However, many reef scientists assume that local factors predominate and that isolated reefs, far from human activities, are generally healthier and more resilient. Here we show that coral reef degradation is not correlated with human population density. This suggests that local factors such as fishing and pollution are having minimal effects or that their impacts are masked by global drivers such as ocean warming. Our results also suggest that the effects of local and global stressors are antagonistic, rather than synergistic as widely assumed. These findings indicate that local management alone cannot restore coral populations or increase the resilience of reefs to large-scale impacts. They also highlight the truly global reach of anthropogenic warming and the immediate need for drastic and sustained cuts in carbon emissions