118 research outputs found

    Involvement of Asian Actors in the European Commission’s Online Consultations in Comparative Perspective

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    In order to examine the involvement of Asian interests in European Union politics, we develop a preliminary framework for studying the involvement of external interests in EU policy -making. Using data on the online consultations of the European Commission from 2001 till 2010, we aim at explaining both the level of engagement, the types of active actors and policy areas of involvement of different regions. We find that that external representation is partly but not fully accounted for by economic ties and possession of resources. Moreover, we find variation in which areas and by which actors different regions are represented suggesting that variation in national-sectoral structures between them affects differences in the character of representation between them

    Towards a review of the EC Recommendation for a definition of the term "nanomaterial": Part 3: Scientific-technical evaluation of options to clarify the definition and to facilitate its implementation

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    This report provides the JRC's scientific-technical evaluation of options to clarify the EC Recommendation on a definition of nanomaterial, published in 2011 (EC Recommendation 2011/696/EU). It is a follow-up report of two previous JRC publications, which compiled feedback on the experiences of stakeholders with the EC nanomaterial definition collected by JRC in 2013 and early 2014 (EUR 26567 EN, 2014), and provided an assessment of the collected information (EUR 26744 EN, 2014). The three JRC reports are part of the review process foreseen in the 2011 EC Recommendation. The evaluation shows that the scope of the definition regarding the origin of nanomaterials should remain unchanged, addressing natural, incidental as well as manufactured nanomaterials. Moreover, because of the regulatory purpose of the definition, there is little evidence to support deviating from size as the sole defining property of a nanoparticle or from the range of 1 nm to 100 nm as definition of the nanoscale. Besides the need for clarification of some terms used in the definition additional implementation guidance would be useful. The role of the volume specific surface area deserves clarification and a method to prove that a material is not a nanomaterial would be helpful. A strategy how to avoid unintended inclusion of materials and the list of explicitly included materials deserve also attention.JRC.I.4-Nanobioscience

    Nonlinear coupled Alfv\'{e}n and gravitational waves

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    In this paper we consider nonlinear interaction between gravitational and electromagnetic waves in a strongly magnetized plasma. More specifically, we investigate the propagation of gravitational waves with the direction of propagation perpendicular to a background magnetic field, and the coupling to compressional Alfv\'{e}n waves. The gravitational waves are considered in the high frequency limit and the plasma is modelled by a multifluid description. We make a self-consistent, weakly nonlinear analysis of the Einstein-Maxwell system and derive a wave equation for the coupled gravitational and electromagnetic wave modes. A WKB-approximation is then applied and as a result we obtain the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the slowly varying wave amplitudes. The analysis is extended to 3D wave pulses, and we discuss the applications to radiation generated from pulsar binary mergers. It turns out that the electromagnetic radiation from a binary merger should experience a focusing effect, that in principle could be detected.Comment: 20 pages, revtex4, accepted in PR

    A contemporary assessment of devices for Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA): resource-specific options per level of care

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    Purpose: Use of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) as adjunct for temporary hemorrhage control in patients with exsanguinating torso hemorrhage is increasing. Characteristics of aortic occlusion balloons (AOB) are diverse and evolving as efforts are made to improve the technology. It is important to select a device that fits the requirements of the medical situation to minimize the risk of failure and complications. The aim of this study is to appraise guidance in the choice of an AOB in a specific situation. Methods: We assessed 29 AOB for differences and outline possible advantages and disadvantages of each. Bending stiffness was measured with a three-point bending device. Results: Diameter of the AOB ranged from 6 (ER-REBOA™) to 10 (Coda®-46) French. However, some need large-bore access sheaths up to 22 French (Fogarty®-45 and LeMaitre®-45) or even insertion via cut-down (Equalizer™-40). Bending stiffness varied from 0.08 N/mm (± 0.008 SD; Coda®-32) to 0.72 N/mm (± 0.024 SD; Russian prototype). Rescue Balloon™ showed kinking of the shaft at low bending pressures. The only non-compliant AOB is REBOA Balloon®. ER-REBOA™, Fogarty®, LeMaitre®, REBOA Balloon®, and Rescue Balloon™ are provided with external length marks to assist blind positioning. Conclusion: In resource-limited settings, a guidewire- and fluoroscopy-free, rather stiff device, such as ER-REBOA™, Fogarty®, and LeMaitre®, is warranted. Of these devices, ER-REBOA™ is the only catheter compatible with seven French sheaths and specifically designed for emergency hemorrhage control. Of the over-the-wire devices, Q50® has several features that facilitate use and reduce the risk of malplacement or vessel damage

    Towards a review of the EC Recommendation for a definition of the term "nanomaterial"; Part 1: Compilation of information concerning the experience with the definition

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    In October 2011 the European Commission (EC) published a Recommendation on the definition of nanomaterial (2011/696/EU). The purpose of this definition is to enable determination when a material should be considered a nanomaterial for regulatory purposes in the European Union. In view of the upcoming review of the current EC Definition of the term 'nanomaterial' and noting the need expressed by the EC Environment Directorate General and other Commission services for a set of scientifically sound reports as the basis for this review, the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) prepares three consecutive reports, of which this is the first. This Report 1 compiles information concerning the experience with the definition regarding scientific-technical issues that should be considered when reviewing the current EC definition of nanomaterial. Based on this report and the feedback received, JRC will write a second, follow-up report. In this Report 2 the JRC will provide a detailed assessment of the scientific-technical issues compiled in Report 1, in relation to the objective of reviewing the current EC nanomaterial definition.JRC.I.4-Nanobioscience

    Non-disjunction of chromosome 13

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    We performed a molecular study with 21 microsatellites on a sample of 82 trisomy 13 conceptuses, the largest number of cases studied to date. The parental origin was determined in every case and in 89% the extra chromosome 13 was of maternal origin with an almost equal number of maternal MI and MII errors. The latter finding is unique among human autosomal trisomies, where maternal MI (trisomies 15, 16, 21, 22) or MII (trisomy 18) errors dominate. Of the nine paternally derived cases five were of MII origin but none arose from MI errors. There was some evidence for elevated maternal age in cases with maternal meiotic origin for liveborn infants. Maternal and paternal ages were elevated in cases with paternal meiotic origin. This is in contrast to results from a similar study of non-disjunction of trisomy 21 where paternal but not maternal age was elevated. We find clear evidence for reduced recombination in both maternal MI and MII errors and the former is associated with a significant number of tetrads (33%) that are nullichiasmate, which do not appear to be a feature of normal chromosome 13 meiosis. This study supports the evidence for subtle chromosome-specific influences on the mechanisms that determine non-disjunction of human chromosomes, consistent with the diversity of findings for other trisomie

    The Euratom Safeguards On-site Laboratories at the Reprocessing Plants of La Hague and Sellafield

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    In the European Union, nuclear material is reprocessed from irradiated power reactor fuel at two sites Âż La Hague in France and Sellafield in the United Kingdom. These are the largest nuclear sites within the EU, processing many hundreds of tons of nuclear material in a year. Under the Euratom Treaty, the European Commission has the duty to assure that the nuclear material is only used for declared purposes. The Directorate General for Energy (DG ENER), acting for the Commission, assures itself that the terms of Article 77 of Chapter VII of the Treaty have been complied with. In contrast to the Non Proliferation Treaty, the Euratom Treaty requires to safeguard all civil nuclear material in all EU member states Âż including the nuclear weapons states. The considerable amount of fissile material separated per year (several tonnes) calls for a stringent system of safeguards measures. The aim of safeguards is to deter diversion of nuclear material from peaceful use by maximizing the chance of early detection. At a broader level, it provides assurance to the public that the European nuclear industry, the EU member states and the European Union honour their legal duties under the Euratom Treaty and their commitments to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Efficient and effective safeguards measures are essential for the public acceptance of nuclear activities.JRC.E.7-Nuclear Safeguards and Forensic
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