4,827 research outputs found

    Geometric discord and Measurement-induced nonlocality for well known bound entangled states

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    We employ geometric discord and measurement induced nonlocality to quantify non classical correlations of some well-known bipartite bound entangled states, namely the two families of Horodecki's (242\otimes 4, 333\otimes 3 and 444\otimes 4 dimensional) bound entangled states and that of Bennett etal's in 333\otimes 3 dimension. In most of the cases our results are analytic and both the measures attain relatively small value. The amount of quantumness in the 444\otimes 4 bound entangled state of Benatti etal and the 282\otimes 8 state having the same matrix representation (in computational basis) is same. Coincidently, the 2m2m2m\otimes 2m Werner and isotropic states also exhibit the same property, when seen as 22m22\otimes 2m^2 dimensional states.Comment: V2: Title changed, one more state added; 11 pages (single column), 2 figures, accepted in Quantum Information Processin

    Opinion of Health Care Professionals towards Submitting a Research Article to a Journal.

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    There are no specific criteria to measure a journals quality, but indexation of a journal in a reputed database such as PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, EMBASE etc, and whether the journal is having an impact factor produced by Thomson Reuters are looked upon. Many more indexation database have come up recently, and authors are publishing more articles than before. This questionnaire based study was conducted in November 2012 in two medical colleges in south India with the aim to know the opinion of health care professionals towards submitting a research publication to a journal. Prior approval was taken from the Institutional Ethics Committee to conduct the study. The selected participants were from tutors to professors. The information was recorded and analyzed using Microsoft Excel (2007 version). A total of 297 respondents participated in the study, out of which 263 completed the questionnaire. Assistant professors had more number of publications and also had the maximum number of publications as first author. Among the papers published <10% were published in journals which are pubmed indexed. Highest percentage of pubmed indexed journals were published by professors which was around 10%. The knowledge about impact factor was higher among the junior faculty than the professors. The knowledge regarding quality of a journal, with respect to indexation and impact factor of a journal is grossly inadequate among the doctors. Necessary steps should be taken by editorial board of reputed journals and associations such as International Council Of Medical Journal Editors or regulatory authorities such as Medical Council of India to spread the knowledge about quality of a journal

    Comparison of hot-electron transmission in ferromagnetic Ni on epitaxial and polycrystalline Schottky interfaces

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    The hot-electron attenuation length in Ni is measured as a function of energy across two different Schottky interfaces viz. a polycrystalline Si(111)/Au and an epitaxial Si(111)/NiSi_2 interface using ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM). For similarly prepared Si(111) substrates and identical Ni thickness, the BEEM transmission is found to be lower for the polycrystalline interface than for the epitaxial interface. However, in both cases, the hot-electron attenuation length in Ni is found to be the same. This is elucidated by the temperature-independent inelastic scattering, transmission probabilities across the Schottky interface, and scattering at dissimilar interfaces.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    On the Complexity of Co-secure Dominating Set Problem

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    A set DVD \subseteq V of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) is a dominating set of GG if every vertex vVDv\in V\setminus D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D.D. A set SVS \subseteq V is a co-secure dominating set (CSDS) of a graph GG if SS is a dominating set of GG and for each vertex uSu \in S there exists a vertex vVSv \in V\setminus S such that uvEuv \in E and (S{u}){v}(S\setminus \{u\}) \cup \{v\} is a dominating set of GG. The minimum cardinality of a co-secure dominating set of GG is the co-secure domination number and it is denoted by γcs(G)\gamma_{cs}(G). Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E), the minimum co-secure dominating set problem (Min Co-secure Dom) is to find a co-secure dominating set of minimum cardinality. In this paper, we strengthen the inapproximability result of Min Co-secure Dom for general graphs by showing that this problem can not be approximated within a factor of (1ϵ)lnV(1- \epsilon)\ln |V| for perfect elimination bipartite graphs and star convex bipartite graphs unless P=NP. On the positive side, we show that Min Co-secure Dom can be approximated within a factor of O(lnV)O(\ln |V|) for any graph GG with δ(G)2\delta(G)\geq 2. For 33-regular and 44-regular graphs, we show that Min Co-secure Dom is approximable within a factor of 83\dfrac{8}{3} and 103\dfrac{10}{3}, respectively. Furthermore, we prove that Min Co-secure Dom is APX-complete for 33-regular graphs.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Research Notes : Factor analysis in F2 generation of soybean crosses

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    Factor analysis is a technique of reducing a large number of correlated variables to a few main factors. It has been resorted to to overcome the limi-tations of univariate methods of analysis like correlations, path-coefficient and regression analysis (Wright, 1960; Walton, 1972). Besides, Moreno and Cubero (1978) have used it for estimating diversity

    Bioefficacy of Imidacloprid 350 SC against sucking insect-pests in chilli (Capsicum annum L.)

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    A field experiment was conducted in a RBD at Horticulture farm, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur to evaluate the bioefficacy of Imidacloprid 350 SC at 100, 125 and 150 ml/ha against sucking pests of chilli during Kharif, 2013 and 2014. The highest reduction in the population of aphid, jassids and thrips in chilli was recorded in case of two spray of Imidacloprid 350 SC at 150 ml/ha and also recorded highest marketable yield of 161.25 and 164.88 q/ha during 2013 and 2014, respectively. It was found at par to Imidacloprid 350 SC at 125 ml/ha

    SUPFAM: A database of sequence superfamilies of protein domains

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    BACKGROUND: SUPFAM database is a compilation of superfamily relationships between protein domain families of either known or unknown 3-D structure. In SUPFAM, sequence families from Pfam and structural families from SCOP are associated, using profile matching, to result in sequence superfamilies of known structure. Subsequently all-against-all family profile matches are made to deduce a list of new potential superfamilies of yet unknown structure. DESCRIPTION: The current version of SUPFAM (release 1.4) corresponds to significant enhancements and major developments compared to the earlier and basic version. In the present version we have used RPS-BLAST, which is robust and sensitive, for profile matching. The reliability of connections between protein families is ensured better than before by use of benchmarked criteria involving strict e-value cut-off and a minimal alignment length condition. An e-value based indication of reliability of connections is now presented in the database. Web access to a RPS-BLAST-based tool to associate a query sequence to one of the family profiles in SUPFAM is available with the current release. In terms of the scientific content the present release of SUPFAM is entirely reorganized with the use of 6190 Pfam families and 2317 structural families derived from SCOP. Due to a steep increase in the number of sequence and structural families used in SUPFAM the details of scientific content in the present release are almost entirely complementary to previous basic version. Of the 2286 families, we could relate 245 Pfam families with apparently no structural information to families of known 3-D structures, thus resulting in the identification of new families in the existing superfamilies. Using the profiles of 3904 Pfam families of yet unknown structure, an all-against-all comparison involving sequence-profile match resulted in clustering of 96 Pfam families into 39 new potential superfamilies. CONCLUSION: SUPFAM presents many non-trivial superfamily relationships of sequence families involved in a variety of functions and hence the information content is of interest to a wide scientific community. The grouping of related proteins without a known structure in SUPFAM is useful in identifying priority targets for structural genomics initiatives and in the assignment of putative functions. Database URL:

    Non-equilibrium VLS-grown stable ST12-Ge thin film on Si substrate: A study on strain-induced band-engineering

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    The current work describes a novel method of growing thin films of stable crystalline ST12-Ge, a high pressure polymorph of Ge, on Si substrate by a non-equilibrium VLS-technique. The study explores the scheme of band engineering of ST12-Ge by inducing process-stress into it as a function of the growth temperature and film thickness. In the present work, ST12-Ge films are grown at 180 C - 250 C to obtain thicknesses of ~4.5-7.5 nm, which possess extremely good thermal stability up to a temperature of ~350 C. Micro-Raman study shows the stress induced in such ST12-Ge films to be compressive in nature and vary in the range of ~0.5-7.5 GPa. The measured direct band gap is observed to vary within 0.688 eV to 0.711 eV for such stresses, and four indirect band gaps are obtained to be 0.583 eV, 0.614-0.628 eV, 0.622-0.63 eV and 0.623-0.632 eV, accordingly. The corresponding band structures for unstrained and strained ST12-Ge are calculated by performing DFT simulation, which shows that a compressive stress transforms the fundamental band gap at M-G valley from indirect to direct one. Henceforth, the possible route of strain induced band engineering in ST12-Ge is explored by analyzing all the transitions in strained and unstrained band structures along with substantiation of the experimental results and theoretical calculations. The investigation shows that unstrained ST12-Ge is a natural n-type semiconductor which transforms into p-type upon incorporation of a compressive stress of ~5 GPa, with the in-plane electron effective mass components at M-G band edge to be ~0.09 me. Therefore, such band engineered ST12-Ge exhibits superior mobility along with its thermal stability and compatibility with Si, which can have potential applications to develop high-speed MOS devices for advanced CMOS technology

    Soluble `Supersymmetric' Quantum XY Model

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    We present a `supersymmetric' modification of the dd-dimensional quantum rotor model whose ground state is exactly soluble. The model undergoes a vortex-binding transition from insulator to metal as the rotor coupling is varied. The Hamiltonian contains three-site terms which are relevant: they change the universality class of the transition from that of the (d+1d+1)--- to the dd-dimensional classical XY model. The metallic phase has algebraic ODLRO but the superfluid density is identically zero. Variational wave functions for single-particle and collective excitations are presented.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX 3.0, IUCM93-00