124 research outputs found

    Predictors of 1-year compliance with adaptive servoventilation in patients with heart failure and sleep disordered breathing: preliminary data from the ADVENT-HF trial

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    Despite its effectiveness in suppressing sleep disordered breathing (SDB), positive airway pressure therapy (PAP) is not always well tolerated by patients and long-term adherence can be problematic. Recently, two multicentre, randomised clinical trials (RCTs) tested the effects of PAP for patients with cardiovascular disease and co-existing SDB on morbidity and mortality with negative outcomes [1, 2]. Relatively poor adherence to PAP therapy (mean 3.7 and 3.3 h·day-1, respectively) in these two trials might have contributed to their poor results. Indeed, higher PAP use per day is associated with better clinical outcomes than lower use [3]

    "Diffusion of web-based product innovation"

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    Customers have proven to be a precious source of new solutions in various product categories and through their direct involvement in the innovation process, companies can better anticipate market changes. The Web can greatly simplify these activities by making it easier to manage systematic interactions with a select group of customers at a low cost. However, empirical evidence regarding the actual diffusion of Web-based tools supporting collaborative innovation remains weak. After reviewing the past findings on web-based tools for customer integration, we provide data on an exploratory analysis of over 200 brand and corporate sites. With our results we highlight the tools that are mainly used by firms; we also identify some relevant industrial and firm-specificities. We conclude by providing managerial implications of our findings and some directions of future research

    L'accompagnamento educativo alla vita adulta tra risorse e difficoltĂ 

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    Il fenomeno dei minori stranieri non accompagnati (MSNA) chiama in causa da diversi anni le politiche migratorie del contesto italiano, dal momento in cui notevoli sono i flussi migratori che giungono presso le coste del Paese. La risposta è affidata a tutte quelle realtà educative che sul territorio si sono adoperate al fine di rispondere, oltre l'emergenza, al fenomeno, attivando esperienze e mettendo a disposizione le proprie prestazioni, umane e materiali

    Product Innovation and Market Creation

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    Il libro affronta il tema della creazione dei nuovi mercati e dello sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, con il supporto di molti esempi e casi pratici

    You who travel, you who watch me: the telling of my story. Narration as an instrument of self-study

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    The topic of immigration \u2013 as it moves away from the dominant media, political and legislative discourse, which are largely characterized by an alarming logic and an objective representation of migrants \u2013 is impregnated by the symbolic role of the self-narrative

    Connections and differences: rites of passage and "radical" journeys

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    A travel experience is a formative tool, which for second generations is an opportunity to get to know themselves and their roots. While on the one hand, the "radical" journey by the children of parents with a migration background represents a sort of rite de passage and cultural transformation, on the other hand, this type of journey is not just a rite of passage but takes on characteristics of its own. The contribution, therefore, aims to bring out the characteristics of both situations, showing the interactions and differences that make the dynamics distinct


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    The life of a man is linked to the movement; this is a metaphor of human existence1. Mobility has an exceptional force in inside with regard to the ability to change the characteristics of a society or an individual, thus becoming a formative and generative experience2. The humanity has expressed since the earliest times the need to travel along the establishment of paths that through history and accession have become contemporary pilgrimages. The pilgrimage, as a specific form of travel, is a religious experience, on the other hand it is just as a social event3 with an embryonical formative potential. This apparent redundancy and, indeed, almost tautology, has a subtle meaning. Personal and emotional involvement4 of the subject who makes a pilgrimage, has formative consequences, both on a personal level and in the contexts in which it plays a part. It is an eminently social phenomenology, involving people, environments, values, roles, expectations, i.e. cultural as well as organizational models of society. In the light of these considerations you cannot remain amazed if about fifty thousand pilgrims have traveled just in July 20184 one of the most emblematic routes in Europe: The Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim's Way
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