2,036 research outputs found

    The impact of ocean acidification on the functional morphology of foraminifera

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    This work was supported by the NERC UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme grant NE/H017445/1. WENA acknowledges NERC support (NE/G018502/1). DMP received funding from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland). MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions.Culturing experiments were performed on sediment samples from the Ythan Estuary, N. E. Scotland, to assess the impacts of ocean acidification on test surface ornamentation in the benthic foraminifer Haynesina germanica. Specimens were cultured for 36 weeks at either 380, 750 or 1000 ppm atmospheric CO2. Analysis of the test surface using SEM imaging reveals sensitivity of functionally important ornamentation associated with feeding to changing seawater CO2 levels. Specimens incubated at high CO2 levels displayed evidence of shell dissolution, a significant reduction and deformation of ornamentation. It is clear that these calcifying organisms are likely to be vulnerable to ocean acidification. A reduction in functionally important ornamentation could lead to a reduction in feeding efficiency with consequent impacts on this organism’s survival and fitness.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Elemental bio-imaging of melanoma in lymph node biopsies

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    The spatial distribution of trace elements in human lymph nodes partially infiltrated by melanoma cells was determined by elemental bio-imaging. Imaging of 31P within the nodal capsule and normal lymph node tissue showed a clear demarcation of the tumour boundary, with a significant decrease in relative 31P concentration within the tumour. The location of the tumour boundary was confirmed by haematoxylin and eosin staining of serial sections and observation by light microscopy. Further enhancement of the tumour boundary was achieved by imaging the 31P/34S ratio. 31P/66Zn ratio images showed a decreasing ratio beyond the tumour boundary that extended into peritumour normal lymph node tissue. © The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Molecular Signatures of Regression of the Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor

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    The canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is a clonally transmissible cancer that regresses spontaneously or after treatment with vincristine, but we know little about the regression mechanisms. We performed global transcriptional, methylation, and functional pathway analyses on serial biopsies of vincristine-treated CTVTs and found that regression occurs in sequential steps; activation of the innate immune system and host epithelial tissue remodeling followed by immune infiltration of the tumor, arrest in the cell cycle, and repair of tissue damage. We identified CCL5 as a possible driver of CTVT regression. Changes in gene expression are associated with methylation changes at specific intragenic sites. Our results underscore the critical role of host innate immunity in triggering cancer regression. By analyzing serial biopsies of vincristine-treated canine transmissible venereal tumors, Frampton et al. show that tumor regression occurs in sequential steps involving the activation of the innate immune system and immune infiltration of the tumor, and they identify CCL5 as a possible driver of regression

    Predicting habitat suitability for basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) in UK waters using ensemble ecological niche modelling

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) is an endangered species in the north-east Atlantic, having been historically over exploited. Whilst near-shore aggregation hotspots in the UK have been identified, robust knowledge on species distribution and abundance outside these areas remains limited. Research techniques, such as habitat modelling, could however be used to gain a greater knowledge of the species distribution to inform management plans to aid population recovery. For large mobile species gathering wide-scale distribution data can be financially and logistically challenging. In lieu of conducting a UK-wide expensive strategic survey for basking sharks, we use data from two regional-scale surveys, which were conducted in southwest England and western Scotland, and use an Ensemble Ecological Niche Model (EENM) to produce a spatially explicit map of habitat suitability. When compared against a ~20-year database of public sightings of basking sharks across UK coastal seas (to 6 nautical miles offshore), patterns of habitat suitability yielded a statistically significant agreement with areas known to support basking shark sightings. EENMs could be used to advise Marine Protected Area (MPA) selection, as well as to inform environmental impact assessments for offshore developments. The application of EENM outputs could be wide-reaching and benefit not only basking sharks but other large mobile marine species in the north-east Atlantic

    The relationship between sensory sensitivity and autistic traits in the general population.

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    Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) tend to have sensory processing difficulties (Baranek et al. in J Child Psychol Psychiatry 47:591–601, 2006). These difficulties include over- and under-responsiveness to sensory stimuli, and problems modulating sensory input (Ben-Sasson et al. in J Autism Dev Disorders 39:1–11, 2009). As those with ASD exist at the extreme end of a continuum of autistic traits that is also evident in the general population, we investigated the link between ASD and sensory sensitivity in the general population by administering two questionnaires online to 212 adult participants. Results showed a highly significant positive correlation (r = .775, p < .001) between number of autistic traits and the frequency of sensory processing problems. These data suggest a strong link between sensory processing and autistic traits in the general population, which in turn potentially implicates sensory processing problems in social interaction difficulties

    Are autistic traits measured equivalently in individuals with and without an Autism Spectrum Disorder?:An invariance analysis of the Autism Spectrum Quotient Short Form

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    It is common to administer measures of autistic traits to those without autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) with, for example, the aim of understanding autistic personality characteristics in non-autistic individuals. Little research has examined the extent to which measures of autistic traits actually measure the same traits in the same way across those with and without an ASD. We addressed this question using a multi-group confirmatory factor invariance analysis of the Autism Quotient Short Form (AQ-S: Hoekstra et al. in J Autism Dev Disord 41(5):589-596, 2011) across those with (n = 148) and without (n = 168) ASD. Metric variance (equality of factor loadings), but not scalar invariance (equality of thresholds), held suggesting that the AQ-S measures the same latent traits in both groups, but with a bias in the manner in which trait levels are estimated. We, therefore, argue that the AQ-S can be used to investigate possible causes and consequences of autistic traits in both groups separately, but caution is due when combining or comparing levels of autistic traits across the two group

    Smoking and health-related quality of life in English general population: Implications for economic evaluations

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    Copyright @ 2012 Vogl et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: Little is known as to how health-related quality of life (HRQoL) when measured by generic instruments such as EQ-5D differ across smokers, ex-smokers and never-smokers in the general population; whether the overall pattern of this difference remain consistent in each domain of HRQoL; and what implications this variation, if any, would have for economic evaluations of tobacco control interventions. Methods: Using the 2006 round of Health Survey for England data (n = 13,241), this paper aims to examine the impact of smoking status on health-related quality of life in English population. Depending upon the nature of the EQ-5D data (i.e. tariff or domains), linear or logistic regression models were fitted to control for biology, clinical conditions, socio-economic background and lifestyle factors that an individual may have regardless of their smoking status. Age- and gender-specific predicted values according to smoking status are offered as the potential 'utility' values to be used in future economic evaluation models. Results: The observed difference of 0.1100 in EQ-5D scores between never-smokers (0.8839) and heavy-smokers (0.7739) reduced to 0.0516 after adjusting for biological, clinical, lifestyle and socioeconomic conditions. Heavy-smokers, when compared with never-smokers, were significantly more likely to report some/severe problems in all five domains - mobility (67%), self-care (70%), usual activity (42%), pain/discomfort (46%) and anxiety/depression (86%) -. 'Utility' values by age and gender for each category of smoking are provided to be used in the future economic evaluations. Conclusion: Smoking is significantly and negatively associated with health-related quality of life in English general population and the magnitude of this association is determined by the number of cigarettes smoked. The varying degree of this association, captured through instruments such as EQ-5D, may need to be fed into the design of future economic evaluations where the intervention being evaluated affects (e.g. tobacco control) or is affected (e.g. treatment for lung cancer) by individual's (or patients') smoking status

    Analysis of Adsorbed Polyphosphate Changes on Milled Titanium Dioxide, Using Low-Field Relaxation NMR and Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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    In this study, changes in the adsorbed amount and surface structure of sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) were investigated for aluminum-doped TiO₂ pigment undergoing milling. Relaxation NMR was utilized as a potential at-line technique to monitor the effect of milling on surface area and surface chemistry, while XPS was used primarily to consider the dispersant structure. Results showed that considerable amounts of weakly adsorbed SHMP could be removed with washing, and the level of dispersant removal increased with time, highlighting destructive effects of sustained high-energy milling. Nonetheless, there were no significant chemical changes to the dispersant, although increases to the bridging oxygen (BO) peak full width at half-maximum (FWHM) suggested some chemical degradation was occurring with excess milling. Relaxation NMR revealed a number of important features. Results with unmilled material indicated that dispersant adsorption could be tracked with pseudo-isotherms using the relative enhancement rate (Rsp), where the Rsp decreased with dispersant coverage, owing to partial blocking of the quadrupolar surface aluminum. Milled samples were also tracked, with very accurate calibrations of surface area possible from either T₁ or T₂ relaxation data for systems without dispersant. Behavior was considerably more complicated with SHMP, as there appeared to be an interplay between the dispersant surface coverage and relaxation enhancement from the surface aluminum. Nevertheless, findings highlight that relaxation NMR could be used as a real-time technique to monitor the extent of milling processes, so long as appropriate industrial calibrations can be achieved

    Are autistic traits in the general population stable across development?

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    There is accumulating evidence that autistic traits (AT) are on a continuum in the general population, with clinical autism representing the extreme end of a quantitative distribution. While the nature and severity of symptoms in clinical autism are known to persist over time, no study has examined the long-term stability of AT among typically developing toddlers. The current investigation measured AT in 360 males and 400 males from the general population close to two decades apart, using the Pervasive Developmental Disorder subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist in early childhood (M = 2.14 years; SD = 0.15), and the Autism-Spectrum Quotient in early adulthood (M = 19.50 years; SD = 0.70). Items from each scale were further divided into social (difficulties with social interaction and communication) and non-social (restricted and repetitive behaviours and interests) AT. The association between child and adult measurements of AT as well the influence of potentially confounding sociodemographic, antenatal and obstetric variables were assessed using Pearson's correlations and linear regression. For males, Total AT in early childhood were positively correlated with total AT (r = .16, p = .002) and social AT (r = .16, p = .002) in adulthood. There was also a positive correlation for males between social AT measured in early childhood and Total (r = .17, p = .001) and social AT (r = .16, p = .002) measured in adulthood. Correlations for non-social AT did not achieve significance in males. Furthermore, there was no significant longitudinal association in AT observed for males or females. Despite the constraints of using different measures and different raters at the two ages, this study found modest developmental stability of social AT from early childhood to adulthood in boys

    Cognitive and behavioral predictors of light therapy use

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    Objective: Although light therapy is effective in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other mood disorders, only 53-79% of individuals with SAD meet remission criteria after light therapy. Perhaps more importantly, only 12-41% of individuals with SAD continue to use the treatment even after a previous winter of successful treatment. Method: Participants completed surveys regarding (1) social, cognitive, and behavioral variables used to evaluate treatment adherence for other health-related issues, expectations and credibility of light therapy, (2) a depression symptoms scale, and (3) self-reported light therapy use. Results: Individuals age 18 or older responded (n = 40), all reporting having been diagnosed with a mood disorder for which light therapy is indicated. Social support and self-efficacy scores were predictive of light therapy use (p's<.05). Conclusion: The findings suggest that testing social support and self-efficacy in a diagnosed patient population may identify factors related to the decision to use light therapy. Treatments that impact social support and self-efficacy may improve treatment response to light therapy in SAD. © 2012 Roecklein et al