59 research outputs found

    Effects of hypoxia on anabolic and catabolic gene expression and DNA methylation in OA chondrocytes

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    These findings demonstrate a role for hypoxia in the regulation of anabolic and catabolic gene expression and the influence of changes in DNA methylation. These results further support the role of epigenetics in OA and, critically, highlight the complex relationship between the physiological environment of cartilaginous cells and the osteoarthritic process with implications for therapeutic intervention and our understanding of OA pathophysiology

    Epigenetic regulation of interleukin-8, an inflammatory chemokine, in osteoarthritis

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    SummaryObjectiveTo determine whether altered IL8 methylation status is associated with increased expression of IL8 in human osteoarthritic (OA) chondrocytes.MethodsIL8 expression levels and the percentage CpG methylation in human chondrocytes were quantified by qRT-PCR and pyrosequencing in OA patients and in non-OA osteoporotic controls. The effect of CpG methylation on IL8 promoter activity was determined using a CpG-free vector; co-transfections with expression vectors encoding nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), AP-1 and C/EBP were subsequently undertaken to analyse for IL8 promoter activity in response to changes in methylation status.ResultsIL8 expression in OA patients was 37-fold higher than in osteoporotic controls. Three CpG sites in the IL8 promoter were significantly demethylated in OA patients. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the degree of methylation of the CpG site located at −116-bp was the strongest predictor of IL8 expression. In vitro DNA methylation was noted to decrease IL8 promoter basal activity. Furthermore, NF-κB, AP-1 and C/EBP strongly enhanced IL8 promoter activity whilst DNA methylation inhibited the effects of these three transcription factors.ConclusionsThe present study demonstrates the key role of DNA methylation status on the expression of IL8 in human chondrocytes. We demonstrate a quantitative relationship between percentage methylation and gene expression within clinical samples. These studies provide direct evidence linking the activation of IL8, DNA demethylation and the induction of the OA process with important therapeutic implications therein for patients with this debilitating disease

    Future potentials for using osteogenic stem cells and biomaterials in orthopedics

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    Ideal skeletal reconstruction depends on regeneration of normal tissues that result from initiation of progenitor cell activity. However, knowledge of the origins and phenotypic characteristics of these progenitors and the controlling factors that govern bone formation and remodeling to give a functional skeleton adequate for physiological needs is limited. Practical methods are currently being investigated to amplify in in vitro culture the appropriate autologous cells to aid skeletal healing and reconstruction. Recent advances in the fields of biomaterials, biomimetics, and tissue engineering have focused attention on the potentials for clinical application. Current cell therapy procedures include the use of tissue-cultured skin cells for treatment of burns and ulcers, and in orthopedics, the use of cultured cartilage cells for articular defects. As mimicry of natural tissues is the goal, a fuller understanding of the development, structures, and functions of normal tissues is necessary. Practically all tissues are capable of being repaired by tissue engineering principles. Basic requirements include a scaffold conducive to cell attachment and maintenance of cell function, together with a rich source of progenitor cells. In the latter respect, bone is a special case and there is a vast potential for regeneration from cells with stem cell characteristics. The development of osteoblasts, chondroblasts, adipoblasts, myoblasts, and fibroblasts results from colonies derived from such single cells. They may thus, theoretically, be useful for regeneration of all tissues that this variety of cells comprise: bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, tendons, and ligaments. Also relevant to tissue reconstruction is the field of genetic engineering, which as a principal step in gene therapy would be the introduction of a functional specific human DNA into cells of a patient with a genetic disease that affects mainly a particular tissue or organ. Such a situation is pertinent to osteogenesis imperfecta, for example, where in more severely affected individuals any improvements in long bone quality would be beneficial to the patient. In conclusion, the potentials for using osteogenic stem cells and biomaterials in orthopedics for skeletal healing is immense, and work in this area is likely to expand significantly in the future

    Effects of beta mercaptoethanol on the proliferation and differentiation of human osteoprogenitor cells.

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    Antioxidants are known to influence metabolism and promote cell survival in a number of cell culture systems. However, their effects on the modulation of bone cell differentiation in vitro are not clearly defined. In the present studies we have investigated the effects of beta-mercaptoethanol (beta ME) and ascorbate alone and in combination on human osteoprogenitors derived from bone marrow fibroblasts. In primary marrow cultures, beta ME stimulated colony formation (2-fold), alkaline phosphatase activity (3.5-fold) and, increased DNA synthesis (8-fold) after 21 days. Cell proliferation was increased significantly by beta ME during the first 4 days of a 10-day culture period, indicating stimulation of marrow osteoprogenitor proliferation. Ascorbate did not significantly augment the effects of beta ME in primary cultures or long-term cultures of passaged bone marrow fibroblasts. These findings indicate a potential beneficial role for beta ME addition for the optimal maintenance of colony formation, cell proliferation and differentiation of marrow osteoprogenitor cells in primary human bone marrow fibroblast cultures

    Modulation of osteogenic differentiation in human skeletal cells in Vitro by 5-azacytidine

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    Cellular differentiation is controlled by a variety of factors including gene methylation, which represses particular genes as cell fate is determined. The incorporation of 5-azacytidine (5azaC) into DNA in vitro prevents methylation and thus can alter cellular differentiation pathways. Human bone marrow fibroblasts and MG63 cells treated with 5azaC were used as models of osteogenic progenitors and of a more mature osteoblast phenotype, respectively. The capacity for differentiation of these cells following treatment with glucocorticoids was investigated. 5azaC treatment led to significant expression of the osteoblastic marker alkaline phosphatase in MG63 osteosarcoma cells, which was further augmented by glucocorticoids; however, in human marrow fibroblasts alkaline phosphatase activity was only observed in glucocorticoid-treated cultures. MG63 cells represent a phenotype late in the osteogenic lineage in which demethylation is sufficient to induce alkaline phosphatase activity. Marrow fibroblasts are at an earlier stage of differentiation and require stimulation with glucocorticoids. In contrast, the expression of osteocalcin, an osteoblastic marker, was unaffected by 5azaC treatment, suggesting that regulation of expression of the osteocalcin gene does not involve methylation. These models provide novel approaches to the study of the control of differentiation in the marrow fibroblastic system

    Effects of TGF? and bFGF on the differentiation of human bone marrow stromal fibroblasts

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    Adipocytes and osteoblasts have common origins from fibroblastic stem cells. Consequently, modulation of the processes of adipogenesis and osteogenesis has implications for the possible treatment of metabolic bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, in which medullary fat accumulates and trabecular bone volume decreases. It is likely that the balance between these two systems is affected by particular endogenous growth factors which are known to affect bone metabolism. We have therefore investigated the effects of transforming growth factor beta (TGF?), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and dexamethasone (Dex) on cultured human bone marrow (HBM) fibroblastic cells to observe the effects on adipogenesis and osteogenesis. In the absence of fetal calf serum (FCS), TGF? caused a dose-dependent increase in cell growth and alkaline phosphatase activity (AP); however, in the presence of FCS growth was inhibited at high concentrations and AP unaffected. TGF? increased matrix proteoglycan and collagen synthesis. bFGF inhibited AP and increased colony number and size, while Dex treatment increased AP activity and colony number, and both factors in combination resulted in an additive increase in growth. Dex-induced adipocyte formation was accelerated but not increased by bFGF. A significant inhibition of adipogenesis by TGF? was observed within 7 days. These results demonstrate the importance of biological factors known to be involved in bone remodelling in the regulation of osteogenesis and adipogenesis

    Interconversion potential of cloned human marrow adipocytes in vitro

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    Information on the interconversion potential of adipocytes and other end cells characteristic of the stromal fibroblastic cell lineages, key in the understanding of bone turnover in metabolic diseases such as osteoporosis, is limited. The object of the present study was: i) to isolate relatively pure populations of adipocytes from human bone marrow; ii) to clone single adipocytes from these populations; and iii) to examine in vitro the interconversion potential of the progeny of these single-cloned adipocytes between the osteogenic and adipogenic phenotypes. Adipogenic colonies were isolated from the low-density floating fraction of normal bone marrow cells cultured in adipogenic media for 4 days. Single adipocytes were isolated and cloned by limiting dilution. Cloned adipocytes were found to dedifferentiate into fibroblast-like cells, and subsequently to differentiate into two morphologically distinct cell types: osteoblasts and adipocytes in appropriate culture systems. The adipocytic phenotype was confirmed by morphology, oil red O staining, and immunocytochemistry using antiserum to aP2. The osteogenic phenotype was confirmed by alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin immunostaining using specific osteocalcin antiserum, and formation of mineralized cell aggregates. These findings demonstrate the extent of plasticity between the differentiation of adipocytic and osteogenic cells in human bone marrow stromal cell cultures. We have shown the ability of isolated clonal adipogenic cells to redifferentiate into cells of the osteogenic and adipogenic lineage and the interconversion potential of human marrow stromal cells in vitro. These results provide further evidence that the osteogenic and adipogenic cells share a common multipotential precursor

    Modulation of osteogenesis and adipogenesis by human serum in human bone marrow cultures

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    Knowledge of the controlling mechanisms of human osteoprogenitor cell differentiation has important implications for understanding bone turnover. The in vitro differentiation of human bone marrow fibroblasts into adipogenic and osteogenic cells and the interaction of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) and dexamethasone in this process has been investigated together with the effects of human serum. Marrow fibroblasts cultured in human serum and dexamethasone for 28 days, generated lipid containing cells as confirmed by morphology, Oil red O staining and immunocytochemistry using antiserum to the adipocyte-specific protein, adipocyte P2 (aP2). In cultures containing 1,25(OH)2D3 and dexamethasone, adipogenesis was stimulated within 21 days. Osteocalcin expression, as assessed by in situ hybridization, was dependent on the presence of 1,25(OH)2D3 and was decreased in cultures treated with dexamethasone. Northern analysis confirmed the decrease in osteocalcin expression and increase in lipoprotein lipase expression with the appearance of the adipogenic phenotype in these cultures. Marrow cultures maintained for 14 days in human serum and osteotropic agents before switching to fetal calf serum indicated the continuous requirement of human serum in these cultures for adipogenesis. These results demonstrate that human serum contains factors that exert dramatic effects on human bone marrow cell differentiation to augment the osteogenic and adipogenic activity of 1,25(OH)2D3 and dexamethasone

    Intrauterine programming of bone. Part 1: alteration of the osteogenic environment

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    Osteoporosis is believed to partly be programmed in utero. Rat dams were given a low protein diet during pregnancy and 135 offspring studied at different ages. Bone biochemistry showed altered characteristics. Altered in utero diet has consequences for later life. Introduction: Epidemiological studies suggest skeletal growth is programmed during intrauterine and early postnatal life. We have investigated this in a rat model of maternal protein insufficiency. Methods: Dams received either 18% w/w (control) or 9% w/w (low protein) diet during pregnancy, and the offspring were studied at selected time points (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 47 weeks). Results: Alkaline phosphatase activity in controls reached peak levels from 8 to 20 weeks of age. In contrast, restricted diet offspring were at peak levels from 4 weeks of age. Peak levels were similar in both groups. Serum IGF-1 levels were lower in female restricted diet offspring at 4 weeks of age, and serum osteocalcin was significantly higher at 4 weeks of age in male and female offspring from mothers fed the restricted diet, whereas serum 25-OH vitamin D was significantly lower in restricted diet males at 8, 12, and 20 weeks of age. Conclusions: These data indicate that a low protein diet in utero affected the osteogenic environment in the offspring with effects that persist into late adulthood. These results indicate the key role of the nutritional environment in early development on programming of skeletal development with implicit consequences in later life
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