273 research outputs found

    Spectral properties of the 2D Holstein t-J model

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    Employing the Lanczos algorithm in combination with a kernel polynomial moment expansion (KPM) and the maximum entropy method (MEM), we show a way of calculating charge and spin excitations in the Holstein t-J model, including the full quantum nature of phonons. To analyze polaron band formation we evaluate the hole spectral function for a wide range of electron-phonon coupling strengths. For the first time, we present results for the optical conductivity of the 2D Holstein t-J model.Comment: 2 pages, Latex. Submitted to Physica C, Proc. Int. Conf. on M2HTSC

    Optimal query complexity for estimating the trace of a matrix

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    Given an implicit n×nn\times n matrix AA with oracle access xTAxx^TA x for any xRnx\in \mathbb{R}^n, we study the query complexity of randomized algorithms for estimating the trace of the matrix. This problem has many applications in quantum physics, machine learning, and pattern matching. Two metrics are commonly used for evaluating the estimators: i) variance; ii) a high probability multiplicative-approximation guarantee. Almost all the known estimators are of the form 1ki=1kxiTAxi\frac{1}{k}\sum_{i=1}^k x_i^T A x_i for xiRnx_i\in \mathbb{R}^n being i.i.d. for some special distribution. Our main results are summarized as follows. We give an exact characterization of the minimum variance unbiased estimator in the broad class of linear nonadaptive estimators (which subsumes all the existing known estimators). We also consider the query complexity lower bounds for any (possibly nonlinear and adaptive) estimators: (1) We show that any estimator requires Ω(1/ϵ)\Omega(1/\epsilon) queries to have a guarantee of variance at most ϵ\epsilon. (2) We show that any estimator requires Ω(1ϵ2log1δ)\Omega(\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}\log \frac{1}{\delta}) queries to achieve a (1±ϵ)(1\pm\epsilon)-multiplicative approximation guarantee with probability at least 1δ1 - \delta. Both above lower bounds are asymptotically tight. As a corollary, we also resolve a conjecture in the seminal work of Avron and Toledo (Journal of the ACM 2011) regarding the sample complexity of the Gaussian Estimator.Comment: full version of the paper in ICALP 201

    Final state effects on superfluid 4^{\bf 4}He in the deep inelastic regime

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    A study of Final State Effects (FSE) on the dynamic structure function of superfluid 4^4He in the Gersch--Rodriguez formalism is presented. The main ingredients needed in the calculation are the momentum distribution and the semidiagonal two--body density matrix. The influence of these ground state quantities on the FSE is analyzed. A variational form of ρ2\rho_2 is used, even though simpler forms turn out to give accurate results if properly chosen. Comparison to the experimental response at high momentum transfer is performed. The predicted response is quite sensitive to slight variations on the value of the condensate fraction, the best agreement with experiment being obtained with n0=0.082n_0=0.082. Sum rules of the FSE broadening function are also derived and commented. Finally, it is shown that Gersch--Rodriguez theory produces results as accurate as those coming from other more recent FSE theories.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex 3.0, 11 figures available upon request, to be appear in Phys. Rev.

    Considerations on the quantum double-exchange Hamiltonian

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    Schwinger bosons allow for an advantageous representation of quantum double-exchange. We review this subject, comment on previous results, and address the transition to the semiclassical limit. We derive an effective fermionic Hamiltonian for the spin-dependent hopping of holes interacting with a background of local spins, which is used in a related publication within a two-phase description of colossal magnetoresistant manganites.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Beyond the binary collision approximation for the large-qq response of liquid 4^4He

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    We discuss corrections to the linear response of a many-body system beyond the binary collision approximation. We first derive for smooth pair interactions an exact expression of the response 1/q2\propto 1/q^2, considerably simplifying existing forms and present also the generalization for interactions with a strong, short-range repulsion. We then apply the latter to the case of liquid 4^4He. We display the numerical influence of the 1/q21/q^2 correction around the quasi-elastic peak and in the low-intensity wings of the response, far from that peak. Finally we resolve an apparent contradiction in previous discussions around the fourth order cumulant expansion coefficient. Our results prove that the large-qq response of liquid 4^4He can be accurately understood on the basis of a dynamical theory.Comment: 19 p. Figs. available on reques

    Magnon-magnon interactions in the Spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3

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    In a magnetic substance the gap in the Raman spectrum, Delta_R, is approximatively twice the value of the neutron scattering gap, Delta_S, if the the magnetic excitations (magnons) are only weakly interacting. But for CuGeO_3 the experimentally observed ratio Delta_R/Delta_S is approximatively 1.49-1.78, indicating attractive magnon-magnon interactions in the quasi-1D Spin-Peierls compound CuGe_3. We present numerical estimates for Delta_R/Delta_S from exact diagonalization studies for finite chains and find agreement with experiment for intermediate values of the frustration parameter alpha. An analysis of the numerical Raman intensity leads us to postulate a continuum of two-magnon bound states in the Spin-Peierls phase. We discuss in detail the numerical method used, the dependence of the results on the model parameters and a novel matrix-element effect due to the dimerization of the Raman-operator in the Spin-Peierls phase.Comment: submitted to PRB, Phys. Rev. B, in pres

    Condensate fraction in liquid 4He at zero temperature

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    We present results of the one-body density matrix (OBDM) and the condensate fraction n_0 of liquid 4He calculated at zero temperature by means of the Path Integral Ground State Monte Carlo method. This technique allows to generate a highly accurate approximation for the ground state wave function Psi_0 in a totally model-independent way, that depends only on the Hamiltonian of the system and on the symmetry properties of Psi_0. With this unbiased estimation of the OBDM, we obtain precise results for the condensate fraction n_0 and the kinetic energy K of the system. The dependence of n_0 with the pressure shows an excellent agreement of our results with recent experimental measurements. Above the melting pressure, overpressurized liquid 4He shows a small condensate fraction that has dropped to 0.8% at the highest pressure of p = 87 bar.Comment: 12 pages. 4 figures. Accepted for publication on "Journal of Low Temperature Physics