30 research outputs found

    The study of supramolecular structure of asphaltenes by atomic force microscopy

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    This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant No. 17-42-020616

    The SPM study of oligonucleotides consisting of repeated nucleotide sequences

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    The work was performed with financial support of the grant of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the young scientists for 2019, contract № 29GR

    Perspectives of using nanotitanium in dental implantology

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    The study of electrical conductivity of Poly(dA) DNA molecules

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    Интерес к процессам переноса заряда в молекулах ДНК стабильно высок, что связано с перспективами использования данных молекул в наноэлектронике. В докладе будут представлены результаты СТМ/СТС-исследований одноцепочечной ДНК Poly(dA) - последовательности нуклеотидов одного типа, состоящих из аденина.The interest in the processes of charge transport in DNA molecules is very high, due to prospects of using these molecules in nanoelectronics. In the report we will present the results of STM/STS studies of Poly(dA) single stranded DNA. This is the sequence of one type nucleotides, consisting of adenine.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 14-02-97022 р_поволжье_а