749 research outputs found

    Pauline eschatology in the writings of R. H. Charles and Albert Schweitzer

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    Thesis (Ph.D)--Boston University.The primitive Christian hope of the immediate coming of the Kingdom of God was based on the memory of the teachings of Jesus. The fact that that hope remained unfulfilled forced a transformation of the Christian faith which enabled it to survive the failure of the original expectation. The place of Paul in this transformation has been uncertain. His early letters show a strong expectation of the Parousia, but scholarly opinion on the later letters remains contradictory. R.H. Charles has suggested that in Paul's later letters there is a noticeable decline in eschatological thought and, in effect, a transformation of Paul's original hope for the immediate Parousia. This transformation may be clearly shown by arranging Paul's letters into four stages on the basis of the diminishing emphasis of declining eschatology. Albert Schweitzer has held that Paul maintains a consistent eschatological hope throughout his letters. The background of Charles' position was rooted in the work of F.C. Baur and the Tubingen School and culminated with H.J. Holtzmann. This background centered about two questions of Pauline doctrine: 1. Its relationship to primitive Christianity, 2. Its relationship to Hellenistic ideas. The Tubingen School explained the decline of eschatology on the hypothesis that Paul introduced Hellenistic thought. Schweitzer regarded this explanation as unfounded and attempted to demonstrate that there were no clear affinities between the thought of Paul and the Hellenistic world. Paul's thought thus did not develop in any Hellenistic direction but remained consistently Jewish eschatological throughout his literary production. The purpose of this dissertation is to outline and criticize the Pauline eschatological theory of R.H. Charles in the light of Schweitzer's thorough-going eschatology with particular reference to the Parousia. The two positions are first compared on the basis of their relationship to critical norms regarding the Pauline corpus. These norms reject the authenticity of Ephesians and the Pastorals and establish the genuineness of nine letters. These genuine letters are chronologically arranged into three groups, each group being separated by a period of three or four years. The eschatological material in the letters is then isolated and analyzed under three headings: the imminent expectation of the Parousia, the immediate resurrection upon death, and the eschatological chronology. This last heading is subdivided into the problem of the temporary Messianic Kingdom and a dual resurrection. The results of this analysis are applied to an evaluation of the two positions with the following results: 1. There is a consistent imminent hope for the Parousia throughout Paul's letters sustaining Schweitzer's basic position. There is no evidence for a correlation of this hope with the dating of the letters. Charles' failure to acknowledge the eschatological evidence of Philippians is a primary objection to his developmental argument. 2. In the light of the possibility of his own death prior to the Parousia, Paul revises his concept of the time of the resurrection in the Imprisonment Letters, arriving at a new doctrine of immediate resurrection. It is uncertain whether or not Paul wishes to apply this new doctrine only to his own death. 3. Evidence for a Messianic Kingdom is limited to a single passage in I Corinthians which does not adequately support Schweitzer's theory, a theory which is based primarily on non-Pauline materials. 4. Paul believes in a single resurrection for the righteous only. Schweitzer's reconstruction of eschatological chronology, which includes a dual resurrection, is based on non-Pauline materials. Insofar as the eschatological evidence is concerned, Paul seems to stand apart from the process of Hellenization and, despite the possibility of his introduction of the doctrine of immediate resurrection, he remains within the Jewish eschatological framework. [TRUNCATED

    An Epistemic Argument for Tolerance

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    Van Woudenberg, R. (2017). Las presuposiciones de la ciencia (del movimiento humano). PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 14(2), 17-33.Esta ponencia argumenta que la ciencia, incluyendo la ciencia del movimiento humano, procede a partir de muchas presuposiciones. Primero explica qué clase de cosa son las presuposiciones. Luego arguye que la ciencia procede a partir de presuposiciones metafísicas, epistémicas y normativas. Este argumento implica que ni el cientificismo ni el naturalismo son una presuposición de la ciencia

    (Handhaven via) preventieve bestuursdwang: De bestuursrechtelijke sanctie preventieve bestuursdwang als gemeentelijk handhavingsmiddel

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    In deze scriptie wordt ingegaan op de vraag onder welke omstandigheden het de gemeente geoorloofd is om preventieve bestuursdwang toe te passen

    The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Children’s Dietary Behaviors

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    Over the past years vlogs rapidly have become an attractive platform for food industries, sponsoring social media influencers to promote their products. As with more traditional media, social media influencers predominantly promote unhealthy drinks and foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt – consumption of which may increase the risk of overweight, obesity, and non-communicable diseases. The aim of the current Brief Research Report is to examine the impact of vlogs on children’s unhealthy dietary behaviors. Drawing on longitudinal survey data from 453 8- to 12-year-old children, we analyzed the longitudinal relations between children’s frequency of watching vlogs and their consumption of unhealthy beverages and snacks. Structural path modeling analyses of three waves of data with 1-year intervals showed that children’s self-reported frequency of watching vlogs influenced consumption of unhealthy beverages 2 years later. The analyses did not yield significant relat

    Testing a Social Network Intervention Using Vlogs to Promote Physical Activity Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    There is a need to stimulate physical activity among adolescents, but unfortunately, they are hard to reach with traditional mass media interventions. A promising alternative is to carry out social network interventions. In social network interventions, a small group of individuals (influence agents) is selected to promote health-related behaviors within their social network. This study investigates whether a social network intervention is more effective to promote physical activity, compared to a mass media intervention and no intervention. Ad

    Особливості перебігу та корекції артеріальної гіпертензії у хворих з супутньою вегетативною дисфункцією на курорті Трускавець

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    Частота синдрома вегетативной дисфункции у больных гипертонией составляет 60-70%, что существенно усложняет течение заболевания и ухудшает качество жизни пациентов. Больным гипертонией с признаками симпатикотонии целесообразно назначать бета-блокатор Корвазан и биологически активную воду Нафтуся, так так они существенно снижают частоту вегето-сосудистых кризов. Билогически активная вода Нафтуся содействует уменьшению количеству автономных нарушений и более быстрому достижению целевых уровней артериального давления

    Monitoring Deformations of a Wooden Church Tower by Laser Scanning

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    Churches are part of heritage structures that take an important role in Europe's cultural identity. As such, these structures must be protected to prevent catastrophic collapse and any damage must be reported timely to establish planning to maintenance and restoration. This can be achievable when the churches are monitored periodically with regular intervals. However, this monitoring strategy has not been available in most of the Europe’s churches for a number of reasons, complexity of the structures and limited budget are just two of them. Laser scanning has been widely used in capturing rich three-dimensional (3D) topographic data of visible surfaces of a structure with high accuracy. This paper presents a methodology to determine the shape and possible deviation from verticality of the church’s tower for monitoring deformation using a terrestrial laser scanner. The 500-year old wooden tower of St. Bavo Church in Haarlem, Netherlands is selected as a case study. First, point clouds of the tower captured from different views are registered into the same coordinate system. Second, a RANSAC method is employed to extract point clouds of a whole façades of the tower. Next, a point and surface-based method is proposed to compute the deformation of the surface from its data points. The results indicate that there is slightly different deformation between the tower facades in the same story and in neighbour stories. Moreover, the maximum total relative deformation at Story 7 of the tower by 0.63m