279 research outputs found

    Physical mechanism for a kinetic energy driven zero-bias anomaly in the Anderson-Hubbard model

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    The combined effects of strong disorder, strong correlations and hopping in the Anderson-Hubbard model have been shown to produce a zero bias anomaly which has an energy scale proportional to the hopping and minimal dependence on interaction strength, disorder strength and doping. Disorder-induced suppression of the density of states for a purely local interaction is inconsistent with both the Efros-Shklovskii Coulomb gap and the Altshuler-Aronov anomaly, and moreover the energy scale of this anomaly is inconsistent with the standard energy scales of both weak and strong coupling pictures. We demonstrate that a density of states anomaly with similar features arises in an ensemble of two-site systems, and we argue that the energy scale t emerges in strongly correlated systems with disorder due to the mixing of lower and upper Hubbard orbitals on neighboring sites.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; new version includes minor changes to figures and text to increase clarit

    The geometrically-averaged density of states calculated from the local Green's function as a measure of localization

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    With the goal of measuring localization in disordered interacting systems, we examine the finite-size scaling of the geometrically-averaged density of states calculated from the local Green's function with finite energy resolution. Our results show that, unlike in a simple energy binning procedure, there is no limit in which the finite energy resolution is irrelevant.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure; to be published in the proceedings of SCES '0

    The geometrically-averaged density of states as a measure of localization

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    Motivated by current interest in disordered systems of interacting electrons, the effectiveness of the geometrically averaged density of states, ρg(ω)\rho_g(\omega), as an order parameter for the Anderson transition is examined. In the context of finite-size systems we examine complications which arise from finite energy resolution. Furthermore we demonstrate that even in infinite systems a decline in ρg(ω)\rho_g(\omega) with increasing disorder strength is not uniquely associated with localization.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures; revised text and figure

    Temperature dependence of the zero-bias anomaly in the Anderson-Hubbard model: Insights from an ensemble of two-site systems

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    Motivated by experiments on doped transition metal oxides, this paper considers the interplay of interactions, disorder, kinetic energy and temperature in a simple system. An ensemble of two-site Anderson-Hubbard model systems has already been shown to display a zero-bias anomaly which shares features with that found in the two-dimensional Anderson-Hubbard model. Here the temperature dependence of the density of states of this ensemble is examined. In the atomic limit, there is no zero-bias anomaly at zero temperature, but one develops at small nonzero temperatures. With hopping, small temperatures augment the zero-temperature kinetic-energy-driven zero-bias anomaly, while at larger temperatures the anomaly is filled in.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; submitted to SCES 2010 conference proceeding