5,403 research outputs found

    Transmitter switch for high-power microwave output

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    Combiner system can be used for combining output powers of two transmitters or for switching from one to the other. This can be done when pair of transmitters operate on same frequency and carriers are phase coherent as by excitation from single exciter

    A Cross-cohort Description of Young People’s Housing Experience in Britain over 30 Years: An Application of Sequence Analysis

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    Methods. Sequence Analysis supported by Event History Analysis. Key Findings. Despite only 12 years separating both cohorts, the younger 1970 cohort exhibited very different patterns of housing including a slower progression out of the parental home and into stable tenure, and an increased reliance on privately rented housing. Returns to the parental home occurred across the twenties and into the thirties in both cohorts, although occurred more frequently and were more concentrated among certain groups in the 1970 cohort compared to the 1958 cohort. Although fewer cohort members in the 1970 cohort experienced social housing, and did so at a later age, social housing was also associated with greater tenure immobility in this younger cohort. Conclusions. The housing experiences of the younger cohort became associated with more unstable tenure (privately rented housing) for the majority. Leaving the parental home was observed to be a process, as opposed to a one-off event, and several returns to the parental home were documented, more so for the 1970 cohort. These findings are not unrelated, and in the current environment of rising house prices, collapses in the (youth) labour market and rising costs of higher education, are likely to increase in prevalence across subsequent cohorts

    Normalizers of Irreducible Subfactors

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    We consider normalizers of an irreducible inclusion NMN\subseteq M of II1\mathrm{II}_1 factors. In the infinite index setting an inclusion uNuNuNu^*\subseteq N can be strict, forcing us to also investigate the semigroup of one-sided normalizers. We relate these normalizers of NN in MM to projections in the basic construction and show that every trace one projection in the relative commutant NN'\cap is of the form ueNuu^*e_Nu for some unitary uMu\in M with uNuNuNu^*\subseteq N. This enables us to identify the normalizers and the algebras they generate in several situations. In particular each normalizer of a tensor product of irreducible subfactors is a tensor product of normalizers modulo a unitary. We also examine normalizers of irreducible subfactors arising from subgroup--group inclusions HGH\subseteq G. Here the normalizers are the normalizing group elements modulo a unitary from L(H)L(H). We are also able to identify the finite trace L(H)L(H)-bimodules in 2(G)\ell^2(G) as double cosets which are also finite unions of left cosets.Comment: 33 Page

    The spectrum of podocytopathies: A unifying view of glomerular diseases

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    Glomerular diseases encompass a broad array of clinicopathologically defined syndromes which together account for 90% of end-stage kidney disease costing $20 billion per annum to treat in the United States alone. Recent insights have defined the central role of the podocyte as both the regulator of glomerular development as well as the determinant of progression to glomerulosclerosis. We can now place all glomerular diseases within this spectrum of podocytopathies with predictable outcomes based on podocyte biology impacted by temporal, genetic, and environmental cues. This simplified construct is particularly useful to rationalize clinical effort toward podocyte preservation and prevention of progression as well as to focus basic research effort on understanding podocyte biology and for clinical research toward development of practical monitoring strategies for podocyte injury, dysfunction, and loss

    Counter to Intelligence: The Glamorization of Espionage in the International Spy Museum

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    The International Spy Museum, located in Washington D.C., proudly boasts being the only museum dedicated to espionage in the United States, as well as the only museum worldwide dedicated to an international perspective on spying. The institution’s mission is to educate the public on the role of spies in current and historic world events in an unbiased manner. However, the museum does not accomplish these goals. My thesis argues that the glamorization of espionage in the International Spy Museum is counter productive to the institution’s pedagogical mission because it inhibits learning, and instead of advancing knowledge regarding espionage, it reinforces widespread myths about the profession. This argument is based off of three main aspects concerning the presentation of the museum, the museum’s aesthetics, the content of the museum’s exhibits, and the audience’s interaction with said exhibits

    Do actions occur inside the body?

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    The paper offers a critical examination of Jennifer Hornsby's view that actions are internal to the body. It focuses on three of Hornsby's central claims: (P) many actions are bodily movements (in a special sense of the word “movement”) (Q) all actions are tryings; and (R) all actions occur inside the body. It is argued, contra Hornsby, that we may accept (P) and (Q) without accepting also the implausible (R). Two arguments are first offered in favour of the thesis (Contrary-R): that no actions occur inside the body. Three of Hornsby's arguments in favour of R are then examined. It is argued that we need to make a distinction between the causes and the causings of bodily movements (in the ordinary sense of the word “movement”) and that actions ought to be identified with the latter rather than the former. This distinction is then used to show how Hornsby's arguments for (R) may be resisted

    Primary propulsion/large space system interaction study

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    An interaction study was conducted between propulsion systems and large space structures to determine the effect of low thrust primary propulsion system characteristics on the mass, area, and orbit transfer characteristics of large space systems (LSS). The LSS which were considered would be deployed from the space shuttle orbiter bay in low Earth orbit, then transferred to geosynchronous equatorial orbit by their own propulsion systems. The types of structures studied were the expandable box truss, hoop and column, and wrap radial rib each with various surface mesh densities. The impact of the acceleration forces on system sizing was determined and the effects of single point, multipoint, and transient thrust applications were examined. Orbit transfer strategies were analyzed to determine the required velocity increment, burn time, trip time, and payload capability over a range of final acceleration levels. Variables considered were number of perigee burns, delivered specific impulse, and constant thrust and constant acceleration modes of propulsion. Propulsion stages were sized for four propellant combinations; oxygen/hydrogen, oxygen/methane, oxygen/kerosene, and nitrogen tetroxide/monomethylhydrazine, for pump fed and pressure fed engine systems. Two types of tankage configurations were evaluated, minimum length to maximize available payload volume and maximum performance to maximize available payload mass

    New tests of the pp-wave correspondence.

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    The pp-wave/SYM correspondence is an equivalence relation, H string = Δ-J , between the hamiltonian H string of string field theory in the pp-wave background and the dilatation operator Δ in = 4 Super Yang-Mills in the double scaling limit. We calculate matrix elements of these operators in string field theory and in gauge theory. In the string theory Hilbert space we use the natural string basis, and in the gauge theory we use the basis which is isomorphic to it. States in this basis are specific linear combinations of the original BMN operators, and were constructed previously for the case of two scalar impurities. We extend this construction to incorporate BMN operators with vector and mixed impurities. This enables us to verify from the gauge theory perspective two key properties of the three-string interaction vertex of Spradlin and Volovich: (1) the vanishing of the three-string amplitude for string states with one vector and one scalar impurity; and (2) the relative minus sign in the string amplitude involving states with two vector impurities compared to that with two scalar impurities. This implies a spontaneous breaking of the 2 symmetry of the string field theory in the pp-wave background. Furthermore, we calculate the gauge theory matrix elements of Δ-J for states with an arbitrary number of scalar impurities. In all cases we find perfect agreement with the corresponding string amplitudes derived from the three-string vertex