1,459 research outputs found

    Unconditional Pointer States from Conditional Master Equations

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    When part of the environment responsible for decoherence is used to extract information about the decohering system, the preferred {\it pointer states} remain unchanged. This conclusion -- reached for a specific class of models -- is investigated in a general setting of conditional master equations using suitable generalizations of predictability sieve. We also find indications that the einselected states are easiest to infer from the measurements carried out on the environment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 .eps figures; final version to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Dust in the Mars atmosphere

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    The amount of dust suspended in the Martian atmosphere is highly variable with location and with time. The opacity of the sky is best known at the two Viking Lander sites, where visual, vertical-column optical depth never fell below a value of a few tenths during the 1.25 Mars years of observations and yet exceeded 2 to 3 during two great dust storms in 1977. Elsewhere on the planet, optical depths have been estimated from orbiter visible imaging of surface contrasts and from mapping of infrared emission from the surface and the overlying (dusty) atmosphere. In many cases these opacities (and thus dust amounts) may be uncertain by as much as a factor of two. Viking Lander observations of twilight indicate that the background dust haze is more or less uniformly mixed with altitude in the lower atmosphere. Observations from spacecraft indicate that there may be come seasonal variations to the height of these dust hazes, which sometimes extend above 30 km. (Ice haze layers may occur as high as 80 km.) The existing observations do not constrain the composition or the size distribution of the suspended dust particles very well. Remote sensing observations depend principally upon the product of the number of particles, the geometric cross-sections (and so particle size and shape), and the extinction efficiency of the particles (and so the particle composition), as integrated over the particle size distribution and along the line of sight. While the observed variation of dust opacity with wavelength constrains these quantities, it does not often permit the unique determination of the individual properties of the suspended dust. A size distribution having a cross-section weighted mean particle radius of 2.5 microns was deduced from a synthesis of the IR thermal emission spectra observed in the Southern Hemisphere by Mariner 9 during the 1971 global dust storm. Although the IR thermal emission is relatively insensitive to the sub-micron sized particles which tend to dominate visible opacity, this same size distribution was consistent with modeling of the sky brightness variation near the sun, as seen through the background haze above the Viking lander sites in the Northern Hemisphere

    Multiple Particle Interference and Quantum Error Correction

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    The concept of multiple particle interference is discussed, using insights provided by the classical theory of error correcting codes. This leads to a discussion of error correction in a quantum communication channel or a quantum computer. Methods of error correction in the quantum regime are presented, and their limitations assessed. A quantum channel can recover from arbitrary decoherence of x qubits if K bits of quantum information are encoded using n quantum bits, where K/n can be greater than 1-2 H(2x/n), but must be less than 1 - 2 H(x/n). This implies exponential reduction of decoherence with only a polynomial increase in the computing resources required. Therefore quantum computation can be made free of errors in the presence of physically realistic levels of decoherence. The methods also allow isolation of quantum communication from noise and evesdropping (quantum privacy amplification).Comment: Submitted to Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A. in November 1995, accepted May 1996. 39 pages, 6 figures. This is now the final version. The changes are some added references, changed final figure, and a more precise use of the word `decoherence'. I would like to propose the word `defection' for a general unknown error of a single qubit (rotation and/or entanglement). It is useful because it captures the nature of the error process, and has a verb form `to defect'. Random unitary changes (rotations) of a qubit are caused by defects in the quantum computer; to entangle randomly with the environment is to form a treacherous alliance with an enemy of successful quantu

    Environment--Induced Decoherence, Classicality and Consistency of Quantum Histories

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    We prove that for an open system, in the Markovian regime, it is always possible to construct an infinite number of non trivial sets of histories that exactly satisfy the probability sum rules. In spite of being perfectly consistent, these sets manifest a very non--classical behavior: they are quite unstable under the addition of an extra instant to the list of times defining the history. To eliminate this feature --whose implications for the interpretation of the formalism we discuss-- and to achieve the stability that characterizes the quasiclassical domain, it is necessary to separate the instants which define the history by time intervals significantly larger than the typical decoherence time. In this case environment induced superselection is very effective and the quasiclassical domain is characterized by histories constructed with ``pointer projectors''.Comment: 32 pages (1 figure, postcript included at the end: use epsf.tex and follow instructions before Texing) LA-UR-93-141

    Decoherence, Chaos, and the Second Law

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    We investigate implications of decoherence for quantum systems which are classically chaotic. We show that, in open systems, the rate of von Neumann entropy production quickly reaches an asymptotic value which is: (i) independent of the system-environment coupling, (ii) dictated by the dynamics of the system, and (iii) dominated by the largest Lyapunov exponent. These results shed a new light on the correspondence between quantum and classical dynamics as well as on the origins of the ``arrow of time.''Comment: 13 Pages, 2 Figures available upon request, Preprint LA-UR-93-, The new version contains the text, the previous one had only the Macros: sorry

    Decoherence, Chaos, and the Correspondence Principle

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    We present evidence that decoherence can produce a smooth quantum-to-classical transition in nonlinear dynamical systems. High-resolution tracking of quantum and classical evolutions reveals differences in expectation values of corresponding observables. Solutions of master equations demonstrate that decoherence destroys quantum interference in Wigner distributions and washes out fine structure in classical distributions bringing the two closer together. Correspondence between quantum and classical expectation values is also re-established.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (color figures embedded at low resolution), uses RevTeX plus macro (included). Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press
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