13,798 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of the phase of matter-wave fields using a momentum resolved cross-correlation technique

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    We investigate the potential of the so-called XFROG cross-correlation technique originally developed for ultrashort laser pulses for the recovery of the amplitude and phase of the condensate wave function of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Key features of the XFROG method are its high resolution, versatility and stability against noise and some sources of systematic errors. After showing how an analogue of XFROG can be realized for Bose-Einstein condensates, we illustrate its effectiveness in determining the amplitude and phase of the wave function of a vortex state. The impact of a reduction of the number of measurements and of typical sources of noise on the field reconstruction are also analyzed.Comment: 7 pages; 9 figures; article with higher resolution figures available from author

    An improved solar wind electron-density model for pulsar timing

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    Variations in the solar wind density introduce variable delays into pulsar timing observations. Current pulsar timing analysis programs only implement simple models of the solar wind, which not only limit the timing accuracy, but can also affect measurements of pulsar rotational, astrometric and orbital parameters. We describe a new model of the solar wind electron density content which uses observations from the Wilcox Solar Observatory of the solar magnetic field. We have implemented this model into the tempo2 pulsar timing package. We show that this model is more accurate than previous models and that these corrections are necessary for high precision pulsar timing applications.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 13 pages, 4 figure

    A Variational Expansion for the Free Energy of a Bosonic System

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    In this paper, a variational perturbation scheme for nonrelativistic many-Fermion systems is generalized to a Bosonic system. By calculating the free energy of an anharmonic oscillator model, we investigated this variational expansion scheme for its efficiency. Using the modified Feynman rules for the diagrams, we obtained the analytical expression of the free energy up to the fourth order. Our numerical results at various orders are compared with the exact and other relevant results.Comment: 9 pages, 3 EPS figures. With a few typo errors corrected. to appear in J. Phys.

    Tube choledochoureterostomy: A simple method for bile diversion

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    A technique of bile diversion by tube choledochoureterostomy has been devised for the purpose of studying the role of bile in the intestinal absorption of drugs. This method was used in six dogs. No technical difficulties or major complications developed, as are inevitable with alternative methods, including external fistula. © 1990 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Non-Markovian entanglement dynamics in coupled superconducting qubit systems

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    We theoretically analyze the entanglement generation and dynamics by coupled Josephson junction qubits. Considering a current-biased Josephson junction (CBJJ), we generate maximally entangled states. In particular, the entanglement dynamics is considered as a function of the decoherence parameters, such as the temperature, the ratio r≡ωc/ω0r\equiv\omega_c/\omega_0 between the reservoir cutoff frequency ωc\omega_c and the system oscillator frequency ω0\omega_0, % between ω0\omega_0 the characteristic frequency of the %quantum system of interest, and ωc\omega_c the cut-off frequency of %Ohmic reservoir and the energy levels split of the superconducting circuits in the non-Markovian master equation. We analyzed the entanglement sudden death (ESD) and entanglement sudden birth (ESB) by the non-Markovian master equation. Furthermore, we find that the larger the ratio rr and the thermal energy kBTk_BT, the shorter the decoherence. In this superconducting qubit system we find that the entanglement can be controlled and the ESD time can be prolonged by adjusting the temperature and the superconducting phases Φk\Phi_k which split the energy levels.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Status Update of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array

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    The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project aims to make a direct detection of a gravitational-wave background through timing of millisecond pulsars. In this article, the main requirements for that endeavour are described and recent and ongoing progress is outlined. We demonstrate that the timing properties of millisecond pulsars are adequate and that technological progress is timely to expect a successful detection of gravitational waves within a decade, or alternatively to rule out all current predictions for gravitational wave backgrounds formed by supermassive black-hole mergers.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Amaldi 8 conference proceedings, accepted by Classical & Quantum Gravit

    Classification-reconstruction learning for open-set recognition

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    Open-set classification is a problem of handling `unknown' classes that are not contained in the training dataset, whereas traditional classifiers assume that only known classes appear in the test environment. Existing open-set classifiers rely on deep networks trained in a supervised manner on known classes in the training set; this causes specialization of learned representations to known classes and makes it hard to distinguish unknowns from knowns. In contrast, we train networks for joint classification and reconstruction of input data. This enhances the learned representation so as to preserve information useful for separating unknowns from knowns, as well as to discriminate classes of knowns. Our novel Classification-Reconstruction learning for Open-Set Recognition (CROSR) utilizes latent representations for reconstruction and enables robust unknown detection without harming the known-class classification accuracy. Extensive experiments reveal that the proposed method outperforms existing deep open-set classifiers in multiple standard datasets and is robust to diverse outliers. The code is available in https://nae-lab.org/~rei/research/crosr/.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
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