893 research outputs found

    Criteria for nonclassicality in the prepare-and-measure scenario

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    The authors derive a criteria to ascertain whether a quantum resource can lead to nonclassical behavior in a prepare and measure scenario, and use this result to show how nonclassicality can be activated by increasing the number of preparations or measurement

    Two Gestational Sacs, Two Locations - Heterotopic Pregnancy - Case Report

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    Introduction: Heterotopic pregnancy (HP) is defined as two gestational sacs simultaneously present in two different locations, being the uterus and the fallopian tubes the more common. Sporadic HP is a very rare condition (1:30,000 pregnancies). With the use of medically assisted reproduction the prevalence is significantly higher(1:7,000). Considering spontaneous pregnancy, HP is associated with risk factors, being prior inflammatory pelvic disease the most common. The clinical presentation is similar to that of ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage although it is usually a more late diagnosis. Case report: 25 year-old pregnant woman, OI 0000, previously healthy; admitted at the Emergency Department (ED) with acute pelvic pain mainly at the right iliac fossa and moderate vaginal bleeding confirmed by speculum examination. She was hemodynamically stable and the bimanual palpation was painful; no prior medically assisted reproduction technique had been performed. The haemoglobin value was within normal range and the serum β-hCG was 2,763mUI/mL. The ultrasonography at the ED showed an in uterus gestational sac and another one inside the right fallopian tube; in both gestational sacs cardiac activity was absent. HP diagnosis was then established and the patient was admitted at the Obstetrics Ward for surveillance and ultrasonographic/laboratorial reassessment; complete miscarriage of the uterine pregnancy occurred but methotrexate was necessary for the treatment of persistent tubarian pregnancy. Conclusion: When evaluating a pregnant woman with pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding one should always be aware of several differential diagnosis amongst which HP should be considered. If the patient has in uterus viable pregnancy the treatment of the ectopic concomitant gestational sac should be as conservative as possible; methotrexate should not be used in that situation as it leads to uterine pregnancy miscarriage in about one third of the patients

    Ocular Toxoplasmosis Reactivation During Pregnancy – A Case Report

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    Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii and may be acquired from food or water contaminated with cat feces or by vertical transmission. Severe fetal complications can overcome during pregnancy. There are also rare case-reports of congenital toxoplasmosis from previously immunized pregnant women; usually these women being had prior retinal toxoplasmic lesions. Immunosuppresion is one of the risk factors which accounts for some of these cases. Case report: 30 year-old pregnant woman, OI 2002, brazilian, previously healthy, admitted in Ophtalmology Department because of sudden left eye amaurosis in June, 2010. The fundoscopy revealed retinal scars suggesting previous infections; she was treated with corticoids and spiramycin for ocular toxoplasmosis reactivation. Previous serum analysis (2008) showed immunity to T. Gondii, but in July the IgM was negative and high levels of specific IgG were found (1227UI/mL). The serologic findings were later confirmed by a more accurate laboratory technique which found the IgM to be also positive. An amniocentesis was performed and it was negative for fetal transmission. Clinical and ultrasound follow-up throughout the rest of the gestational period was normal; daily spiramycin intake was maintained. An uneventful term delivery was performed. Neither the newborn’s serum analysis nor the histopathological study of the placenta were positive for congenital infection. Conclusion: Toxoplasmosis reactivation in pregnant women without immunosuppression is rare but is more likely to occur if previous post-infectious retinal scars are present. T. gondii infection is endemic in Brazil, so the geographical origin is important. If risk factors are present, fundoscopy should be performed every three months during pregnancy and one should always be aware of any visual symptoms. If you suspect reactivation, start medical prophylaxis for fetal transmission, perform amniocentesis and regular ultrasound follow-up

    Sensores móveis e autônomos de temperatura de baixo custo.

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    A verificação da temperatura foi iniciada no final do século XVI e até hoje continua evoluindo. Há várias aplicações para as medições de temperatura, mas seu registro automático nem sempre é possível. O registro de temperatura automático ainda pode representar um desafio, pois os equipamentos capazes de armazenar essas informações são caros, tornandose inatingíveis para grande parte da população. Neste trabalho, são aplicadas tecnologias livres, para desenvolvimento de um amostrador de temperatura autônomo utilizando sensores de baixo custo. A conexão entre os sensores e o armazenamento de dados se dá em um microcontrolador, difundido por também apresentar baixo custo e ser de hardware livre. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido e testado um amostrador autônomo de temperatura com registro automático utilizando Arduino. O suprimento energético foi provido por um painel solar e uma bateria, fazendo assim com que o amostrador tenha grande mobilidade em campo.bitstream/item/160875/1/doc-206.pd
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