29 research outputs found

    SCIAMACHY Level 1 data: calibration concept and in-flight calibration

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    The calibration of SCIAMACHY was thoroughly checked since the instrument was launched on-board ENVISAT in February 2002. While SCIAMACHY's functional performance is excellent since launch, a number of technical difficulties have appeared, that required adjustments to the calibration. The problems can be separated into three types: (1) Those caused by the instrument and/or platform environment. Among these are the high water content in the satellite structure and/or MLI layer. This results in the deposition of ice on the detectors in channels 7 and 8 which seriously affects the retrievals in the IR, mostly because of the continuous change of the slit function caused by scattering of the light through the ice layer. Additionally a light leak in channel 7 severely hampers any retrieval from this channel. (2) Problems due to errors in the on-ground calibration and/or data processing affecting for example the radiometric calibration. A new approach based on a mixture of on-ground and in-flight data is shortly described here. (3) Problems caused by principal limitations of the calibration concept, e.g. the possible appearance of spectral structures after the polarisation correction due to unavoidable errors in the determination of atmospheric polarisation. In this paper we give a complete overview of the calibration and problems that still have to be solved. We will also give an indication of the effect of calibration problems on retrievals where possible. Since the operational processing chain is currently being updated and no newly processed data are available at this point in time, for some calibration issues only a rough estimate of the effect on Level 2 products can be given. However, it is the intention of this paper to serve as a future reference for detailed studies into specific calibration issues

    SCIAMACHY Level 1 data: calibration concept and in-flight calibration

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    The calibration of SCIAMACHY was thoroughly checked since the instrument was launched on-board ENVISAT in February 2002. While SCIAMACHY's functional performance is excellent since launch, a number of technical difficulties have appeared, that required adjustments to the calibration. The problems can be separated into three types: (1) Those caused by the instrument and/or platform environment. Among these are the high water content in the satellite structure and/or MLI layer. This results in the deposition of ice on the detectors in channels 7 and 8 which seriously affects the retrievals in the IR, mostly because of the continuous change of the slit function caused by scattering of the light through the ice layer. Additionally a light leak in channel 7 severely hampers any retrieval from this channel. (2) Problems due to errors in the on-ground calibration and/or data processing affecting for example the radiometric calibration. A new approach based on a mixture of onground and in-flight data is shortly described here. (3) Problems caused by principal limitations of the calibration concept, e.g. the possible appearance of spectral structures after the polarisation correction due to unavoidable errors in the determination of atmospheric polarisation. In this paper we give a complete overview of the calibration and problems that still have to be solved. We will also give an indication of the effect of calibration problems on retrievals where possible. Since the operational processing chain is currently being updated and no newly processed data are available at this point in time, for some calibration issues only a rough estimate of the effect on Level 2 products can be given. However, it is the intention of this paper to serve as a future reference for detailed studies into specific calibration issues

    Sea surface temperature control on the distribution of far-traveled Southern Ocean ice-rafted detritus during the Pliocene

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    The flux and provenance of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) deposited in the Southern Ocean can reveal information about the past instability of Antarctica's ice sheets during different climatic conditions. Here we present a Pliocene IRD provenance record based on the Ar/Ar ages of ice-rafted hornblende grains from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1165, located near Prydz Bay in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean, along with the results of modeled sensitivity tests of iceberg trajectories and their spatial melting patterns under a range of sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Our provenance results reveal that IRD and hence icebergs in the Prydz Bay area were mainly sourced from (i) the local Prydz Bay region and (ii) the remote Wilkes Land margin located at the mouth of the low-lying Aurora Subglacial Basin. A series of IRD pulses, reaching up to 10 times background IRD flux levels, were previously identified at Site 1165 between 3.3 and 3.0Ma. Our new results reveal that the average proportion of IRD sourced from distal Wilkes Land margin doubles after 3.3Ma. Our iceberg trajectory-melting models show that slower iceberg melting under cooling SSTs over this middle Pliocene interval allowed Wilkes Land icebergs to travel farther before melting. Hence, declining SSTs can account for a large part of the observed IRD provenance record at Site 1165. In early Pliocene IRD layers, sampled at suborbital resolution around 4.6Ma, we find evidence for significant increases in icebergs derived from Wilkes Land during very warm interglacials. This is suggestive of large-scale destabilization of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Aurora Subglacial Basin, as far-traveled icebergs would have to overcome enhanced melting in warmer SSTs. Our results highlight the importance of considering SSTs when interpreting IRD flux and provenance records in distal locations

    Design of the Nijmegen high-resolution THz-FEL

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    In 2006, the Radboud University in Nijmegen received approval to realize a THz Free-Electron Laser (FEL) system and a 45 T hybrid magnet system. The THz-FEL system will be used in material science at high (30-45 T) magnetic fields, and applications e.g. in the field of biomolecu-lar spectroscopy. We here present the conceptual design of the Nijmegen THz-FEL. The FEL covers the 100-1500 μm spectral range and will operate in either a "spectroscopic mode" (spectral resolution better than 105) providing 100 Watt bandwidth limited pulses of several microsecond or "pump-probe" pulsed mode providing macropulses consisting of 3 GHz micropulses. Technical challenges are in achieving the required coherence for the narrow-band operation and in the 3 GHz operation of the source

    Description of the Earth system model of intermediate complexity LOVECLIM version 1.2

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    The main characteristics of the new version 1.2 of the three-dimensional Earth system model of intermediate complexity LOVECLIM are briefly described. LOVECLIM 1.2 includes representations of the atmosphere, the ocean and sea ice, the land surface (including vegetation), the ice sheets, the icebergs and the carbon cycle. The atmospheric component is ECBilt2, a T21, 3-level quasi-geostrophic model. The ocean component is CLIO3, which consists of an ocean general circulation model coupled to a comprehensive thermodynamic-dynamic sea-ice model. Its horizontal resolution is of 3° by 3°, and there are 20 levels in the ocean. ECBilt-CLIO is coupled to VECODE, a vegetation model that simulates the dynamics of two main terrestrial plant functional types, trees and grasses, as well as desert. VECODE also simulates the evolution of the carbon cycle over land while the ocean carbon cycle is represented by LOCH, a comprehensive model that takes into account both the solubility and biological pumps. The ice sheet component AGISM is made up of a three-dimensional thermomechanical model of the ice sheet flow, a visco-elastic bedrock model and a model of the mass balance at the ice-atmosphere and ice-ocean interfaces. For both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, calculations are made on a 10 km by 10 km resolution grid with 31 sigma levels. LOVECLIM1.2 reproduces well the major characteristics of the observed climate both for present-day conditions and for key past periods such as the last millennium, the mid-Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum. However, despite some improvements compared to earlier versions, some biases are still present in the model. The most serious ones are mainly located at low latitudes with an overestimation of the temperature there, a too symmetric distribution of precipitation between the two hemispheres, and an overestimation of precipitation and vegetation cover in the subtropics. In addition, the atmospheric circulation is too weak. The model also tends to underestimate the surface temperature changes (mainly at low latitudes) and to overestimate the ocean heat uptake observed over the last decade

    Ionization of Water Clusters Mediated by Exciton Energy Transfer from Argon Clusters

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    The exciton energy deposited in an argon cluster, (Arn ,< n=20>) using VUV radiation is transferred to softly ionize doped water clusters, ((H2O)n, n=1-9) leading to the formation of non-fragmented clusters. Following the initial excitation, electronic energy is channeled to ionize the doped water cluster while evaporating the Ar shell, allowing identification of fragmented and complete water cluster ions. Examination of the photoionization efficiency curve shows that cluster evaporation from excitons located above 12.6 eV are not enough to cool the energized water cluster ion, and leads to their dissociation to (H2O)n-2H+ (protonated) clusters