182 research outputs found

    One Dimensional Kondo Lattice Model Studied by the Density Matrix Renormalization Group Method

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    Recent developments of the theoretical investigations on the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model by using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method are discussed in this review. Short summaries are given for the zero-temperature DMRG, the finite-temperature DMRG, and also its application to dynamic quantities. Away from half-filling, the paramagnetic metallic state is shown to be a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid with the large Fermi surface. For the large Fermi surface its size is determined by the sum of the densities of the conduction electrons and the localized spins. The correlation exponent K_rho of this metallic phase is smaller than 1/2. At half-filling the ground state is insulating. Excitation gaps are different depending on channels, the spin gap, the charge gap and the quasiparticle gap. Temperature dependence of the spin and charge susceptibilities and specific heat are discussed. Particularly interesting is the temperature dependence of various excitation spectra, which show unusual properties of the Kondo insulators.Comment: 18 pages, 23 Postscript figures, REVTe

    Hydrogen atom in phase space. The Kirkwood-Rihaczek representation

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    We present a phase-space representation of the hydrogen atom using the Kirkwood-Rikaczek distribution function. This distribution allows us to obtain analytical results, which is quite unique because an exact analytical form of the Wigner functions corresponding to the atom states is not known. We show how the Kirkwood-Rihaczek distribution reflects properties of the hydrogen atom wave functions in position and momentum representations.Comment: 5 pages (and 5 figures

    Quasipinning and selection rules for excitations in atoms and molecules

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    Postulated by Pauli to explain the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, the exclusion principle establishes an upper bound of 1 for the fermionic natural occupation numbers {ni}\{n_i\}. A recent analysis of the pure NN-representability problem provides a wide set of inequalities for the {ni}\{n_i\}, leading to constraints on these numbers. This has a strong potential impact on reduced density matrix functional theory as we know it. In this work we continue our study the nature of these inequalities for some atomic and molecular systems. The results indicate that (quasi)saturation of some of them leads to selection rules for the dominant configurations in configuration interaction expansions, in favorable cases providing means for significantly reducing their computational requirements.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, new references, some typos corrected and a new section adde

    Linear-response theory and lattice dynamics: a muffin-tin orbital approach

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    A detailed description of a method for calculating static linear-response functions in the problem of lattice dynamics is presented. The method is based on density functional theory and it uses linear muffin-tin orbitals as a basis for representing first-order corrections to the one-electron wave functions. As an application we calculate phonon dispersions in Si and NbC and find good agreement with experiments.Comment: 18 pages, Revtex, 2 ps figures, uuencoded, gzip'ed, tar'ed fil

    Nucleation of a sodium droplet on C60

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    We investigate theoretically the progressive coating of C60 by several sodium atoms. Density functional calculations using a nonlocal functional are performed for NaC60 and Na2C60 in various configurations. These data are used to construct an empirical atomistic model in order to treat larger sizes in a statistical and dynamical context. Fluctuating charges are incorporated to account for charge transfer between sodium and carbon atoms. By performing systematic global optimization in the size range 1<=n<=30, we find that Na_nC60 is homogeneously coated at small sizes, and that a growing droplet is formed above n=>8. The separate effects of single ionization and thermalization are also considered, as well as the changes due to a strong external electric field. The present results are discussed in the light of various experimental data.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Egypt's Neoliberal Reforms and the Moral Economy of Bread : Sadat, Mubarak, Morsi

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    The Egyptian Revolution 2011 has its roots in neoliberal policies, the premises of which are not shared by a large part of the Egyptian population. Starting from the call for “bread, freedom, social justice”, this paper sheds light on the moral economy of the Egyptian people and finds the seeds of the revolution in a loss of entitlements which structural adjustment policies entailed for Egyptians as producers and consumers of bread, the symbol of life.Peer reviewe

    Low-energy electronic states of carbon nanocones in an electric field

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    «Non v’è salvezza al di fuori del mostruoso»; «la diserzione, intrinseca alla letteratura, diventa nel fantastico sfida blasfema, obiezione, tradimento»: in questi passi, lo scrittore italiano Giorgio Manganelli (1922-1990) riafferma la portata trasgressiva della sua opera, indicando nel superamento dei limiti razionali, del verosimile, dell’accettabile o, in altre parole, del narrabile la via per sottrarre la letteratura ad una funzione strumentale. Così, nel privilegiarla come atto di linguaggio e nel disimpegnarla da mansioni mimetico-realistiche, Manganelli la popola di esseri informi e metamorfici. Ad esempio, in opere quali Hilarotragoedia (1964) e Dall’inferno (1985) il mostruoso non si presenta come qualcosa di aberrante, ma piuttosto come il risultato di una sorta di teologia paradossale, in grado di sovvertire o burlare le grandi convenzioni umane. Partendo da tali questioni, l’articolo affronterà il tema del mostro quale infrazione e sovversione essenziali allo scardinamento di un orizzonte ermeneutico antropocentrico, come voleva, tra gli altri, Foucault. «There is no salvation beyond the monstrous»; «desertion, intrinsic to literature, becomes in the Fantastic a blasphemous challenge, objection and betrayal»: with these words, the Italian writer Giorgio Manganelli (1922-1990) reaffirms the transgression of his work. With the overcoming of rational limits, of the plausible, of the acceptable or, in other words, of the tellable, the writer illustrates the way to prevent the use of literature as an instrumental function. Therefore, by using literature as an act of speech and by disengaging it from its mimetic-realistic responsibilities, Manganelli populates it with shapeless and metamorphic beings. In works such as Hilarotragoedia (1964) and From Hell (1985), for example, the monstrous does not resemble something aberrant, but rather it represents a kind of paradoxical theology, capable of subverting or mocking the great human convictions. Starting from these questions, this paper will approach the subject of the monster as infringement and subversion essential for the disruption of a hermeneutic and anthropocentric horizon, as Foucault, among others, wished