399 research outputs found

    Construction and Analysis of Projected Deformed Products

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    We introduce a deformed product construction for simple polytopes in terms of lower-triangular block matrix representations. We further show how Gale duality can be employed for the construction and for the analysis of deformed products such that specified faces (e.g. all the k-faces) are ``strictly preserved'' under projection. Thus, starting from an arbitrary neighborly simplicial (d-2)-polytope Q on n-1 vertices we construct a deformed n-cube, whose projection to the last dcoordinates yields a neighborly cubical d-polytope. As an extension of thecubical case, we construct matrix representations of deformed products of(even) polygons (DPPs), which have a projection to d-space that retains the complete (\lfloor \tfrac{d}{2} \rfloor - 1)-skeleton. In both cases the combinatorial structure of the images under projection is completely determined by the neighborly polytope Q: Our analysis provides explicit combinatorial descriptions. This yields a multitude of combinatorially different neighborly cubical polytopes and DPPs. As a special case, we obtain simplified descriptions of the neighborly cubical polytopes of Joswig & Ziegler (2000) as well as of the ``projected deformed products of polygons'' that were announced by Ziegler (2004), a family of 4-polytopes whose ``fatness'' gets arbitrarily close to 9.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Electromigration-Induced Propagation of Nonlinear Surface Waves

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    Due to the effects of surface electromigration, waves can propagate over the free surface of a current-carrying metallic or semiconducting film of thickness h_0. In this paper, waves of finite amplitude, and slow modulations of these waves, are studied. Periodic wave trains of finite amplitude are found, as well as their dispersion relation. If the film material is isotropic, a wave train with wavelength lambda is unstable if lambda/h_0 < 3.9027..., and is otherwise marginally stable. The equation of motion for slow modulations of a finite amplitude, periodic wave train is shown to be the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. As a result, envelope solitons can travel over the film's surface.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    De Novo Formation of Insulin-Producing “Neo-β Cell Islets” from Intestinal Crypts

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    SUMMARY The ability to interconvert terminally differentiated cells could serve as a powerful tool for cell-based treatment of degenerative diseases, including diabetes mellitus. To determine which, if any, adult tissues are competent to activate an islet β cell program, we performed an in vivo screen by expressing three β cell “reprogramming factors” in a wide spectrum of tissues. We report that transient intestinal expression of these factors—Pdx1, MafA, and Ngn3 (PMN)—promotes rapid conversion of intestinal crypt cells into endocrine cells, which coalesce into “neoislets” below the crypt base. Neoislet cells express insulin and show ultrastructural features of β cells. Importantly, intestinal neoislets are glucose-responsive and able to ameliorate hyperglycemia in diabetic mice. Moreover, PMN expression in human intestinal “organoids” stimulates the conversion of intestinal epithelial cells into β-like cells. Our results thus demonstrate that the intestine is an accessible and abundant source of functional insulin-producing cells

    A global disorder of imprinting in the human female germ line

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    Imprinted genes are expressed differently depending on whether they are carried by a chromosome of maternal or paternal origin. Correct imprinting is established by germline-specific modifications; failure of this process underlies several inherited human syndromes. All these imprinting control defects are cis-acting, disrupting establishment or maintenance of allele-specific epigenetic modifications across one contiguous segment of the genome. In contrast, we report here an inherited global imprinting defect. This recessive maternal-effect mutation disrupts the specification of imprints at multiple, non-contiguous loci, with the result that genes normally carrying a maternal methylation imprint assume a paternal epigenetic pattern on the maternal allele. The resulting conception is phenotypically indistinguishable from an androgenetic complete hydatidiform mole, in which abnormal extra-embryonic tissue proliferates while development of the embryo is absent or nearly so. This disorder offers a genetic route to the identification of trans-acting oocyte factors that mediate maternal imprint establishment

    Beta cell death by cell-free DNA and outcome after clinical islet transplantation

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    Background: Optimizing engraftment and early survival after clinical islet transplantation is critical to long-term function, but there are no reliable, quantifiable measures to assess beta cell death. Circulating cell free DNA (cfDNA) derived from beta cells has been identified as a novel biomarker to detect cell loss, and was recently validated in new-onset type 1 diabetes and in islet transplant patients. Methods: Herein we report beta cell cfDNA measurements after allotransplantation in 37 subjects and the correlation with clinical outcomes. Results: A distinctive peak of cfDNA was observed 1hr after transplantation in 31/37 (83.8%) of subjects. The presence and magnitude of this signal did not correlate with transplant outcome. The 1hr signal represents dead beta cells carried over into the recipient after islet isolation and culture, combined with acute cell death post infusion. Beta cell cfDNA was also detected 24hrs post-transplant (8/37 subjects, 21.6%). This signal was associated with higher 1-month insulin requirements (p=0.04), lower 1-month stimulated C-peptide levels (p=0.01) and overall worse 3-month engraftment, by insulin independence (ROC:AUC=0.70, p=0.03) and Beta 2 score (ROC:AUC=0.77, p=0.006). Conclusions: cfDNA-based estimation of beta cell death 24hrs after islet allotransplantation correlates with clinical outcome and could predict early engraftment.B.G.-L. is supported through the Alberta Innovates :Health Solutions (AIHS) Clinician Fellowship and through the CNTRP. A.P. is supported through AIHS Postgraduate Fellowship and CNTRP. A.M.J.S. is supported through AIHS, and holds a Canada Research Chair in Transplantation Surgery and Regenerative Medicine funded through the Government of Canada. A.M.J.S. is also funded by AIHS Collaborative Research and Innovation Opportunity Team Award and the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation of Canada (DRIFCan). Supported by grants from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) (3-SRA-2014-38-Q-R, to Y.D. and A.M.J.S.), National Institute of Health (NIH) (HIRN grant UC4 DK104216, to Y.D.), DON foundation (Stichting Diabetes Onderzoek Nederland) (to Y.D), the European Union (ELASTISLET project, to Y.D.) and the Kahn foundation (to Y.D., R.S., and B.G.). Supported in part by a grant from The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) American Schools and Hospitals Abroad Program for the upgrading of the Hebrew University sequencing core facilit

    DNA-based Self-Assembly of Chiral Plasmonic Nanostructures with Tailored Optical Response

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    Surface plasmon resonances generated in metallic nanostructures can be utilized to tailor electromagnetic fields. The precise spatial arrangement of such structures can result in surprising optical properties that are not found in any naturally occurring material. Here, the designed activity emerges from collective effects of singular components equipped with limited individual functionality. Top-down fabrication of plasmonic materials with a predesigned optical response in the visible range by conventional lithographic methods has remained challenging due to their limited resolution, the complexity of scaling, and the difficulty to extend these techniques to three-dimensional architectures. Molecular self-assembly provides an alternative route to create such materials which is not bound by the above limitations. We demonstrate how the DNA origami method can be used to produce plasmonic materials with a tailored optical response at visible wavelengths. Harnessing the assembly power of 3D DNA origami, we arranged metal nanoparticles with a spatial accuracy of 2 nm into nanoscale helices. The helical structures assemble in solution in a massively parallel fashion and with near quantitative yields. As a designed optical response, we generated giant circular dichroism and optical rotary dispersion in the visible range that originates from the collective plasmon-plasmon interactions within the nanohelices. We also show that the optical response can be tuned through the visible spectrum by changing the composition of the metal nanoparticles. The observed effects are independent of the direction of the incident light and can be switched by design between left- and right-handed orientation. Our work demonstrates the production of complex bulk materials from precisely designed nanoscopic assemblies and highlights the potential of DNA self-assembly for the fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Apical constriction: A cell shape change that can drive morphogenesis

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    Biologists have long recognized that dramatic bending of a cell sheet may be driven by even modest shrinking of the apical sides of cells. Cell shape changes and tissue movements like these are at the core of many of the morphogenetic movements that shape animal form during development, driving processes such as gastrulation, tube formation and neurulation. The mechanisms of such cell shape changes must integrate developmental patterning information in order to spatially and temporally control force production -- issues that touch on fundamental aspects of both cell and developmental biology and on birth defects research. How does developmental patterning regulate force-producing mechanisms, and what roles do such mechanisms play in development? Work on apical constriction from multiple systems including Drosophila, C. elegans, sea urchin, Xenopus, chick and mouse has begun to illuminate these issues. Here, we review this effort to explore the diversity of mechanisms of apical constriction, the diversity of roles that apical constriction plays in development, and the common themes that emerge from comparing systems

    An Unexpected Function of the Prader-Willi Syndrome Imprinting Center in Maternal Imprinting in Mice

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    Genomic imprinting is a phenomenon that some genes are expressed differentially according to the parent of origin. Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) are neurobehavioral disorders caused by deficiency of imprinted gene expression from paternal and maternal chromosome 15q11–q13, respectively. Imprinted genes at the PWS/AS domain are regulated through a bipartite imprinting center, the PWS-IC and AS-IC. The PWS-IC activates paternal-specific gene expression and is responsible for the paternal imprint, whereas the AS-IC functions in the maternal imprint by allele-specific repression of the PWS-IC to prevent the paternal imprinting program. Although mouse chromosome 7C has a conserved PWS/AS imprinted domain, the mouse equivalent of the human AS-IC element has not yet been identified. Here, we suggest another dimension that the PWS-IC also functions in maternal imprinting by negatively regulating the paternally expressed imprinted genes in mice, in contrast to its known function as a positive regulator for paternal-specific gene expression. Using a mouse model carrying a 4.8-kb deletion at the PWS-IC, we demonstrated that maternal transmission of the PWS-IC deletion resulted in a maternal imprinting defect with activation of the paternally expressed imprinted genes and decreased expression of the maternally expressed imprinted gene on the maternal chromosome, accompanied by alteration of the maternal epigenotype toward a paternal state spread over the PWS/AS domain. The functional significance of this acquired paternal pattern of gene expression was demonstrated by the ability to complement PWS phenotypes by maternal inheritance of the PWS-IC deletion, which is in stark contrast to paternal inheritance of the PWS-IC deletion that resulted in the PWS phenotypes. Importantly, low levels of expression of the paternally expressed imprinted genes are sufficient to rescue postnatal lethality and growth retardation in two PWS mouse models. These findings open the opportunity for a novel approach to the treatment of PWS