188 research outputs found

    Dependence of the SWR Linewidth on the Wavevector in Amorphous Thin Films

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    Work supported in part by the Central Research Project 01.08.B.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Nonlinear interferometer for tailoring the frequency spectrum of bright squeezed vacuum

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    We propose a method for tailoring the frequency spectrum of bright squeezed vacuum by generating it in a nonlinear interferometer, consisting of two down-converting nonlinear crystals separated by a dispersive medium. Due to a faster dispersive spreading of higher-order Schmidt modes, the spectral width of the radiation at the output is reduced as the length of the dispersive medium is increased. Preliminary results show 30\% spectral narrowing.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Applied bachelor degree programme as the direction of mobile social teachers training in the conditions of professional and mobile practice

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    The relevance is caused by the need to train mobile social teachers with a high level of adaptation to the changing working conditions and capable timely, reasonably, optimally and quickly to solve social and pedagogical problems of people of different age and social categories. The purpose of the article is in defining the role of applied bachelor degree in training of mobile social teachers in the conditions of professional - mobile practice. The leading method is comparative analysis of social teachers training in the conditions of state educational standard of 2005 and new generation standard FGOS-2010. The article presents the method of projects as the leading kind of activity of practice-oriented training in the direction of applied bachelor degree of future social teachers in the conditions of practice. The method of project activity can be realized in training of specialists in different direction of training and profile. © 2019 by the authors

    Media as an Administrative Resource in the Electoral Process (following the Example of the Sverdlovsk Region)

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 23.11.2022 г.Рассматривается участие средств массовой информации (СМИ) в избирательном процессе. Анализируется известная политико-правовая проблема, когда правоприменение ведется на уровне отдельных кейсов, а научное обобщение нарушений закона поднимается до уровня абстракции. На примере Свердловской области медиа рассматриваются не только как политический актор избирательного процесса. На основе Избирательного кодекса Свердловской области показаны формально-юридические основания статуса СМИ. Используется метод компаративистики — сравниваются электоральные технологии кандидатов на должность губернатора Свердловской области. Как результат компаративистского исследования показаны официальная, оппозиционная и нейтрально-отстраненная позиции СМИ по отношению к кандидатам. Впервые выведена типология электоральных СМИ.The participation of mass media in the electoral process is considered. A well known political and legal problem is resolved: law enforcement is conducted at the level of individual cases, and the scientific generalization of violations of the law soars to the level of abstraction. Using the example of the Sverdlovsk region, the media are considered not only as a political actor in the electoral process. On the basis of the Electoral Code of the Sverdlovsk region (ECSR), the formal and legal grounds for the status of the media are shown. The method of comparative studies is used — electoral technologies of candidates for the post of Governor of the Sverdlovsk region are compared. As a result of the comparative study, the official, oppositional and neutral estranged positions of the media in relation to the candidates are shown. For the first time, the typology of electoral media is derived

    Development of radial-shear rolling mill special stands for continuous cast billets deformation

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    The article offers the structure of the three-roll stand for radial-shear rolling that is designed to deformation of continuous cast billets. The stand can be installed in the pipe rolling mill manufacturing line that shall ensure manufacturing flexibility. To achieve the objective set, elaboration of working rolls integration with the drive as well as verification against the allowable torque and strength calculations in SolidWorks Simulation were performed at the design stage. For the major part of the frame, stresses do not exceed 60 MPa and the design rigidity rate will be 2.86 MN/mm. The special stand has a specific frame structure to ensure its mounting on the existing equipment base. The configuration of rolls sets is selected considering the possibility of integration with the spindle assemblies of the group drive and maximum allowable cross angle (≤ 15 ). The developed design proves to have sufficient strength margin with the relatively small weight. The special radial-shear rolling mill stand will allow increasing total strain degree and reducing the number of billets sizes. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Advanced Characterization of FeNi-Based Films for the Development of Magnetic Field Sensors with Tailored Functional Parameters

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    Magnetometry and ferromagnetic resonance are used to quantitatively study magnetic anisotropy with an easy axis both in the film plane and perpendicular to it. In the study of single-layer and multilayer permalloy films, it is demonstrated that these methods make it possible not only to investigate the average field of perpendicular and in-plane anisotropy, but also to characterize their inhomogeneity. It is shown that the quantitative data from direct integral and local measurements of magnetic anisotropy are consistent with the direct and indirect estimates based on processing of the magnetization curves. The possibility of estimating the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy constant from the width of stripe domains in a film in the transcritical state is demonstrated. The average in-plane magnetic anisotropy field of permalloy films prepared by magnetron sputtering onto a Corning glass is almost unchanged with the thickness of a single-layer film. The inhomogeneity of the perpendicular anisotropy field for a 500 nm film is greater than that for a 100 nm film, and for a multilayer film with a total permalloy thickness of 500 nm, it is greater than that for a homogeneous film of the same thickness. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 22-29-00980Funding: This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), project no. 22-29-00980, https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-29-00980/ (accessed on 20 March 2022)

    Magnetic Properties of FeNi/Cu-Based Lithographic Rectangular Multilayered Elements for Magnetoimpedance Applications

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    The rectangular elements in magnetoimpedance (MI) configuration with a specific nanocomposite laminated structure based on FeNi and Cu layers were prepared by lift-off lithographic process. The properties of such elements are controlled by their shape, the anisotropy induced during the deposition, and by effects associated with the composite structure. The characterizations of static and dynamic properties, including MI measurements, show that these elements are promising for sensor applications. We have shown that competition between the shape anisotropy and the in-plane induced anisotropy of the element material is worth taking into account in order to understand the magnetic behavior of multilayered rectangular stripes. A possibility of the dynamic methods (ferromagnetic and spin-wave resonance) to describe laminated planar elements having a non-periodic modulation of both structure and magnetic parameters of a system is demonstrated. We show that the multilayered structure, which was originally designed to prevent the development of a “transcritical” state in magnetic layers and to reach the required thickness, also induces the effects that hinder the achievement of the goal, namely an increase in the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy energy. © 2023 by the authors.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 22-29-00980This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), project no. 22-29-00980, https://rscf.ru/project/22-29-00980/ (accessed on 1 July 2023)

    Methodological principles of the conceptual apparatusin pedagogical research

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    The article substantiates the methodological principles of the conceptual apparatus in pedagogical research; a retrospective analysis of the conceptual and terminological system of pedagogy is given: methodological seminars, monographs, scientific articles.В статье обоснованы методологические принципы понятийного аппарата в педагогических исследованиях; приведен ретроспективный анализ понятийно-терминологической системы педагогики: методологические семинары, монографии, научные статьи

    Risk factors of adverse outcome of COVID-19 and experience of Tocilizumab administration in patients on maintenance hemodialysis due to diabetic kidney disease

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) and patients on maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) are at a high risk of adverse clinical course of COVID-19. To date, the causes of high mortality in these groups are not fully understood. Data about peculiarity of clinical course and Tocilizumab (TCZ) administration in patients with T2DM receiving MHD due to outcome of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) are not yet highlighted in current publications.AIMS: Identification of risk factors (RF) of adverse COVID-19 outcome and evaluation of TCZ administration in patients with T2DM receiving MHD due to DKD.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The patients treated in Moscow City Hospital No52 were included in retrospective observational study. The observation period was from 04.15 to 07.30 2020. The study endpoints were the outcomes of hospitalization — discharge or lethal outcome. Data were collected from electronic medical database. The following independent variables were analysed: gender, age, body mass index, time from the onset of symptoms to hospital admission, cardiovascular and general comorbidity (Charlson Index, CCI), cardiovascular event (CVE) during hospitalization, treatment in ICU, mechanical ventilation (MV), degree of lung damage according to CT data, level of prandial glycemia at admission, MHDassociated parameters (vintage, type of vascular access, frequency of complications). The autopsy reports were evaluated for the purpose of lethal structure investigation. In a subgroup treated TCZ the time from symptoms onset to TCZ administration and number of laboratory indicators were evaluated.RESULTS: 53 patients were included, mean age 68 ±9 y, males — 49%. General mortality in observation cohort was 45%, mortality in ICU — 81%, mortality on MV — 95%. High cardiovascular and general comorbidity was revealed (mean CCI — 8,3 ±1,5 points). The causes of outcomes according to autopsy reports data: CVE 37,5% (among them — acute myocardial infarction during hospitalization), severe respiratory failure — 62,5%. The independent predictors of lethal outcome were: MV (OR 106; 95% CI 11,5–984; р <0,001), 3-4 degree of lung damage according to CT data (ОR 6,2; 95% CI 1,803–21,449; р = 0,005), CVE during hospitalization (ОR 18,9; 95% CI 3,631–98,383; р <0,001); CCI ≥10 points (ОR 4,33; 95% CI 1,001–18,767; р = 0,043), level of prandial glycemia at admission ≥10 mmol/l (ОR 10,4; 95% CI 2,726–39,802; р <0,001). For risk identification of upcoming lethal outcome a predictive model was created with the use of discovered RF as variables. The predictive value of this model is 92,45% (positive prognostic value — 96,5%, negative prognostic value — 87,5%).In TCZ treated subgroup the laboratory markers of adverse outcome were detected with application of correlation analysis. Among them: increasing level of CPR 24-48 hours before lethal outcome (r = 0,82), the reduction of lymphocytes count after TCZ administration (r = -0,49), increasing of leukocytes and further reduction of lymphocytes count 24-48 hours before lethal outcome (r = 0,55 и r = -0,52, resp.)).CONCLUSIONS: The number of RF of adverse COVID-19 outcome in patients with T2DM receiving MHD due to DKD are identified. CVE is one of the leading causes of mortality in study cohort. According to our experience the preventive (instead of rescue) strategy of TCZ administration should be used