106 research outputs found

    Balanced Deep CCA for Bird Vocalization Detection

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    Event detection improves when events are captured by two different modalities rather than just one. But to train detection systems on multiple modalities is challenging, in particular when there is abundance of unlabelled data but limited amounts of labeled data. We develop a novel self-supervised learning technique for multi- modal data that learns (hidden) correlations between simultaneously recorded microphone (sound) signals and accelerometer (body vibration) signals. The key objective of this work is to learn useful embeddings associated with high performance in downstream event detection tasks when labeled data is scarce and the audio events of interest — songbird vocalizations — are sparse. We base our approach on deep canonical correlation analysis (DCCA) that suffers from event sparseness. We overcome the sparseness of positive labels by first learning a data sampling model from the labelled data and by applying DCCA on the output it produces. This method that we term balanced DCCA (b-DCCA) improves the performance of the unsupervised embeddings on the down-stream supervised audio detection task compared to classsical DCCA. Because data labels are frequently imbalanced, our method might be of broad utility in low-resource scenarios

    Multimodal system for recording individual-level behaviors in songbird groups

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    In longitudinal observations of animal groups, the goal is to identify individuals and to reliably detect their interactive behaviors including their vocalizations. However, to reliably extract individual vocalizations from their mixtures and other environmental sounds remains a serious challenge. Promising approaches are multi-modal systems that make use of animal-borne wireless sensors and that exploit the inherent signal redundancy. In this vein, we designed a modular recording system (BirdPark) that yields synchronized data streams and contains a custom software-defined radio receiver. We record pairs of songbirds with multiple cameras and microphones and record their body vibrations with custom low-power frequency-modulated (FM) radio transmitters. Our custom multi-antenna radio demodulation technique increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the received radio signals by 6 dB and reduces the signal loss rate by a factor of 87 to only 0.03% of the recording time compared to standard single-antenna demodulation techniques. Nevertheless, neither a single vibration channel nor a single sound channel is sufficient by itself to signal the complete vocal output of an individual, with each sensor modality missing on average about 3.7% of vocalizations. Our work emphasizes the need for high-quality recording systems and for multi-modal analysis of social behavior

    Interactive extraction of diverse vocal units from a planar embedding without the need for prior sound segmentation

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    Annotating and proofreading data sets of complex natural behaviors such as vocalizations are tedious tasks because instances of a given behavior need to be correctly segmented from background noise and must be classified with minimal false positive error rate. Low-dimensional embeddings have proven very useful for this task because they can provide a visual overview of a data set in which distinct behaviors appear in different clusters. However, low-dimensional embeddings introduce errors because they fail to preserve distances; and embeddings represent only objects of fixed dimensionality, which conflicts with vocalizations that have variable dimensions stemming from their variable durations. To mitigate these issues, we introduce a semi-supervised, analytical method for simultaneous segmentation and clustering of vocalizations. We define a given vocalization type by specifying pairs of high-density regions in the embedding plane of sound spectrograms, one region associated with vocalization onsets and the other with offsets. We demonstrate our two-neighborhood (2N) extraction method on the task of clustering adult zebra finch vocalizations embedded with UMAP. We show that 2N extraction allows the identification of short and long vocal renditions from continuous data streams without initially committing to a particular segmentation of the data. Also, 2N extraction achieves much lower false positive error rate than comparable approaches based on a single defining region. Along with our method, we present a graphical user interface (GUI) for visualizing and annotating data

    A system for controlling vocal communication networks

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    Animal vocalizations serve a wide range of functions including territorial defense, courtship, social cohesion, begging, and vocal learning. Whereas many insights have been gained from observational studies and experiments using auditory stimulation, there is currently no technology available for the selective control of vocal communication in small animal groups. We developed a system for real-time control of vocal interactions among separately housed animals. The system is implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and it allows imposing arbitrary communication networks among up to four animals. To minimize undesired transitive sound leakage, we adopted echo attenuation and sound squelching algorithms. In groups of three zebra finches, we restrict vocal communication in circular and in hierarchical networks and thereby mimic complex eavesdropping and middleman situations

    TinyBird-ML: An ultra-low Power Smart Sensor Node for Bird Vocalization Analysis and Syllable Classification

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    Animal vocalisations serve a wide range of vital functions. Although it is possible to record animal vocalisations with external microphones, more insights are gained from miniature sensors mounted directly on animals' backs. We present TinyBird-ML; a wearable sensor node weighing only 1.4 g for acquiring, processing, and wirelessly transmitting acoustic signals to a host system using Bluetooth Low Energy. TinyBird-ML embeds low-latency tiny machine learning algorithms for song syllable classification. To optimize battery lifetime of TinyBird-ML during fault-tolerant continuous recordings, we present an efficient firmware and hardware design. We make use of standard lossy compression schemes to reduce the amount of data sent over the Bluetooth antenna, which increases battery lifetime by 70% without negative impact on offline sound analysis. Furthermore, by not transmitting signals during silent periods, we further increase battery lifetime. One advantage of our sensor is that it allows for closed-loop experiments in the microsecond range by processing sounds directly on the device instead of streaming them to a computer. We demonstrate this capability by detecting and classifying song syllables with minimal latency and a syllable error rate of 7%, using a light-weight neural network that runs directly on the sensor node itself. Thanks to our power-saving hardware and software design, during continuous operation at a sampling rate of 16 kHz, the sensor node achieves a lifetime of 25 hours on a single size 13 zinc-air battery

    The Lattice and Simplex Structure of States on Pseudo Effect Algebras

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    We study states, measures, and signed measures on pseudo effect algebras with some kind of the Riesz Decomposition Property, (RDP). We show that the set of all Jordan signed measures is always an Abelian Dedekind complete â„“\ell-group. Therefore, the state space of the pseudo effect algebra with (RDP) is either empty or a nonempty Choquet simplex or even a Bauer simplex. This will allow represent states on pseudo effect algebras by standard integrals

    Information-theoretic principle entails orthomodularity of a lattice

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    Quantum logical axiomatic systems for quantum theory usually include a postulate that a lattice under consideration is orthomodular. We propose a derivation of orthomodularity from an information-theoretic axiom. This provides conceptual clarity and removes a long-standing puzzle about the meaning of orthomodularity.Comment: Version prior to published, with slight modification

    Value of hospital antimicrobial stewardship programs [ASPs]:a systematic review

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    Abstract Background Hospital antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) aim to promote judicious use of antimicrobials to combat antimicrobial resistance. For ASPs to be developed, adopted, and implemented, an economic value assessment is essential. Few studies demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of ASPs. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the economic and clinical impact of ASPs. Methods An update to the Dik et al. systematic review (2000–2014) was conducted on EMBASE and Medline using PRISMA guidelines. The updated search was limited to primary research studies in English (30 September 2014–31 December 2017) that evaluated patient and/or economic outcomes after implementation of hospital ASPs including length of stay (LOS), antimicrobial use, and total (including operational and implementation) costs. Results One hundred forty-six studies meeting inclusion criteria were included. The majority of these studies were conducted within the last 5 years in North America (49%), Europe (25%), and Asia (14%), with few studies conducted in Africa (3%), South America (3%), and Australia (3%). Most studies were conducted in hospitals with 500–1000 beds and evaluated LOS and change in antibiotic expenditure, the majority of which showed a decrease in LOS (85%) and antibiotic expenditure (92%). The mean cost-savings varied by hospital size and region after implementation of ASPs. Average cost savings in US studies were 732perpatient(range:732 per patient (range: 2.50 to $2640), with similar trends exhibited in European studies. The key driver of cost savings was from reduction in LOS. Savings were higher among hospitals with comprehensive ASPs which included therapy review and antibiotic restrictions. Conclusions Our data indicates that hospital ASPs have significant value with beneficial clinical and economic impacts. More robust published data is required in terms of implementation, LOS, and overall costs so that decision-makers can make a stronger case for investing in ASPs, considering competing priorities. Such data on ASPs in lower- and middle-income countries is limited and requires urgent attention
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