3,082 research outputs found

    Gas expulsion in highly substructured embedded star clusters

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    We investigate the response of initially substructured, young, embedded star clusters to instantaneous gas expulsion of their natal gas. We introduce primordial substructure to the stars and the gas by simplistically modelling the star formation process so as to obtain a variety of substructure distributed within our modelled star forming regions. We show that, by measuring the virial ratio of the stars alone (disregarding the gas completely), we can estimate how much mass a star cluster will retain after gas expulsion to within 10% accuracy, no matter how complex the background structure of the gas is, and we present a simple analytical recipe describing this behaviour. We show that the evolution of the star cluster while still embedded in the natal gas, and the behavior of the gas before being expelled, are crucial processes that affect the timescale on which the cluster can evolve into a virialized spherical system. Embedded star clusters that have high levels of substructure are subvirial for longer times, enabling them to survive gas expulsion better than a virialized and spherical system. By using a more realistic treatment for the background gas than our previous studies, we find it very difficult to destroy the young clusters with instantaneous gas expulsion. We conclude that gas removal may not be the main culprit for the dissolution of young star clusters.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Life and death of a hero - Lessons learned from modeling the dwarf spheroidal Hercules: an incorrect orbit?

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    Hercules is a dwarf spheroidal satellite of the Milky Way, found at a distance of about 138 kpc, and showing evidence of tidal disruption. It is very elongated and exhibits a velocity gradient of 16 +/- 3 km/s/kpc. Using this data a possible orbit of Hercules has previously been deduced in the literature. In this study we make use of a novel approach to find a best fit model that follows the published orbit. Instead of using trial and error, we use a systematic approach in order to find a model that fits multiple observables simultaneously. As such, we investigate a much wider parameter range of initial conditions and ensure we have found the best match possible. Using a dark matter free progenitor that undergoes tidal disruption, our best-fit model can simultaneously match the observed luminosity, central surface brightness, effective radius, velocity dispersion, and velocity gradient of Hercules. However, we find it is impossible to reproduce the observed elongation and the position angle of Hercules at the same time in our models. This failure persists even when we vary the duration of the simulation significantly, and consider a more cuspy density distribution for the progenitor. We discuss how this suggests that the published orbit of Hercules is very likely to be incorrect.Comment: accepted by MNRAS; 19 pages, 19 figures, 2 table

    Ursa Major II - Reproducing the observed properties through tidal disruption

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    Recent deep photometry of the dwarf spheroidal Ursa Major II's morphology, and spectroscopy of individual stars, have provided a number of new constraints on its properties. With a velocity dispersion \sim6 km s1^{-1}, and under the assumption that the galaxy is virialised, the mass-to-light ratio is found to be approaching \sim2000 - apparently heavily dark matter dominated. Using N-Body simulations, we demonstrate that the observed luminosity, ellipticity, irregular morphology, velocity gradient, and the velocity dispersion can be well reproduced through processes associated with tidal mass loss, and in the absence of dark matter. These results highlight the considerable uncertainty that exists in measurements of the dark matter content of Ursa Major II. The dynamics of the inner tidal tails, and tidal stream, causes the observed velocity dispersion of stars to be boosted to values of >>5 km s1^{-1} (>>20 km s1^{-1} at times). This effect is responsible for raising the velocity dispersion of our model to the observed values in UMaII. We test an iterative rejection technique for removing unbound stars from samples of UMaII stars whose positions on the sky, and line-of-sight velocities, are provided. We find this technique is very effective at providing an accurate bound mass from this information, and only fails when the galaxy has a bound mass less than 10% of its initial mass. However when <2<2% mass remains bound, mass overestimation by >>3 orders of magnitude are seen. Additionally we find that mass measurements are sensitive to measurement uncertainty in line-of-sight velocities. Measurement uncertainties of 1-4 km s1^{-1} result in mass overestimates by a factor of \sim1.3-5.7.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted to MNRAS: 23rd, May, 201

    Bound vortex states and exotic lattices in multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates: The role of vortex-vortex interaction

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    We numerically study the vortex-vortex interaction in multi-component homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates within the realm of the Gross-Pitaevskii theory. We provide strong evidences that pairwise vortex interaction captures the underlying mechanisms which determine the geometric configuration of the vortices, such as different lattices in many-vortex states, as well as the bound vortex states with two (dimer) or three (trimer) vortices. Specifically, we discuss and apply our theoretical approach to investigate intra- and inter-component vortex-vortex interactions in two- and three-component Bose-Einstein condensates, thereby shedding light on the formation of the exotic vortex configurations. These results correlate with current experimental efforts in multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates, and the understanding of the role of vortex interactions in multiband superconductors.Comment: Published in PR

    Transition from single-file to two-dimensional diffusion of interacting particles in a quasi-one-dimensional channel

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    Diffusive properties of a monodisperse system of interacting particles confined to a \textit{quasi}-one-dimensional (Q1D) channel are studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We calculate numerically the mean-squared displacement (MSD) and investigate the influence of the width of the channel (or the strength of the confinement potential) on diffusion in finite-size channels of different shapes (i.e., straight and circular). The transition from single-file diffusion (SFD) to the two-dimensional diffusion regime is investigated. This transition (regarding the calculation of the scaling exponent (α\alpha) of the MSD tα\propto t^{\alpha}) as a function of the width of the channel, is shown to change depending on the channel's confinement profile. In particular the transition can be either smooth (i.e., for a parabolic confinement potential) or rather sharp/stepwise (i.e., for a hard-wall potential), as distinct from infinite channels where this transition is abrupt. This result can be explained by qualitatively different distributions of the particle density for the different confinement potentials.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    BEC-BCS crossover in a cold and magnetized two color NJL model

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    The BEC-BCS crossover for a NJL model with diquark interactions is studied in the presence of an external magnetic field. Particular attention is paid to different regularization schemes used in the literature. A thorough comparison of results is performed for the case of a cold and magnetized two-color NJL model. According to our results, the critical chemical potential for the BEC transition exhibits a clear inverse magnetic catalysis effect for magnetic fields in the range 1eB/mπ220 1 \lesssim eB/m_\pi^2 \lesssim 20 . As for the BEC-BCS crossover, the corresponding critical chemical potential is very weakly sensitive to magnetic fields up to eB9 mπ2eB \sim 9\ m_\pi^2, showing a much smaller inverse magnetic catalysis as compared to the BEC transition, and displays a strong magnetic catalysis from this point on.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures; v2 PRD versio