5,908 research outputs found

    Resolution of puzzles from the LSND, KARMEN, and MiniBooNE experiments

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    This work has attempted to reconcile puzzling neutrino oscillation results from the LSND, KARMEN and MiniBooNE experiments. We show that the LSND evidence for νˉμνˉe\bar{\nu}_\mu \to \bar{\nu}_e oscillations, its long-standing disagreement with the results from KARMEN, and the anomalous event excess observed by MiniBooNE in νμ\nu_\mu and νˉμ\bar{\nu}_\mu data could all be explained by the existence of a heavy sterile neutrino (νh\nu_h). All these results are found to be consistent with each other assuming that the νh\nu_h is created in νμ\nu_\mu neutral-current interactions and decays radiatively into a photon and a light neutrino. Assuming the νh\nu_h is produced through mixing with νμ\nu_\mu, the combined analysis of the LSND and MiniBooNe excess events suggests that the νh\nu_h mass is in the range from 40 to 80 MeV, the mixing strength is Uμh2103102|U_{\mu h}|^2 \simeq 10^{-3}-10^{-2}, and the lifetime is τνh109\tau_{\nu_h} \lesssim 10^{-9} s. Surprisingly, this LSND-MiniBooNE parameters window is found to be unconstrained by the results from the most sensitive experiments searching for heavy neutrino. We set new limits on Uμh2|U_{\mu h}|^2 for the LSND-MiniBooNE favorable mass region from the precision measurements of the Michel spectrum by the TWIST experiment. The results obtained provide a strong motivation for a sensitive search for the νh\nu_h in a near future K K decay or neutrino experiments, which fit well in the existing/planned experimental programs at CERN or FNAL. The question of whether the heavy neutrino is Dirac or Majorana particle is briefly discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figures, version to appear in PR

    Exciton correlations in coupled quantum wells and their luminescence blue shift

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    In this paper we present a study of an exciton system where electrons and holes are confined in double quantum well structures. The dominating interaction between excitons in such systems is a dipole - dipole repulsion. We show that the tail of this interaction leads to a strong correlation between excitons and substantially affects the behavior of the system. Making use of qualitative arguments and estimates we develop a picture of the exciton - exciton correlations in the whole region of temperature and concentration where excitons exist. It appears that at low concentration degeneracy of the excitons is accompanied with strong multi-particle correlation so that the system cannot be considered as a gas. At high concentration the repulsion suppresses the quantum degeneracy down to temperatures that could be much lower than in a Bose gas with contact interaction. We calculate the blue shift of the exciton luminescence line which is a sensitive tool to observe the exciton - exciton correlations.Comment: 27 pages in PDF and DVI format, 8 figure

    Frontiers, challenges, and solutions in modeling of swift heavy ion effects in materials

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    Since a few breakthroughs in the fundamental understanding of the effects of swift heavy ions (SHI) decelerating in the electronic stopping regime in the matter have been achieved in the last decade, it motivated us to review the state-of-the-art approaches in the modeling of SHI effects. The SHI track kinetics occurs via several well-separated stages: from attoseconds in ion-impact ionization depositing energy in a target, to femtoseconds of electron transport and hole cascades, to picoseconds of lattice excitation and response, to nanoseconds of atomic relaxation, and even longer macroscopic reaction. Each stage requires its own approaches for quantitative description. We discuss that understanding the links between the stages makes it possible to describe the entire track kinetics within a multiscale model without fitting procedures. The review focuses on the underlying physical mechanisms of each process, the dominant effects they produce, and the limitations of the existing approaches as well as various numerical techniques implementing these models. It provides an overview of ab-initio-based modeling of the evolution of the electronic properties; Monte Carlo simulations of nonequilibrium electronic transport; molecular dynamics modeling of atomic reaction on the surface and in the bulk; kinetic Mote Carlo of atomic defect kinetics; finite-difference methods of tracks interaction with chemical solvents describing etching kinetics. We outline the modern methods that couple these approaches into multiscale multidisciplinary models and point to their bottlenecks, strengths, and weaknesses. The analysis is accompanied by examples of important results improving the understanding of track formation in various materials. Summarizing the most recent advances in the field of the track formation process, the review delivers a comprehensive picture and detailed understanding of the phenomena.Comment: to be submitte

    On graviton production in braneworld cosmology

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    We study braneworlds in a five dimensional bulk, where cosmological expansion is mimicked by motion through AdS5_5. We show that the five dimensional graviton reduces to the four dimensional one in the late time approximation of such braneworlds. Inserting a fixed regulator brane far from the physical brane, we investigate quantum graviton production due to the motion of the brane. We show that the massive Kaluza-Klein modes decouple completely from the massless mode and they are not generated at all in the limit where the regulator brane position goes to infinity. In the low energy limit, the massless four dimensional graviton obeys the usual 4d equation and is therefore also not generated in a radiation-dominated universe.Comment: 9 pages, minor changes, references correcte

    The Lorentz Integral Transform (LIT) method and its applications to perturbation induced reactions

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    The LIT method has allowed ab initio calculations of electroweak cross sections in light nuclear systems. This review presents a description of the method from both a general and a more technical point of view, as well as a summary of the results obtained by its application. The remarkable features of the LIT approach, which make it particularly efficient in dealing with a general reaction involving continuum states, are underlined. Emphasis is given on the results obtained for electroweak cross sections of few--nucleon systems. Their implications for the present understanding of microscopic nuclear dynamics are discussed.Comment: 83 pages, 31 figures. Topical review. Corrected typo

    A short review of "DGP Specteroscopy"

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    In this paper we provide a short review of the main results developed in hep-th/0604086. We focus on linearised vacuum perturbations about the self-accelerating branch of solutions in the DGP model. These are shown to contain a ghost in the spectrum for any value of the brane tension. We also comment on hep-th/0607099, where some counter arguments have been presented.Comment: Minor typos correcte

    Proposal to Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons at the SPS

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    A new fixed-target experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator is proposed that will use decays of charm mesons to search for Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNLs), which are right-handed partners of the Standard Model neutrinos. The existence of such particles is strongly motivated by theory, as they can simultaneously explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe, account for the pattern of neutrino masses and oscillations and provide a Dark Matter candidate. Cosmological constraints on the properties of HNLs now indicate that the majority of the interesting parameter space for such particles was beyond the reach of the previous searches at the PS191, BEBC, CHARM, CCFR and NuTeV experiments. For HNLs with mass below 2 GeV, the proposed experiment will improve on the sensitivity of previous searches by four orders of magnitude and will cover a major fraction of the parameter space favoured by theoretical models. The experiment requires a 400 GeV proton beam from the SPS with a total of 2x10^20 protons on target, achievable within five years of data taking. The proposed detector will reconstruct exclusive HNL decays and measure the HNL mass. The apparatus is based on existing technologies and consists of a target, a hadron absorber, a muon shield, a decay volume and two magnetic spectrometers, each of which has a 0.5 Tm magnet, a calorimeter and a muon detector. The detector has a total length of about 100 m with a 5 m diameter. The complete experimental set-up could be accommodated in CERN's North Area. The discovery of a HNL would have a great impact on our understanding of nature and open a new area for future research