1,966 research outputs found

    Extended Hodge Theory for Fibred Cusp Manifolds

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    For a particular class of pseudo manifolds, we show that the intersection cohomology groups for any perversity may be naturally represented by extended weighted L2L^2 harmonic forms for a complete metric on the regular stratum with respect to some weight determined by the perversity. Extended weighted L2L^2 harmonic forms are harmonic forms that are almost in the given weighted L2L^2 space for the metric in question, but not quite. This result is akin to the representation of absolute and relative cohomology groups for a manifold with boundary by extended harmonic forms on the associated manifold with cylindrical ends. As in that setting, in the unweighted L2L^2 case, the boundary values of the extended harmonic forms define a Lagrangian splitting of the boundary space in the long exact sequence relating upper and lower middle perversity intersection cohomology groups.Comment: 26 page

    Stimulated Raman scattering of water maser lines in astrophysical plasmas

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    Radiative transfer equations are derived and solved for the stimulated Raman scattering of water maser lines in the astrophysical plasmas with electron density of about 10^6 - 10^7 cm-3. In stimulated Raman scattering, the energy of water maser line is transferred to the side band modes: Stokes mode and anti-Stokes mode. The Stokes mode is easily produced by backward Raman scattering while the anti-Stokes mode is created by the interacting intersecting masers in the plasma. The intensity of the Stokes mode is higher than that of the anti-Stokes mode. These side band modes are proposed as explanation for the extreme velocity features observed in the galaxy NGC 4258. The threshold value of the brightness temperature for the Raman scattering is about 10^16 - 10^19 K, and it is satisfied in the case of NGC 4258.Comment: 12 pages, 4 Postscript figures. Accepted for Physics of Plasma

    Self-Generated Magnetic Fields in Galactic Cooling Flows

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    Interstellar magnetic fields in elliptical galaxies are assumed to have their origin in stellar fields that accompany normal mass loss from an evolving population of old stars. The seed fields are amplified by interstellar turbulence driven by stellar mass loss and supernova events. These disordered fields are further amplified by time-dependent compression in the inward moving galactic cooling flow and are expected to dominate near the galactic core. Under favorable circumstances, fields similar in strength to those observed B∼1−10 (r/10 kpc)−1.2μB \sim 1-10~(r/10~kpc)^{-1.2}\muG can be generated solely from these natural galactic processes. In general the interstellar field throughout elliptical galaxies is determined by the outermost regions in the interstellar gas where the turbulent dynamo process can occur. Because of the long hydrodynamic flow times in galactic cooling flows, currently observed magnetic fields may result from periods of intense turbulent field amplification that occurred in the outer galaxy in the distant past. Particularly strong fields in ellipticals may result from ancient galactic mergers or shear turbulence introduced at the boundary between the interstellar gas and ambient cluster gas.Comment: 21 pages in AASTEX LaTeX with 2 figures; accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Biermann Mechanism in Primordial Supernova Remnant and Seed Magnetic Fields

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    We study generation of magnetic fields by the Biermann mechanism in the pair-instability supernovae explosions of first stars. The Biermann mechanism produces magnetic fields in the shocked region between the bubble and interstellar medium (ISM), even if magnetic fields are absent initially. We perform a series of two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations with the Biermann term and estimate the amplitude and total energy of the produced magnetic fields. We find that magnetic fields with amplitude 10−14−10−1710^{-14}-10^{-17} G are generated inside the bubble, though the amount of magnetic fields generated depend on specific values of initial conditions. This corresponds to magnetic fields of 1028−103110^{28}-10^{31} erg per each supernova remnant, which is strong enough to be the seed magnetic field for galactic and/or interstellar dynamo.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Fredholm conditions for invariant operators: finite abelian groups and boundary value problems

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    We answer the question of when an invariant pseudodifferential operator is Fredholm on a fixed, given isotypical component. More precisely, let Γ\Gamma be a compact group acting on a smooth, compact, manifold MM without boundary and let P∈ψm(M;E0,E1)P \in \psi^m(M; E_0, E_1) be a Γ\Gamma-invariant, classical, pseudodifferential operator acting between sections of two Γ\Gamma-equivariant vector bundles E0E_0 and E1E_1. Let α\alpha be an irreducible representation of the group Γ\Gamma. Then PP induces by restriction a map πα(P):Hs(M;E0)α→Hs−m(M;E1)α\pi_\alpha(P) : H^s(M; E_0)_\alpha \to H^{s-m}(M; E_1)_\alpha between the α\alpha-isotypical components of the corresponding Sobolev spaces of sections. We study in this paper conditions on the map πα(P)\pi_\alpha(P) to be Fredholm. It turns out that the discrete and non-discrete cases are quite different. Additionally, the discrete abelian case, which provides some of the most interesting applications, presents some special features and is much easier than the general case. We thus concentrate in this paper on the case when Γ\Gamma is finite abelian. We prove then that the restriction πα(P)\pi_\alpha(P) is Fredholm if, and only if, PP is "α\alpha-elliptic", a condition defined in terms of the principal symbol of PP. If PP is elliptic, then PP is also α\alpha-elliptic, but the converse is not true in general. However, if Γ\Gamma acts freely on a dense open subset of MM, then PP is α\alpha-elliptic for the given fixed α\alpha if, and only if, it is elliptic. The proofs are based on the study of the structure of the algebra ψm(M;E)Γ\psi^{m}(M; E)^\Gamma of classical, Γ\Gamma-invariant pseudodifferential operators acting on sections of the vector bundle E→ME \to M and of the structure of its restrictions to the isotypical components of Γ\Gamma. These structures are described in terms of the isotropy groups of the action of the group Γ\Gamma on E→ME \to M

    Relativistic Kinetic Reconnection as the Possible Source Mechanism for High Variability and Flat Spectra in Extragalactic Radio Sources

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    We present the first synchrotron power spectra of a self-consistent kinetic reconnection scenario in the highly relativistic regime of a pair plasma. A fully electromagnetic relativistic particle-in-cell code is used to study the late-time evolution of kinetic magnetic reconnection at high resolution with a total ensemble of more than 108 particles. We show (1) the importance of the extremely dynamic late-time evolution of the reconnection region for the generation of nonthermal particles, (2) the efficient synchrotron emission by the accelerated fraction of particles, and (3) the application of the simulation results to pair-dominated active galactic nucleus core regions—the presumable origin of light jets. We conclude that collisionless kinetic reconnection in the relativistic regime is capable of explaining the enormous power output of P ~ 1047 ergs s-1 in certain luminous intraday variable quasars and the extremely hard observed radio spectra of flat-spectrum radio quasars
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