1,789 research outputs found

    Product Measure Steady States of Generalized Zero Range Processes

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    We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of factorizable steady states of the Generalized Zero Range Process. This process allows transitions from a site ii to a site i+qi+q involving multiple particles with rates depending on the content of the site ii, the direction qq of movement, and the number of particles moving. We also show the sufficiency of a similar condition for the continuous time Mass Transport Process, where the mass at each site and the amount transferred in each transition are continuous variables; we conjecture that this is also a necessary condition.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX with IOP style files. v2 has minor corrections; v3 has been rewritten for greater clarit

    Lyapunov exponent for products of random Ising transfer matrices: the balanced disorder case

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    We analyze the top Lyapunov exponent of the product of sequences of two by two matrices that appears in the analysis of several statistical mechanics models with disorder: for example these matrices are the transfer matrices for the nearest neighbor Ising chain with random external field, and the free energy density of this Ising chain is the Lyapunov exponent we consider. We obtain the sharp behavior of this exponent in the large interaction limit when the external field is centered: this balanced case turns out to be critical in many respects. From a mathematical standpoint we precisely identify the behavior of the top Lyapunov exponent of a product of two dimensional random matrices close to a diagonal random matrix for which top and bottom Lyapunov exponents coincide. In particular, the Lyapunov exponent is only log-Hölder continuous

    Factorised steady states for multi-species mass transfer models

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    A general class of mass transport models with Q species of conserved mass is considered. The models are defined on a lattice with parallel discrete time update rules. For one-dimensional, totally asymmetric dynamics we derive necessary and sufficient conditions on the mass transfer dynamics under which the steady state factorises. We generalise the model to mass transfer on arbitrary lattices and present sufficient conditions for factorisation. In both cases, explicit results for random sequential update and continuous time limits are given.Comment: 11 page

    Factorised Steady States in Mass Transport Models on an Arbitrary Graph

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    We study a general mass transport model on an arbitrary graph consisting of LL nodes each carrying a continuous mass. The graph also has a set of directed links between pairs of nodes through which a stochastic portion of mass, chosen from a site-dependent distribution, is transported between the nodes at each time step. The dynamics conserves the total mass and the system eventually reaches a steady state. This general model includes as special cases various previously studied models such as the Zero-range process and the Asymmetric random average process. We derive a general condition on the stochastic mass transport rules, valid for arbitrary graph and for both parallel and random sequential dynamics, that is sufficient to guarantee that the steady state is factorisable. We demonstrate how this condition can be achieved in several examples. We show that our generalized result contains as a special case the recent results derived by Greenblatt and Lebowitz for dd-dimensional hypercubic lattices with random sequential dynamics.Comment: 17 pages 1 figur

    The scaling limit of the energy correlations in non integrable Ising models

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    We obtain an explicit expression for the multipoint energy correlations of a non solvable two-dimensional Ising models with nearest neighbor ferromagnetic interactions plus a weak finite range interaction of strength λ\lambda, in a scaling limit in which we send the lattice spacing to zero and the temperature to the critical one. Our analysis is based on an exact mapping of the model into an interacting lattice fermionic theory, which generalizes the one originally used by Schultz, Mattis and Lieb for the nearest neighbor Ising model. The interacting model is then analyzed by a multiscale method first proposed by Pinson and Spencer. If the lattice spacing is finite, then the correlations cannot be computed in closed form: rather, they are expressed in terms of infinite, convergent, power series in λ\lambda. In the scaling limit, these infinite expansions radically simplify and reduce to the limiting energy correlations of the integrable Ising model, up to a finite renormalization of the parameters. Explicit bounds on the speed of convergence to the scaling limit are derived.Comment: 75 pages, 11 figure

    Ageing memory and glassiness of a driven vortex system

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    Many systems in nature, glasses, interfaces and fractures being some examples, cannot equilibrate with their environment, which gives rise to novel and surprising behaviour such as memory effects, ageing and nonlinear dynamics. Unlike their equilibrated counterparts, the dynamics of out-of- equilibrium systems is generally too complex to be captured by simple macroscopic laws. Here we investigate a system that straddles the boundary between glass and crystal: a Bragg glass formed by vortices in a superconductor. We find that the response to an applied force evolves according to a stretched exponential, with the exponent reflecting the deviation from equilibrium. After the force is removed, the system ages with time and its subsequent response time scales linearly with its age (simple ageing), meaning that older systems are slower than younger ones. We show that simple ageing can occur naturally in the presence of sufficient quenched disorder. Moreover, the hierarchical distribution of timescales, arising when chunks of loose vortices cannot move before trapped ones become dislodged, leads to a stretched-exponential response.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Edge and Bulk Transport in the Mixed State of a Type-II Superconductor

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    By comparing the voltage-current (V-I) curves obtained before and after cutting a sample of 2H-NbSe2, we separate the bulk and edge contributions to the transport current at various dissipation levels and derive their respective V- I curves and critical currents. We find that the edge contribution is thermally activated across a current dependent surface barrier. By contrast the bulk V-I curves are linear, as expected from the free flux flow model. The relative importance of bulk and edge contributions is found to depend on dissipation level and sample dimensions. We further show that the peak effect is a sharp bulk phenomenon and that it is broadened by the edge contribution

    Generalized Spectral Signatures of Electron Fractionalization in Quasi-One and -Two Dimensional Molybdenum Bronzes and Superconducting Cuprates

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    We establish the quasi-one-dimensional Li purple bronze as a photoemission paradigm of Luttinger liquid behavior. We also show that generalized signatures of electron fractionalization are present in the angle resolved photoemission spectra for quasi-two-dimensional purple bronzes and certain cuprates. An important component of our analysis for the quasi-two-dimensional systems is the proposal of a ``melted holon'' scenario for the k-independent background that accompanies but does not interact with the peaks that disperse to define the Fermi surface.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure
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