28,287 research outputs found

    Comet Halley returns: A teachers' guide 1985-1986

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    This booklet has been put together as an aid for teachers in elementary and secondary schools. It is divided into two distinct parts. The first part is a brief tutorial which introduces some of the most important concepts about comets, including their historical significance. A list of selected readings is provided at the end of the booklet. The second part of the booklet contains a number of suggested activities, built around the comet. These include both classroom exercises and carefully described field work to observe the comet. Guidance is provided on where to look for the comet, how to observe it, and to photograph it

    Transformation of scientists and engineers into managers

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    The purposes of this research were to determine the principal problems and obstacles faced by specialists during the transition period when they are becoming managers, and to discover ways by which their difficulties might be avoided or overcome. It was found that senior management officials are unaware--or tend to ignore the importance--of the transition process and its problems, that little attention has been given to developing management training to overcome transition problems, and that much of the training which is offered is largely irrelevant to these problems

    Experimental performance of an ablative material as an external insulator for a hypersonic research aircraft

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    An ablative material composed of silica-filled elastomeric silicone was tested to evaluate its thermal and structural performance as an external insulator, or heat shield, for a hypersonic research aircraft. The material was also tested to determine whether it would form a durable char layer when initially heated and thereafter function primarily as an insulator with little further pyrolysis or char removal. Aerothermal tests were representative of nominal Mach 6 cruise conditions of the aircraft, and additional tests were representative of Mach 8 cruise and interference heating conditions. Radiant heating tests were used to simulate the complete nominal Mach 6 surface-temperature history. The silica char that formed during aerothermal tests was not durable. The char experienced a general and preferential surface recession, with the primary mechanism for char removal being erosion. Tests revealed that radiant heating is not a valid technique for simulating aerodynamic heating of the material

    Facilitating Humanitarian Access to Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Innovation

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    Calls for intellectual property licensing strategies in the pharmaceutical and agricultural sectors that promote humanitarian access to product innovations for the benefit of the disadvantaged. Includes profiles of successful and promising strategies

    Asymptotic analysis of a system of algebraic equations arising in dislocation theory

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    The system of algebraic equations given by\ud \ud j=0,jinsgn(xixj)/xixja=1,i=1,2,n,x0=0,\sum_{j=0, j \neq i}^n sgn(x_i - x_j) / |x_i - x_j|^a = 1, i = 1, 2, \ldots n, x_0 = 0,\ud \ud appears in dislocation theory in models of dislocation pile-ups. Specifically, the case a = 1 corresponds to the simple situation where n dislocations are piled up against a locked dislocation, while the case a = 3 corresponds to n dislocation dipoles piled up against a locked dipole.\ud \ud We present a general analysis of systems of this type for a > 0 and n large. In the asymptotic limit n -> ∞, it becomes possible to replace the system of discrete equations with a continuum equation for the particle density. For 0 < a < 2, this takes the form of a singular integral equation, while for a > 2 it is a first-order differential equation. The critical case a = 2 requires special treatment but, up to corrections of logarithmic order, it also leads to a differential equation.\ud \ud The continuum approximation is only valid for i not too small nor too close to n. The boundary layers at either end of the pile-up are also analyzed, which requires matching between discrete and continuum approximations to the main problem

    Flexible high-voltage supply for experimental electron microscope

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    Scanning microscope uses a field-emission tip for the electron source, an electron gun that simultaneously accelerates and focuses electrons from the source, and one auxiliary lens to produce a final probe size at the specimen on the order of angstroms

    Population polygons of tektite specific gravity for various localities in australasia

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    Comparison of specific gravity of tektites from australia, asia, texas, and czechoslovaki