52 research outputs found

    Oil Production and Carbon Emissions: Spline Analysis of Relationships

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    Obviously, the dynamics of carbon dioxide emissions depends on the volume and structure of consumption of primary energy resources in the economy. The world’s energy consumption shows a growth trend temporarily interrupted during times of economic crisis. The most noticeable decrease in energy consumption in modern history occurred in 2020, which was due to a decline in business activity in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This caused a decrease in carbon emissions (by more than 6% compared to 2019). In the structure of primary energy sources, the largest reduction was in oil consumption. The paper examines the impact of economic crises on the evolution of the mutual link between the dynamics of oil production and carbon dioxide emissions in the world. To detect correlations in local time regions, it is proposed to interpolate process dynamics with cubic splines. Using this toolkit avoids the limitations of classical econometrics on the length of time series. The differentiability of the built spline models allowed us to move on to identifying and analyzing latent correlations in fluctuations in the instantaneous growth rate of oil production volumes and carbon emissions

    Giant Pulses -- the Main Component of the Radio Emission of the Crab Pulsar

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    The paper presents an analysis of dual-polarization observations of the Crab pulsar obtained on the 64-m Kalyazin radio telescope at 600 MHz with a time resolution of 250 ns. A lower limit for the intensities of giant pulses is estimated by assuming that the pulsar radio emission in the main pulse and interpulse consists entirely of giant radio pulses; this yields estimates of 100 Jy and 35 Jy for the peak flux densities of giant pulses arising in the main pulse and interpulse, respectively. This assumes that the normal radio emission of the pulse occurs in the precursor pulse. In this case, the longitudes of the giant radio pulses relative to the profile of the normal radio emission turn out to be the same for the Crab pulsar and the millisecond pulsar B1937+21, namely, the giant pulses arise at the trailing edge of the profile of the normal radio emission. Analysis of the distribution of the degree of circular polarization for the giant pulses suggests that they can consist of a random mixture of nanopulses with 100% circular polarization of either sign, with, on average, hundreds of such nanopulses within a single giant pulse.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures (originally published in Russian in Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 2006, vol. 83, No. 1, pp. 62-69) translated by Denise Gabuzd

    Shapiro Effect as a Possible Cause of the Low-Frequency Pulsar Timing Noise in Globular Clusters

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    A prolonged timing of millisecond pulsars has revealed low-frequency uncorrelated noise, presumably of astrophysical origin, in the pulse arrival time (PAT) residuals for some of them. In most cases, pulsars in globular clusters show a low-frequency modulation of their rotational phase and spin rate. The relativistic time delay of the pulsar signal in the curved space time of randomly distributed and moving globular cluster stars (the Shapiro effect) is suggested as a possible cause of this modulation. Given the smallness of the aberration corrections that arise from the nonstationarity of the gravitational field of the randomly distributed ensemble of stars under consideration, a formula is derived for the Shapiro effect for a pulsar in a globular cluster. The derived formula is used to calculate the autocorrelation function of the low-frequency pulsar noise, the slope of its power spectrum, and the behavior of the σz\sigma_z statistic that characterizes the spectral properties of this noise in the form of a time function. The Shapiro effect under discussion is shown to manifest itself for large impact parameters as a low-frequency noise of the pulsar spin rate with a spectral index of n=-1.8 that depends weakly on the specific model distribution of stars in the globular cluster. For small impact parameters, the spectral index of the noise is n=-1.5.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    First direct detection constraints on Planck-scale mass dark matter with multiple-scatter signatures using the DEAP-3600 detector

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    Dark matter with Planck-scale mass (similar or equal to 10(19) GeV/c(2)) arises in well-motivated theories and could be produced by several cosmological mechanisms. A search for multiscatter signals from supermassive dark matter was performed with a blind analysis of data collected over a 813 d live time with DEAP-3600, a 3.3 t single-phase liquid argon-based detector at SNOLAB. No candidate signals were observed, leading to the first direct detection constraints on Planck-scale mass dark matter. Leading limits constrain dark matter masses between 8.3 x 10(6) and 1.2 x 10(19) GeV/c(2), and Ar-10-scattering cross sections between 1.0 x 10(-23) and 2.4 x 10(-18) cm(2). These results are interpreted as constraints on composite dark matter models with two different nucleon-to-nuclear cross section scalings

    Pulse-shape discrimination against low-energy Ar-39 beta decays in liquid argon with 4.5 tonne-years of DEAP-3600 data

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    The DEAP-3600 detector searches for the scintillation signal from dark matter particles scattering on a 3.3 tonne liquid argon target. The largest background comes from 39Ar beta decays and is suppressed using pulse-shape discrimination (PSD). We use two types of PSD estimator: the prompt-fraction, which considers the fraction of the scintillation signal in a narrow and a wide time window around the event peak, and the log-likelihood-ratio, which compares the observed photon arrival times to a signal and a background model. We furthermore use two algorithms to determine the number of photons detected at a given time: (1) simply dividing the charge of each PMT pulse by the mean single-photoelectron charge, and (2) a likelihood analysis that considers the probability to detect a certain number of photons at a given time, based on a model for the scintillation pulse shape and for afterpulsing in the light detectors. The prompt-fraction performs approximately as well as the log-likelihood-ratio PSD algorithm if the photon detection times are not biased by detector effects. We explain this result using a model for the information carried by scintillation photons as a function of the time when they are detected

    SiPM-matrix readout of two-phase argon detectors using electroluminescence in the visible and near infrared range

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    Proportional electroluminescence (EL) in noble gases is used in two-phase detectors for dark matter searches to record (in the gas phase) the ionization signal induced by particle scattering in the liquid phase. The “standard” EL mechanism is considered to be due to noble gas excimer emission in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV). In addition, there are two alternative mechanisms, producing light in the visible and near infrared (NIR) ranges. The first is due to bremsstrahlung of electrons scattered on neutral atoms (“neutral bremsstrahlung”, NBrS). The second, responsible for electron avalanche scintillation in the NIR at higher electric fields, is due to transitions between excited atomic states. In this work, we have for the first time demonstrated two alternative techniques of the optical readout of two-phase argon detectors, in the visible and NIR range, using a silicon photomultiplier matrix and electroluminescence due to either neutral bremsstrahlung or avalanche scintillation. The amplitude yield and position resolution were measured for these readout techniques, which allowed to assess the detection threshold for electron and nuclear recoils in two-phase argon detectors for dark matter searches. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first practical application of the NBrS effect in detection science

    Design and construction of a new detector to measure ultra-low radioactive-isotope contamination of argon

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    Large liquid argon detectors offer one of the best avenues for the detection of galactic weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) via their scattering on atomic nuclei. The liquid argon target allows exquisite discrimination between nuclear and electron recoil signals via pulse-shape discrimination of the scintillation signals. Atmospheric argon (AAr), however, has a naturally occurring radioactive isotope, 39Ar, a β emitter of cosmogenic origin. For large detectors, the atmospheric 39Ar activity poses pile-up concerns. The use of argon extracted from underground wells, deprived of 39Ar, is key to the physics potential of these experiments. The DarkSide-20k dark matter search experiment will operate a dual-phase time projection chamber with 50 tonnes of radio-pure underground argon (UAr), that was shown to be depleted of 39Ar with respect to AAr by a factor larger than 1400. Assessing the 39Ar content of the UAr during extraction is crucial for the success of DarkSide-20k, as well as for future experiments of the Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration (GADMC). This will be carried out by the DArT in ArDM experiment, a small chamber made with extremely radio-pure materials that will be placed at the centre of the ArDM detector, in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) in Spain. The ArDM LAr volume acts as an active veto for background radioactivity, mostly γ-rays from the ArDM detector materials and the surrounding rock. This article describes the DArT in ArDM project, including the chamber design and construction, and reviews the background required to achieve the expected performance of the detector