18,746 research outputs found

    Zener diode function generator requires no external reference voltage

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    Function generator utilizing parallel impedance networks with zener diodes produces functions which are discontinuous in slope. The function generated appears at the output of the parallel network in the form of a voltage varying in time

    Disposal of radioactive iodine in space

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    The possibility of space disposal of iodine waste from nuclear power reactors is investigated. The space transportation system utilized relies upon the space shuttle, a liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen orbit transfer vehicle, and a solid propellant final stage. The iodine is assumed to be in the form of either an iodide or an iodate, and calculations assume that the final destination is either solar orbit or solar system escape. It is concluded that space disposal of iodine is feasible

    Ascent from the lunar surface

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    Ascent from lunar surface problem with solution by variational calculu

    Finite momentum condensation in a pumped microcavity

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    We calculate the absorption spectra of a semiconductor microcavity into which a non-equilibrium exciton population has been pumped. We predict strong peaks in the spectrum corresponding to collective modes analogous to the Cooper modes in superconductors and fermionic atomic gases. These modes can become unstable, leading to the formation of off-equilibrium quantum condensates. We calculate a phase diagram for condensation, and show that the dominant instabilities can be at a finite momentum. Thus we predict the formation of inhomogeneous condensates, similar to Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, updated to accepted versio

    Cogeneration Technology Alternatives Study (CTAS). Volume 1: Summary

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    Various advanced energy conversion systems that can use coal or coal-derived fuels for industrial cogeneration applications were compared to provide information needed by DOE to establish research and development funding priorities for advanced-technology systems that could significantly advance the use of coal or coal-derived fuels in industrial cogeneration. Steam turbines, diesel engines, open-cycle gas turbines, combined cycles, closed-cycle gas turbines, Stirling engines, phosphoric acid fuel cells, molten carbonate fuel cells, and thermionics were studied with technology advancements appropriate for the 1985-2000 time period. The various advanced systems were compared and evaluated for wide diversity of representative industrial plants on the basis of fuel energy savings, annual energy cost savings, emissions savings, and rate of return on investment as compared with purchasing electricity from a utility and providing process heat with an on-site boiler. Also included in the comparisons and evaluations are results extrapolated to the national level

    Reflectance spectra of Fe(2+)-Mg(2+) disordered pyroxenes: Implications to remote-sensed spectra of planetary surfaces

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    The reflectance spectra of Fe(2+)-Mg(2+) disordered orthopyroxenes are relevant to surfaces of terrestrial planets onto which basaltic magma has been extruded. If cooling rates of basalt lava flows were fast, equilibrium iron intersite partitioning may not have been achieved so that abnormal enrichments of Fe(2+) ions in M1 sites would occur. The two intense pyroxene Fe(2+) site CF bands in the 1 micron and 2 micron regions would continue to dominate the the reflectance spectra so that the pyroxene composition and structure type would be readily identified in telescopic spectral profiles. However, abnormal intensification of the Fe(2+)/M1 site CF band at 1.20 microns could lead to the false identification of olivine in remote sensed spectra because in pyroxene-olivine mixtures the inflection around 1.20 microns is the only spectral feature for detecting the presence of olivine. The identification of iron-bearing plagioclase feldspars, too, would be obscured by the pyroxene Fe(2+)/M1 site CF band at 1.20 microns. Such interference would be a major problem if in situ reflectance spectra could be measured on the surface of Venus where ambient temperatures are as high as 475 C. Disordering of Fe(2+) and Mg(2+) ions comparable to that in the orthopyroxenes used in this spectral chemical study might be expected in low Ca pyroxenes occurring on the Venusian surface. Researchers conclude that Fe(2+)/M1 site spectral features need to be carefully assessed in remote-sensed spectra before deductions are made about the presence of olivine on planetary surfaces

    Oxidation of dissolved iron under warmer, wetter conditions on Mars: Transitions to present-day arid environments

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    The copious deposits of ferric-iron assemblages littering the surface of bright regions of Mars indicate that efficient oxidative weathering reactions have taken place during the evolution of the planet. Because the kinetics of atmosphere-surface (gas-solid) reactions are considerably slower than chemical weathering reactions involving an aqueous medium, most of the oxidation products now present in the martian regolith probably formed when groundwater flowed near the surface. This paper examines how chemical weathering reactions were effected by climatic variations when warm, wet environments became arid on Mars. Analogies are drawn with hydrogeochemical and weathering environments on the Australian continent where present-day oxidation of iron is occurring in acidic ground water under arid conditions

    Deposition rates of oxidized iron on Mars

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    The reddened oxidized surface of Mars is indicative of temporal interactions between the Martian atmosphere and its surface. During the evolution of the Martian regolith, primary ferromagnesian silicate and sulfide minerals in basaltic rocks apparently have been oxidized to secondary ferric-bearing assemblages. To evaluate how and when such oxidized deposits were formed on Mars, information about the mechanisms and rates of chemical weathering of Fe(2+)-bearing minerals has been determined. In this paper, mechanisms and rates of deposition of ferric oxide phases on the Martian surface are discussed