353 research outputs found

    Study of the isotropic contribution to the analysis of photoelectron diffraction experiments at the ALOISA beamline

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    The angular distribution of the intensity in photoemission experiments is affected by electron diffraction patterns and by a smoothly varying ISO contribution originated by both intrumental details and physical properties of the samples. The origin of the various contributions to the ISO component has been identified since many years. Nonetheless in this work we present original developement of the ED analysis, which arises from the evolution of instrumental performance, in terms of analyzers positioning and angular resolution, as well as collimation and size of X-ray beams in third generation synchrotron sources. The analytical treatement of the instrumental factors is presented in detail for the end station of the ALOISA beamline (Trieste Synchrotron), where a wide variety of scattering geometries is available for ED experiments. We present here the basic formulae and their application to experimental data taken on the Fe/Cu3Au(001) system in order to highlight the role of the various parameters included in the distribution function. A specific model for the surface illumination has been developed as well as the overlayer thickness and surface roughness have been considered.Comment: RevTex, nine pages with five eps figures; to be published in J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Pheno

    Quantum size effects in the low temperature layer-by-layer growth of Pb on Ge(001)

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    The electronic properties of thin metallic films deviate from the corresponding bulk ones when the film thickness is comparable with the wavelength of the electrons at the Fermi level due to quantum size effects (QSE). QSE are expected to affect the film morphology and structure leading to the low temperature (LT) ``electronic growth'' of metals on semiconductors. In particular, layer-by-layer growth of Pb(111) films has been reported for deposition on Ge(001) below 130 K. An extremely flat morphology is preserved throughout deposition from four up to a dozen of monolayers. These flat films are shown to be metastable and to reorganize into large clusters uncovering the first Pb layer, pseudomorphic to the substrate, already at room temperature. Indications of QSE induced structural variations of the growing films have been reported for Pb growth on Ge(001), where the apparent height of the Pb(111) monatomic step was shown to change in an oscillatory fashion by He atom scattering (HAS) during layer-by-layer growth. The extent of the structural QSE has been obtained by a comparison of the HAS data with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and reflectivity experiments. Whereas step height variations as large as 20 % have been measured by HAS reflectivity, the displacement of the atomic planes from their bulk position, as measured by XRD, has been found to mainly affect the topmost Pb layer, but with a lower extent, i.e. the QSE observed by HAS are mainly due to a perpendicular displacement of the topmost layer charge density. The effect of the variable surface relaxation on the surface vibration has been studied by inelastic HAS to measure the acoustic dispersion of the low energy phonons.Comment: 28 pages (laTex,elsart) and 13 figures (eps); updated reference

    Toward the next generation of research into small area effects on health : a synthesis of multilevel investigations published since July 1998.

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    To map out area effects on health research, this study had the following aims: (1) to inventory multilevel investigations of area effects on self rated health, cardiovascular diseases and risk factors, and mortality among adults; (2) to describe and critically discuss methodological approaches employed and results observed; and (3) to formulate selected recommendations for advancing the study of area effects on health. Overall, 86 studies were inventoried. Although several innovative methodological approaches and analytical designs were found, small areas are most often operationalised using administrative and statistical spatial units. Most studies used indicators of area socioeconomic status derived from censuses, and few provided information on the validity and reliability of measures of exposures. A consistent finding was that a significant portion of the variation in health is associated with area context independently of individual characteristics. Area effects on health, although significant in most studies, often depend on the health outcome studied, the measure of area exposure used, and the spatial scale at which associations are examined

    Climbing favours the tripod gait over alternative faster insect gaits.

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    To escape danger or catch prey, running vertebrates rely on dynamic gaits with minimal ground contact. By contrast, most insects use a tripod gait that maintains at least three legs on the ground at any given time. One prevailing hypothesis for this difference in fast locomotor strategies is that tripod locomotion allows insects to rapidly navigate three-dimensional terrain. To test this, we computationally discovered fast locomotor gaits for a model based on Drosophila melanogaster. Indeed, the tripod gait emerges to the exclusion of many other possible gaits when optimizing fast upward climbing with leg adhesion. By contrast, novel two-legged bipod gaits are fastest on flat terrain without adhesion in the model and in a hexapod robot. Intriguingly, when adhesive leg structures in real Drosophila are covered, animals exhibit atypical bipod-like leg coordination. We propose that the requirement to climb vertical terrain may drive the prevalence of the tripod gait over faster alternative gaits with minimal ground contact

    Determination of the (3x3)-Sn/Ge(111) structure by photoelectron diffraction

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    At a coverage of about 1/3 monolayer, Sn deposited on Ge(111) below 550 forms a metastable (sqrt3 x sqrt3)R30 phase. This phase continuously and reversibly transforms into a (3x3) one, upon cooling below 200 K. The photoemission spectra of the Sn 4d electrons from the (3x3)-Sn/Ge(111) surface present two components which are attributed to inequivalent Sn atoms in T4 bonding sites. This structure has been explored by photoelectron diffraction experiments performed at the ALOISA beamline of the Elettra storage ring in Trieste (Italy). The modulation of the intensities of the two Sn components, caused by the backscattering of the underneath Ge atoms, has been measured as a function of the emission angle at fixed kinetic energies and viceversa. The bond angle between Sn and its nearest neighbour atoms in the first Ge layer (Sn-Ge1) has been measured by taking polar scans along the main symmetry directions and it was found almost equivalent for the two components. The corresponding bond lengths are also quite similar, as obtained by studying the dependence on the photoelectron kinetic energy, while keeping the photon polarization and the collection direction parallel to the Sn-Ge1 bond orientation (bond emission). A clear difference between the two bonding sites is observed when studying the energy dependence at normal emission, where the sensitivity to the Sn height above the Ge atom in the second layer is enhanced. This vertical distance is found to be 0.3 Angstroms larger for one Sn atom out of the three contained in the lattice unit cell. The (3x3)-Sn/Ge(111) is thus characterized by a structure where the Sn atom and its three nearest neighbour Ge atoms form a rather rigid unit that presents a strong vertical distortion with respect to the underneath atom of the second Ge layer.Comment: 10 pages with 9 figures, added reference

    Evolving Symbolic Controllers

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    International audienceThe idea of symbolic controllers tries to bridge the gap between the top-down manual design of the controller architecture, as advocated in Brooks' subsumption architecture, and the bottom-up designer-free approach that is now standard within the Evolutionary Robotics community. The designer provides a set of elementary behavior, and evolution is given the goal of assembling them to solve complex tasks. Two experiments are presented, demonstrating the efficiency and showing the recursiveness of this approach. In particular, the sensitivity with respect to the proposed elementary behaviors, and the robustness w.r.t. generalization of the resulting controllers are studied in detail

    Picosecond timescale tracking of pentacene triplet excitons with chemical sensitivity

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    Singlet fission is a photophysical process in which an optically excited singlet exciton is converted into two triplet excitons. Singlet fission sensitized solar cells are expected to display a greatly enhanced power conversion efficiency compared to conventional singlejunction cells, but the efficient design of such devices relies on the selection of materials capable of harvesting triplets generated in the fission chromophore. To this aim, the possibility of measuring triplet exciton ynamics with chemical selectivity paves the way for the rational design of complex heterojunctions, with optimized triplet conversion. Here we exploit the chemical sensitivity of X-ray absorption spectroscopy to track triplet exciton dynamics at the picosecond timescale in multilayer films of pentacene, the archetypal singlet fission material. We experimentally identify the signature of the triplet exciton in the Carbon K-edge absorption spectrum and measure its lifetime of about 300 ps. Our results are supported by state-of-the-art ab initio calculations

    From bi-layer to tri-layer Fe nanoislands on Cu3Au(001)

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    Self assembly on suitably chosen substrates is a well exploited root to control the structure and morphology, hence magnetization, of metal films. In particular, the Cu3Au(001) surface has been recently singled out as a good template to grow high spin Fe phases, due to the close matching between the Cu3Au lattice constant (3.75 Angstrom) and the equilibrium lattice constant for fcc ferromagnetic Fe (3.65 Angstrom). Growth proceeds almost layer by layer at room temperature, with a small amount of Au segregation in the early stage of deposition. Islands of 1-2 nm lateral size and double layer height are formed when 1 monolayer of Fe is deposited on Cu3Au(001) at low temperature. We used the PhotoElectron Diffraction technique to investigate the atomic structure and chemical composition of these nanoislands just after the deposition at 140 K and after annealing at 400 K. We show that only bi-layer islands are formed at low temperature, without any surface segregation. After annealing, the Fe atoms are re-aggregated to form mainly tri-layer islands. Surface segregation is shown to be inhibited also after the annealing process. The implications for the film magnetic properties and the growth model are discussed.Comment: Revtex, 5 pages with 4 eps figure

    Surfactant-like Effect and Dissolution of Ultrathin Fe Films on Ag(001)

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    The phase immiscibility and the excellent matching between Ag(001) and Fe(001) unit cells (mismatch 0.8 %) make Fe/Ag growth attractive in the field of low dimensionality magnetic systems. Intermixing could be drastically limited at deposition temperatures as low as 140-150 K. The film structural evolution induced by post-growth annealing presents many interesting aspects involving activated atomic exchange processes and affecting magnetic properties. Previous experiments, of He and low energy ion scattering on films deposited at 150 K, indicated the formation of a segregated Ag layer upon annealing at 550 K. Higher temperatures led to the embedding of Fe into the Ag matrix. In those experiments, information on sub-surface layers was attained by techniques mainly sensitive to the topmost layer. Here, systematic PED measurements, providing chemical selectivity and structural information for a depth of several layers, have been accompanied with a few XRD rod scans, yielding a better sensitivity to the buried interface and to the film long range order. The results of this paper allow a comparison with recent models enlightening the dissolution paths of an ultra thin metal film into a different metal, when both subsurface migration of the deposit and phase separation between substrate and deposit are favoured. The occurrence of a surfactant-like stage, in which a single layer of Ag covers the Fe film is demonstrated for films of 4-6 ML heated at 500-550 K. Evidence of a stage characterized by the formation of two Ag capping layers is also reported. As the annealing temperature was increased beyond 700 K, the surface layers closely resembled the structure of bare Ag(001) with the residual presence of subsurface Fe aggregates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure